C# - Bold Text If User Has Not Viewed Post?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a home page for logged in users which lists titles to various posts that have been submitted. The question I have, is how do I make the title for each post bold if the user has not viewed it?

I have come up with the idea of creating a new db table and storing the userid and postid when the user clicks the link, but haven't come up with a way to translate that into bold/unbold links on the homepage.

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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('button').click(function () {
var x = $('textarea').val();
$('#test1').append('<div id="test">' + x + '</div>');
return false;
<textarea style="border: 0" cols="77" rows="2">.......

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I have TextBox and two button in insert.aspx page



I want when I enter text in textbox and select Words from textbox and click on BtnBold it Bold selected word and when I click on BtnInsert it insert Textbox's Text in database with that format..I want do something Like Ckeditor

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Apr 24, 2014

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"Dear " + txtname.Text + "
" + "Thank you for your registration" + "

" + "Your Log in Id is " + txtemail.Text + "
" + "Your Password is " + txtpassword.Text +

I have to make txtemail.text bold when that is received through email by the user

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Web Forms :: .net Mailform To Mail AND Post To URL / XML / Text File OR WHAT EVER

Mar 8, 2011

Im fairley new to ".net / C#" as in I'm 1/2 through my 1st book on it. I have a small business that has a website that i created. I received some help in understanding aspx form mailers and they work good. However my site is hosted at Godaddy and it appears that we have had at least one customer fill out our contact form and hit send, and it never arrived. Without changing any code we have received numourous other mails.

Is there a way to add code to my form mailer so when they hit send, The email they send is also posted/saved/or created to a new web page/or file with the info. That way should this happend again I can go there see the post and at least get there contact info?

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Mail;
public partial class Contact : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void HTMLemailConf()
string serverPath = @Server.MapPath("/");.....................

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May 17, 2010

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Data Of Text Box Is Lost After Partial Post Back?

Mar 18, 2011

I have used update panel and in that update panel I have kept ASP Table control in which I am creating rows dynamically which in turn contains 1 dropdown lists and 3 text boxes. My problem is that after partial postback text boxes and dropdown list are found but text property of text boxes is showing empty and dropdown list's selected value is set to the first record in that box. I have also stored entire table in session and retrieve it in(!isPostBack) condition at page_load event.

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$.post("/Authenticated/DeletePage/" + PageId);
showStatus("Page deleted...", 10000);

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Clear Text Button - Doing Post Back And Trying To Validate Fields

Jul 2, 2010

I have a Contact page, with 4 textboxes and 4 field validators. I made a RESET button to clear the text when pressed. But for an example: if i type on 2 textboxes and then press the RESET button, it tries to validate all 4 textboxes.


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How To Send Text Message Using JavaScript To Avoid Post Back

May 25, 2010

This is what I have implemented, for further code, how to send the text of the text box to the server to store in variable or database without post back? It can be done by using Ajax and update plane, but I would like to implement it using a JavaScript script.

<div id="CommentID" style=" width:30%; height:30%">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server"
OnClientClick="visibleDiv('id1'); return false;" />
<div id="id1" runat="server" style="visibility: hidden; background-color:Green; width:100%; height:100%">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"
AutoCompleteType="Disabled" Rows="3"
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="98%">
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server"
onclick="Button2_Click" />
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server"
OnClientClick="visibleDiv('id1'); return false;" />

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Allow Single Page To Be Viewed Without Authorization?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a site, developed by an outside company, which requires logon for all pages.

We'd like to add a single page to the site that DOESN'T require the user to be logged in...so they can click the link on the logon page to view "T&C's" type info.

Is this possible?

(ASP.Net 4.0 on IIS)

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Jquery - Post Data From Text Fields Created Clientside Using Webforms?

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to send data from text fields created on the client side (via jquery). The problem is the data from those text boxes is not being post back ( I'm using asp.net webforms)

I have used fiddler to view the post back data and it isn't there for those generated text fields.

I'm surprised no one figured it out. I was switching from server to non server controls I forgot to give the non ones a name field..........

// Add answer field
$('#addAnswer').click(function ()
var html = '<p>' +
'<input id="answer' + count + '" type="text" maxlength="255" runat="server" />' +
'<a id="removeAnswer" class="removeIcon" href="#"><img class="removeIcon" src="/Content/images/minus.gif" /></a>' +
return false;

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Web Forms :: TextBox: OnTextChanging / User Is Clearing The Text, If The Length Of Text Becomes Zero?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a page with a text box, a button and a GridView. Enter an account number in the text box, press the check button and the result will show in the GridView.

Now user wants that if the text box is clear, the GridView disappear.

I can only find TextBox1_OnTextChanged. But I want to have that while the user is clearing the text, if the length of text becomes zero, the GridView is clear out. So I am looking for OnTextChanging(). Well of course this function does not exist. How to achieve the same purpose?

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C# - Determine How Many Unique Users Viewed A Webpage?

Jun 19, 2010

I am working on a component in C# to record how many unique viewers have viewed my website / page, making certain the same user revisiting, is not recorded twice. What is an efficient method to write such a component? Do you track cookies or session objects?

Would I record their ip address (which is not static) or computer name?

This information would be stored in a database (as far as I know)

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