C# - Combine Data From Multiple Sources - Display In ASP GridView

Feb 5, 2010

I am writing a currency converting module for one of our applications. I have a list of products, a list of currencies we are interested in seeing prices for, and a list of currency rates. I want the user to be able to select which currencies from the list they see in the GridView. I also want to be able to amend my list of currencies and include a new currency, without having to make additional changes to this module. So my GridView display has to be "dynamic". Essentially I am planning on ending up with a GridView that has the following columns:

Part No - Description - USD Price - AUD Price - GBP Price

The USD price would be static as it's our base currency, the AUD and GBP are user selected and could have potentially any number of currencies listed. I would normally use a DataSet and DataTables for this work, but I am sure there is a "better" way to do it using System.Collections.Generics. Right now I have all of the data I need in List collections, but there does not seem to be a way to define how these collections relate to each other, or combine these collections into one so it can be bound to a GridView. Should I be looking at something other than List to achieve this or do I need to go back to my original approach of a DataSet and DataTables.


I will explain a little bit more about what I have setup so far.

1) List of Products & Currencies - These come from an SQL DB via LINQ, so they can be any of the System.Collections.Generics objects, e.g. List, IEnumerable etc.

2) Currency Rates - These I am pulling from the European Bank public XML file. I download the file, strip the data I need out of it and currently store that as a List object.

I could store the currency rates in the database table as well, but then I have to have some sort of background process that goes and updates the rates each day. This way the rates only get updated when someone accesses the report function (which is only going to happen occasionally). So I would rather grab the latest rates "on demand". What I know I need to end up with is some object that has the following structure:

PartNo - Description - Base Price - Currency Price 1, Currency Price 2, Currency Price 3

Where the number of Currency Prices is undefined, as it's based on what currencies the user wants the report to display. It's the undefined part that I am struggling with, essentially how can I create a structured object, that I don't know the complete structure of until runtime?

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        | address

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and my return:


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Gridview code :

<div class="table-responsive">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ExistingBuilderGrid_UpdatePanel" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="ExistingBuilderGrid" CssClass="table" EnableViewState="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"


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dont merge the data cells , only merge header cells

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<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCookies" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save Cookie" OnClick="btnSave_Click" />
</div> <div >
<asp:Label ID="lblCookies" runat="server"></asp:Label>


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how to put three rows of one table data in gridview one coloumn

 how to add text1,text2,text3 rows data in upper as i write but the proper code

<asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width = "150px" DataField = "LT_SHOWNAMETEXT1" HeaderText = "SHOW NAME"/>
<asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width = "150px" DataField = "LT_TEXTTYPE" HeaderText = "TEXT TYPE"/>
<asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width = "150px" DataField = "text1,text2,tex3 " HeaderText = "TEXT"/>


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Feb 10, 2010

i want to get multiple row data from a data base table and display 1 record per specific group as shown below in a gridview. for example.

two columns with this data.

1 Good
1 Bad
1 Neutral
1 N/A
2 Excellent
2 Poor
3 Yes
3 No
3 Maybe

The data needs to display in the gridview as such.

1 Good Bad Neutral N/A
2 Excellent Poor
3 Yes No Maybe

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Data Fields In BoundField Of GridView

Jul 23, 2012

I have the above html for gridview instead of first name, middle name, last name

I need one single column name

<asp:GridView ID="gridview1" runat="server" Width="450px" DataKeyNames="id" OnRowCommand="OnRowCommand"
AllowSorting="True" Height="170px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True"

[Code] ....

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Data Controls :: Display Data Of Multiple Columns In Same Column GridView?

Jan 8, 2014

 have a GridView with two columns:   Part Number |  Part Details

When I search for the part number 12345, the gridview will display like this

PartNumber   |   PartDetails

12345           |   image1  (image1 will see as document picture)

If I search Part Number and doesn't get any data results in gridview the information will be:

PartNumber   |   PartDetails

 0                 |   image2  (image2  will see as red cross picture)

How to change the image2 in the same column cell 1 in the GridView when the data results are "0" ?

Here is my code:

runat ="server"


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Combine Two Columns In The GridView

Oct 6, 2010

If I have two two columns: Date1 and date2,I would like to display in GridView1 than one column.

Date1 = 10/06/2010
Date2 = 07.10.2010

GridView1 (date1 + date2) = 06.10.2010 - 07.10.2010

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C# - Combine Multiple DataViews Into A Single One?

Mar 3, 2010

I have 4 different select statements which i sequently assign to an sqlDataSource like this:

sqlNoutatiProduse.SelectCommand = select;

and i keep the results in different DataViews like

MySession.Current.dataViewNoutatiProduse1 = (System.Data.DataView)sqlNoutatiProduse.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

Is it possible to combine into a single DataView the results of these queries?

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