Model Binding Multiple Data Sources On One View Page?

Feb 23, 2011

I have one view page (MyView.aspx) and many data sources to bind on this page. Lets say it has Books, Publishers, Comments, etc. Each one of those has an object which provides a List, List, etc. In my view, what are my optiosn for multilple model biding? I want to check to see if each one is empty, and then enumerate it. But I can't check Model.Count() because wouldn't Model be made of all those objects if I set the page to inheriet from? What are my options? Should I load each content area in a control/partial view? Or can I just dump each object into ViewData and then check the count by casting in the view?

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MVC2 View Model For Multiple View Forms And Data

Aug 26, 2010

one thing that has been puzzling me since learning MVC2 is the following case scenario: I have a view which contains two latest news lists, a login form and a signup form. Every example I found on Views and View Models so far has a one-to-one example such as a simple login form etc. But how do I create a model that provides the properties and validation for a login and signup form and manages the data for the news lists. can I pass multiple models in the strongly typed view? When I created one model the form validation would fail as it expects all fields - login and signup to be filled. I am missing some advanced examples or information.

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Combine Data From Multiple Tables Into One View Model

Dec 5, 2010

I'm fairly new to all this, but have slowly been teaching myself C# and MVC over the past year or so...I really tried to search for this, but haven't been able to find anything - it may be I'm using the wrong terminology!I'm using ASP.NET MVC2 with EF4 connected to a SQL Express db. Situation: Without getting into too much specifics, I have one table called 'Plan.' Under 'Plan' are several different categories that are related to a single Plan item [say Category A, Category B, Category C and Category D]. Each 'Category X' table has a beginDate, endDate and other details specific to that category.

I'd like to be able to create a summary page that combines all items from Category A, Category B, Category C, and Category D and sorts by beginDate - but only need a few of the columns [eg - begin/end date, name, id].

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Binding View Model From A Form Post With Inner Complex Types?

Apr 15, 2010


What I want to achieve is the ID of the property: item.Item.ID to be bound to the ID from the (route)URL. However I can't get it to work. I tried using [Bind()] attribute.

I fixed it now using a hidden field in the form like so:

<%= Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Item.ID)%>

However this feels a bit icky. I'd like to know if there is a better cleaner way of doing this?

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Binding Multiple Forms To Single Model Using Default Binder?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a complex page with several forms on it. The page is divided into sections, and each section has a continue button on it. The page is bound to a pageViewModel, each section addresses a different set of properties on the model. The continue button makes an ajax call to the controller, and the model binder binds it appropriately to the appropriate sections of the model. The section is refreshed appropriately. Finally, I would like to have a save button at the bottom of the page that takes all the forms, and binds all of the forms to the model. The model, at this point has all of the properties filled out, and can be processed accordingly. Can I accomplish this by some ASP MVC magic?

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MVC :: Model Binding And Radio Buttons - Unable To Get Multiple Rows?

Apr 20, 2010

How to select more than one radio buttons and use model binding to attach the Roles to the model property public string []Roles?The difficulty i`m having is that though i`m having multiple rows, Only and only One radio button is selected and tha tof the last row. I have the following code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Fetching Multiple Rows And Binding In Grid View?

Jun 8, 2010

I am developing an application in C# and Sql Server.

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Using The Single *.rpt File With Multiple Data Sources?

Aug 26, 2010

I've created a set of CrystalReports (*.rpt files) for an ASP.NET web app on a development server. I call each report using the following code:


When I transfer the *.rpt files to a different server, the reports display data from the development server; even when I change "Constants.DatabaseName" to point to the new server. It seems like the *.rpt file saves the database connection information from the ODBC File DNS used when creating the report.Has anyone experienced this problem? I'm looking for a solution so I don't have to create multiple copies of my *.rpt files for each server environment (i.e., Dev, Test and Production servers).

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Pulling Similar Data From Multiple Information Sources?

Feb 1, 2011

So I have been trying to follow serenarules posts about persistence layers, but I seem to be missing something.

The persistence layer is an architectural layer whose job is to provide an abstract interface to information storage mechanism(s).

This makes sense to me, but I am still having a hard time with this.

So in what cases is this necessary? When you are pulling similar data from multiple information sources?

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C# - Combine Data From Multiple Sources - Display In ASP GridView

Feb 5, 2010

I am writing a currency converting module for one of our applications. I have a list of products, a list of currencies we are interested in seeing prices for, and a list of currency rates. I want the user to be able to select which currencies from the list they see in the GridView. I also want to be able to amend my list of currencies and include a new currency, without having to make additional changes to this module. So my GridView display has to be "dynamic". Essentially I am planning on ending up with a GridView that has the following columns:

Part No - Description - USD Price - AUD Price - GBP Price

The USD price would be static as it's our base currency, the AUD and GBP are user selected and could have potentially any number of currencies listed. I would normally use a DataSet and DataTables for this work, but I am sure there is a "better" way to do it using System.Collections.Generics. Right now I have all of the data I need in List collections, but there does not seem to be a way to define how these collections relate to each other, or combine these collections into one so it can be bound to a GridView. Should I be looking at something other than List to achieve this or do I need to go back to my original approach of a DataSet and DataTables.


I will explain a little bit more about what I have setup so far.

1) List of Products & Currencies - These come from an SQL DB via LINQ, so they can be any of the System.Collections.Generics objects, e.g. List, IEnumerable etc.

2) Currency Rates - These I am pulling from the European Bank public XML file. I download the file, strip the data I need out of it and currently store that as a List object.

I could store the currency rates in the database table as well, but then I have to have some sort of background process that goes and updates the rates each day. This way the rates only get updated when someone accesses the report function (which is only going to happen occasionally). So I would rather grab the latest rates "on demand". What I know I need to end up with is some object that has the following structure:

PartNo - Description - Base Price - Currency Price 1, Currency Price 2, Currency Price 3

Where the number of Currency Prices is undefined, as it's based on what currencies the user wants the report to display. It's the undefined part that I am struggling with, essentially how can I create a structured object, that I don't know the complete structure of until runtime?

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MVC :: Multiple Model Validation In Same View?

Jul 10, 2010

I have a Order view with 2 user controls in it.

The first user control in the view is just to validate the customer and get some more details about the customer. This control is having one text box (customer name) with the button. When the user clicks the button it should validate the customer name in the client side using data annotations of customer model. if validation success then it should use some bussiness logic to verify the customer and show the customer details on the form.

The 2nd user control in the view is to get the address of the customer by searching for the house no and the postcode. This control is having 2 text box with the button.

The first user control is based on the strongly typed customer entity

The 2nd user control is bsed on the strongly typed address entity

The view with both the user control is based on the strongly typed order entity.

The issue here is with the validation. I have the validation summary in the view and client sider validation is enabled. When i click the search button on the first user control the client validation starts and throws validation error messages because when i search for the customer at that point of time i will not have values to may of the customer related fields in the order view.

The same thing happen when i click the search button on the 2nd view. It will throw client side validation for other fields.

What i want to achive is that when the user click the search button on the user control 1 then the validation should happen only to the customer name field (both in client and server).

When the user click the search button on the 2 nd user control the the validation should happen only for houseno and the postcode both in client and the server.

When the user clicks the save button on the order view all the fields in the form even the controls usere input fields should get validated. How to achive this in mvc?

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Entity Framework - Combine Multiple Data Sources To A Single Repeater?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a repeater like so:


Problem is, I also want to show the viewer the available number of spots in the room. But this requires somehow pull in either the current_occupancy / max_occupancy or in performing a calculation (e.g. max_occupancy - current_occupancy = actual_available) and then returning that with the room.

The end result I'm looking for is to return each room in a button control with text that looks like this:
"Room 1 - 2 Open" "Room 8 - 1 Open" and so on

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Gridview Data From Multiple Sources?

Jul 16, 2010

I need to display some data in a gridview. Its shipping data.

Part of the data can come from a generic database query. Static shipping data that can be looked up from the database. Part of the data is external and has to be queryed from USPS. Any suggestions on what is the best way to accomplish this.

Should I just programmatically fill the gridview from the code behind doing the database lookup manual and filling the gridview with manual data then going out and filling the rest of the gridview with the data obtained from the USPS service?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Data Sources For Datagrid?

Jan 17, 2011

I want to have one datagrid use two different data sources, the two datasaet I use have all the same cloumn names, the only difference is that the come form different databases. I wan tto have the data source be chosen by a dropdown list box. Is this possible or do I have to use two datagrid and just make on invisiable as needed.

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MVC :: Multiple Instances Of Same Partial (with Same View Model) Messes Up Validation?

Jan 27, 2011

This project I'm working on have this custom clientside JavaScript validation framework created for (which I cannot change) that show error messages/summary based on your data annotations and a "Validate" method in your ViewModel.

Like I said I'm not allowed to change this, so wont be able to go with suggestions doing that.

What the person that created this did not foresee, is that one might need put several partials of the same type and having the same view model (each in a form) on a view.

So I went ahead and did things the normal way (using Html.whateverFor<model => model.whatever) and wala!....the custom validation thing throws error messages for the specific form fields, next to each form in the view. I was suggested to create a "prefix" for each instance of the view model, and do something like this:

Change: <%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.AccountNumber)%>

To: <%: Html.Hidden(Model.ElementPrefix + "AccountNumber", Model.AccountNumber)%>

Not to mention the tons of jquery selectors and all that I have to go change (and all my view inputs)

(I just hate having to find workarounds for this "custom" everything they created for this project)

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MVC :: How To Pass A Partial View From A Different Model To A View Page

Nov 22, 2010

I would like to add a partial view to my view page

The view page contain a mode name "<IEnumerable<JvTake1.Models.VortN>>

And the partial view contain a model name "<IEnumerable<JvTake1.Models.VideoL>>"
So, theoretically I think they were suppose to work together but no Can any one guide me how to make it happen?

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Should Data Annotations Be On The Model Or The View Model

Dec 15, 2010

I've been used to decorating data model classes with data annotation attributes, but the purist in me baulks slightly at including purely presentational attributes such as display format here. I am, however, quite happy to keep validation centric attributes here. One good reason I have to continue keeping all annotations etc. in the data model is that my view model aggregates data model classes, e.g.

my ViewModelBase.DetailItem<TEntity> property in the view model is just a reference to an entity class in my data model. If I wanted to move presentational annotations to the view model, I would have to quite radically revise my design to one where I duplicate data model properties in my view model and use an object mapping tool to populate view model objects based on data model objects.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide The Column In Grid View When Binding From Code Behing Page

Feb 26, 2010

I have a grid view which I am binding it through my .cs file code:

I need to hide a column, From the Below code I am able to hide the column but not the header and footer design.

So how can I hide my column when I dont have any columns in my gridview (I mean in .ASPX page)



.cs Code:

protected void Row_Grid(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Cells[9].Visible = false;

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Model View Control Versu Model View Presenter

Jun 2, 2010

I have been reading about different model for development

model view control mvc

model view presenter MVP

Model view view model MVVM

i belive MVC has two big Advantage over webform 1) TDD 2) More control on HTML

MVP is bit variation in mvc model. rapid development as well as 1) TDD 2) More control on HTML (correct me if i m wrong) see the below link


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MVC :: Model.Id Not Showing In View Page?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a web page that I am developing in ASP.NET MVC. I have one page that is being opened to allow the user to edit some data. I have the data stored in a couple of tables, and when there is a "trip", the user needs to add the data for that trip. I first add the record to the table, and then have them edit that record. However, when my edit view comes up, it is dropping off the and the page shows that the Id is required.

I am also using Fluent NHibernate, and have verified that the record is created, and has a value for Id.

My record model:


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How To Load An GridView From Multiple Sources Asynchronously

Jan 1, 2010

Here is the situation. I need to hit ~50 servers and grab some data from a file. I then want to display a few rows for each in an ASP.NET GridView control.

I tried doing this with Threads/ThreadPool and successfully gather all the data in session.

What I'd like to do, and what I am having a hard time figuring out, is update the grid for the user after each server is done loading.

If I put the databinding code in the thread, it will only display whatever has loaded by the time the response is sent back to the client. If I take it out of the thread, I'd have to wait until all threads were done to send the response, and that doesn't do what I want.

I seeing some stuff about Asynchronous Client Callbacks, but I'm not sure if that's what I need to be using. I have no idea how to manipulate a GridView from Javascript.

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C# - Multiple Configuration Sources For Enterprise Library 4.1?

Jun 1, 2010

We use the caching and logging application blocks from entlib 4.1. We want to keep the configuration of those two in seperate files. How can we achieve this?It looks like entlib is always using the selected Source as it configuration.I tried the following:


But this doesn't work because the application blocks always use the selected Source attribute value.

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C# - Selecting Multiple Table Values And Binding The Data Into Multiple Grids?

Oct 5, 2010

i have multiple tables .

I have created one stored procedure where I am selecting the table values.



I am using LINQ to retrieve the Data. So Using Linq I am calling the stored procedure.

So I ll get the table values in the C# Code the table values.

so in my UI i have 4 gridviews.

I want split the output values into four source and bind it to the grid.

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MVC :: How To Validate The View Model From An Async Page

Apr 26, 2010

Like this?


I'm looking for the best way to do this!

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MVC :: Can't See Model And Html Helpers On View Page

Aug 3, 2010

i wrote mvc 2 application with target framework 4.0 but my hosting provider supports 3.5. then i set my project's target framework to 3.5 and i compiled successfully on localhost but when i run the application it says me:

Server Error in '/' application

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<>'.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<>" %>

and visual studio can't see Model and html helpers on view pages.

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