C# - Convert Numbers To Time?

Jun 11, 2010

Is there a slick way to convert simple numbers (Army time included) to a time format (am, pm format)? I can do the tedious approach, but I was just wondering if there was another way

0800 => 8:00 am

2317 => 11:17 pm

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Web Forms :: Convert Numbers To Words

Mar 11, 2013

i am having a webpage,in that webpage the total salary is 19563,but in words it shows "Twenty Thousands Six Hundreds Sixty Three",i dont no how to do this..what changes i want to do.this is my code

Dim num As Integer
num = lblnetsal.Text
Label2.Text = NumberToWords(num)
End Sub


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SQL Server :: Rounding Off Numbers/time?

Dec 20, 2010

I have 2 time columns and a difference column. All of these has a varchar datatype. I converted the time in h.mm format. Now I need to round it off to the nearest quarter/half hour(h:15 = h.25, h.30 = h.50, h.45 = h.75) after calculating the difference between the two time values.


5.08 = 5

5.18 = 5.25

5.34 = 5.50

5.56 = 5.75

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Create Set Of 10 Random Numbers Every Time Page Loads?

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to create a Question Bank application for one of our clients. What is the main challenge I am facing is a typical demand from the client. What they want is : Whenever users open this site a set of random numbers(range say 1 to 20) should be generated and questions with the QuestionID(column in a table in Database) according to the numbers would be displayed in the page. I have done it to some extent but, still not satisfied with it.

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int[] n = new int[10];
int rn;
bool Check = true;
int[] n1 = new int[10];
Random rand = new Random();
n1[0] = rand.Next(1, 21);
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
rn = rand.Next(1, 21);
for (int j = 0; j < n1.Length; j++)
if (n1[j] == rn)
Check = false;
if (Check == true)
n1[i] = rn;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
Response.Write(n1[i] + " ");

Here are some O/Ps : 11 13 14 4 16 0 0 0 0 0 (1st load)
5 9 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (after refreshing the page)
16 10 20 6 8 17 11 7 0 0 (after refreshing again)

I want that, all these digits in each refresh should be unique(which is comming) but all set should 10 digits(this is not happening).

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Make Paging In Chunks Of A Max Of 10 Page Numbers Being Displayed At A Time

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C# - Convert Client Time To Utc Time To Save Into Sql?

Feb 13, 2010

How could I go about having a client in various time zones select a date and time in their web browser and save it as utc time in my sql database? This date is a date in the future, so whether or not the date is in daylight savings time could change so I'll need to account for that.

The site is a asp.net c# site.

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SQL Server :: How To Convert Time To Military Time

Oct 29, 2010

I have a datetime column in my table. It has a value like this for example: 4/27/2010 7:34:00 PM. I would like to display the time part of the column in military time. So this datetime column would appear as: 4/27/2010 19:34

Is this possible?

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How To Make A UI With A Panel Of Numbers / Highlighted Numbers

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I want that when I press a numbers it shows it's value in some other textbox. In which .NET technology is it possible to do it? Windows Forms? WPF? other?

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C# - Add Date & Time And Convert To UTC

Oct 12, 2010

I have two dates. Date1 and Date2 Date1 contains "10/12/2010 12:00:00AM". Date2 contains "10/10/2010 03:00:00PM" I want to extract only the date from Date1 and extract only the time from Date2 and join them. Example "10/12/2010 03:00:00PM".

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C# Can't Convert Time To ISO8601

Mar 7, 2011

TimeStamp.Text = BlogComment.Date.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz");

BlogComment.Date is a DateTime object with it's date set. TimeStamp is just a literal.

I keep getting unrecognised escape sequence.

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Convert Time To Decimals In .net?

May 5, 2010

Is there an easy way to present time (hh:mm) as a decimal value? Example, 01:08 should become 1,13.I have an asp:textbox masked (ajax) as time with the mask format "99:99". Next to this box I need to present the entered value as decimal.

<asp:TextBox ID="time" runat="server" /> hh:mm ([time in decimal format])
<ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender runat="server" Mask="99:99" TargetControlID="time" MaskType="Time" />

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Convert From Dropdownlist To Time?

May 26, 2010

i have two dropdownlists, one for selecting hours, the other for selecting minutes. How can i combine these two values into a time format?

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Convert Specified Format Of Time To A Date?

Jan 12, 2010

I have time, for e.g 33 hr 40 mins 50 secs . i would like to convert it to a date time format.

for e.g I have used Convert.ToDateTime("33:40:50"), but in this case when you converting to date time, hour should be less than 24, otherwise it will fire an exception.

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Mar 19, 2011

I have a literal on my webform. It displays date from a database as 3/26/2011 but I want it to display the date as 26-Mar-2011

How do I do this with VB.NET?

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C# - Convert UTC Date To Time - Zone?

Mar 9, 2011

I need to convert time to "UTC+03:30 Time Zone" in my web application here is UTC date : DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; Is there any function to convert UTC to my time zone or not ? I don't want to involve myself writing a new function in my application if there is a function in ASP.NET. The application might be hosted in different server in the world and that's exactly why I have used UTC date. I need a function to add 3:30 to the current UTC time.

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Sep 4, 2010

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var todaysDate = new Date();
document.getElementById('hdnDate').value = todaysDate.toString();
private void ConvertToDotNetDateTime()
DateTime myDate = (DateTime)hdnDate.Value; ??? ? //bit lost here

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C# - Convert 6 Digit Number To Time?

Jan 10, 2011

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VS 2010 - Convert Time From Military To Am / Pm

Nov 4, 2011

I have a timestamp that's 13:11:13 and I want it to say 1:11:13 P.M. No biggie - I can convert this myself easily (if >12 subtract 12 and append P.M. otherwise leave alone and append A.M., I guess...) but I thought I'd find a method somewhere. Is there any?

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How To Convert User Defined Timezone To UTC Time

Feb 25, 2010

Suppose I have a string in U.S datetime format, "2/25/2010" and the server is on U.S East Coast with a timezone offset of "-5". When I convert the string via

Convert.ToDateTime("2/25/2010").ToUniversalTime(), it saved as "2/25/2010 5:00:00 AM" (which is correct as local server time for it is 2/25/2010 12:00:00 AM"

Now, suppose my user is in the U.S central time with a timezone offset of "-6", what I want to do is convert it approriately and when this user from central time do "Convert.ToDateTime("2/25/2010").ToUniversalTime()" type of statement, the datetime saved will be "2/25/2010 6:00:00 AM"

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Web Forms :: Convert Current System Time?

Jun 10, 2010

Need to convert current System time to GMT time format in c#.

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Web Forms :: How To Convert Ticks To Date And Time

Mar 2, 2011

if I have 2 date and time like this

02/03/2011 11:11:02 PM and 02/03/2011 12:11:02 PM

can I make like this?

02/03/2011 11:11:02 PM - 02/03/2011 12:11:02 PM

and the result will be

02/03/2011 01:11:02 am

I Think I must convert to ticks and make the minus

but who can I convert ticks to date and time??!!!

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Web Forms :: How To Convert A String Into A Time Variable

Apr 14, 2010

I have a column in a table within my SQL database that is specified as a time variable. Not DateTime or Date, but just Time. So, I need to know how to convert a text string into the format that would be accepted for entry in the Time column of a table in SQL. I know how to convert dates, but not time.

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Convert Database Field To Time Format

Oct 5, 2010

I'm trying to make my string a nice formatted time but the column in the database isn't set up as a date/time field is there anyway I can do this? Here's my query

Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT wb.arrival_time FROM web_bookings wb ')"

And here's where i'm converting it

Session("formattime") = DateTime.Parse(drv.Row("arrival_time")).ToString("hh:mm")

The arrival_time field only has 4 numbers in like this 1000 so I need a way of converting it to a nice format like this 10:00AM

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert The Time Format

May 10, 2010

i create a stored procedure that would out the following time format

09 hr(s): 30 min(s)

but i want to convert it to a decimal. (eg 9.50)

I was trying this method:

ALTER procedure [dbo].[timetodecimal] @hms varchar(8)

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C# - Convert String Time Like (0740) Into 12 Hours (AM - PM) Format Like (07:40 AM)

Jan 1, 2010

How can i convert string time into 12 hours (AM,PM) time format? Like if input string will like "2320" than i want answer like "11:20 PM".

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