C# - Create Multiple Gridviews In Code Behind?
Nov 15, 2010
I want to have multiple gridviews in a panel. and the number of gridviews is not fixed..
So basically i think there should be no code in the .aspx page as i have to create the gridview in codebehind.
I have the code for 1 gridview in one panel.. where i define the grid view in the HTML page and populate it from the code behind.
Here is the code for that..
this is on the .aspx page
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
AllowSorting="True" CellSpacing="2" onsorting="GridView1_Sorting"
Width="100%" ForeColor="White" GridLines="None"
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How can I convert the following aspx code into code behind code?
I want the following code to be craeated on the fly (runtime). I will only add the root level grid to aspx and then in page load I want to add subsequent grids.I know we will use GridViewTemplate to add the grid but not sure how to structure it. The steps that I follow:
1. set the required properties of gridLevel01.
2. add BoundFields for level01.
3. Add template field for level02 grid....but not sure how to set other required properties like color and stuff....also not sure what position to add the subsequent gridviews.
Do I need to add the child grids to root?? I know the level2 grid will be added to level1 but what about level 3?
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Mar 10, 2010
How can I get several GridViews on a single page to share the same Column widths?
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In windows apps I believe there is a property for this called SharedSizeGroup which allows you to set columns from different controls to collaborate when deciding on the optimum size.
Can this be achieved at all in ASP.NET? Is it just too much to ask because the dynamic column widths are up to the browser?
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Feb 4, 2011
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How to do that ? ( or in general how to write an html string to a worksheet )
This is to be done in asp.net , server side.
I can create multiple worksheets via epplus.codeplex.com nicely, but it works on cell level. I could export DataTable, but how to export Gridview's HTML ?
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Feb 26, 2013
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<table class="fontInside">
<td width="100px">
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Jan 31, 2011
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Feb 22, 2010
I am trying to create a table dynamically in my code behind. My problem is I have a count of how many controls I want added to each TableRow after which I want to add that TableRow to the table and then start a new row. Here is the code I have no far but it just adds one row and does not move any of the controls to a seperate new row.
public void FillTable(string DB, int? appID, string function, int? rID, string UserId, int ControlsperRow)
OneEvaDataContext datacontext = new OneEvaDataContext();
var results = datacontext.sp_Build_Menu_Field_Names(DB, appID, function, rID);
int controlCount = 0;
I would have thought that doing the .Add only when I am finished building that row would work but I guess since I'm using the same TableRow "tr" It is only putting in just one row.
EDIT: in the is context base is my class which looks like this:
public class Dynamic_Search_Table : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
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Aug 26, 2010
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Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "Application/vnd.ms-word"
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=evaluation_report.doc")
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Aug 31, 2010
I am trying to export multiple gridviews to Word. I am able to do this but what i want to do is add some headings and text in between each grivdiew. Please see my code below i am using to export the gridviews.
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "Application/vnd.ms-word"
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=evaluation_report.doc")
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Mar 19, 2010
I have one objectdatasource that will return data that can feed 3 gridviews based on a parameter x.
x=1 sets the first gridview. x=2 sets the 2nd gridview. x=3 sets the 3rd gridview.
When the insert, delete or update commands fire, I am setting x in the gridview1_RowCommand function.
The problem is the select. How do I set the parameter for each gridview before the selecting occurs for each gridview?
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Feb 13, 2010
I plan on having multiple Gridviews on one page populated completely in code behind. The only difference between them will be the Stored Procedure. In an effort to save having to write the following for each gridview, can I reuse the commands for each of them. Below is a sample of one of the commands that I would like to use, as well as the bind sub that I am using.
I realize that it will not be at all difficult to cut and paste each of these lines, and making the minor edits for each one. I just would like to keep my code behind file thin, as well as only limiting the chance for mistakes by using multiple commands.
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Feb 18, 2010
I have 3 gridviews on my page, all with the same columns. I want the user to be able to click on a button and it export all three gridviews to an Excel file, whether on 3 different worksheets or the same worksheet (preferrably the same, but either will do).
And in code behind, I insert footer rows to total by department, so if I use this
Export to Excel control it will export only 1 gridview at a time and won't export the inserted footer rows separating the departments.
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Jun 29, 2010
I've got a page with 3 gridviews (well more than 3 but 3 main ones) on it, each includes a template field which uses a ToggleButtonExtender to display images instead of checkboxes. Each one works fine on it's own but if the index is changed on any of the gridviews the images stop displaying on the others
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Dec 14, 2012
on my webpage having 5 gridview n when m click on PrintAll ... it combine all record in one gridview .....so wt can i do to get the Gridview as it is on after print .......n m rendering Div nt gridview . attaching code also.
gvincrement.AllowPaging = false;
gvincrement.ShowFooter = false;
// tblpan_cond.Visible = true;
gvincrement.DataSource = Session["key"];
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Oct 12, 2010
I have multiple gridviews on a page. I would like to add these to an excel file and have a worksheet for each gridview.
I found some code on the web to accomplish this. However, when i run it i always get all the gridviews on one worksheet. The code is shown below.
Can somebody tell me how i can send multiple gridviews to an excel file to get a workbook with multiple worksheets?
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Jan 20, 2011
I have a multiView control within which I have 3 views as part of building a customer order.
Step 1: Customer is selected from gridView and Customer Name is saved in MultiView Session.
Step 2: Products are chosen from gridView. The grid is re-bound depending on which product category is selected in a dropDownList. The product details are also stored.
Step 3: All of the details required to build the INSERT query are passed to labels on a form to be reviewed before committing to db. The next stage, now that I have managed to select multiple rows, will be to display this data in another gridView.
Everything works fine, except for the paging and dropDownList which is causing the checkbox state to be lost after postBack.
I've read a few articles on this, but I think I have made the task more complicated due to the dropDownList in addition to paging. Essentially the customer will be able to select various product lines, across various bindings of the gridView so I need to persist the checkbox state and retain the data for the INSERT query.
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May 7, 2015
How to Bind three GridView on same page in asp.net,there are three buttons, onclick one button show only one gridview at a time.
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Feb 12, 2011
I have a SQL query that returns about 5-10 records. For each one of these records I want to query another table using values in that row as parameters and create/populate a GridView. Can I create these GridViews and SQL connections programmatically in a for loop? I mean, I can't just plop ten GridViews and SQLConnections on my page at design time because I'm not certain how many rows will be returned in the first query. What should I do?
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Jul 2, 2010
Could you tell me how I can set from code-behind of the Master page font size for all GridViews of my application body?
E.g. I have
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Mar 2, 2011
OK I'm a total noob so bear waith me. I'm using the pubs database. I want to add several gridviews to my page in the inside of a for loop. Here is my code so far:
In the foreach loop, it is iterating through the publisher's tables rows, and I wamt it to query the titles table to find all books that have that publisher id and create a gridview out of it. In the code above I am not getting it right. I need multiple GridViews, one for each iteration of the foreach loop. How do I do this?
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