C# - Defining Status Of Data Via Enum Or A Relation Table?
Aug 20, 2010
I have an application which has rows of data in a relation database the table needs a status which will always be either Not Submitted, Awaiting Approval, Approved, Rejected Now since these will never change I was trying to decide the best way to implement them I can either think of a Status enum with the values and an int assigned where the int is placed into the status column on the table row.
Or a status table that linked to the table and the user select one of these as the current status.
I can't decide which is the better option as I currently have a enum in place with these values for the approval pages to populate the dropdown etc and setup the sql (as it currently using to Approved and submitted for approval but this is dirty for various reasons and needs changed).
Wondering what your thought on this were and whether I should go for one or the other.
If it makes any difference I am using Entity framework.
On one of our tables, a default clustered index is defined on the primary key by sql server 2005. The table also contains forign key columns and has got over 2 million rows. There are very frequent INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE functions on this table. Recently some of the SELECT queries which primary operate on the forign keys have become very slow (resulting in application timeout). To fix the problem, I defined an index on one of the primary keys which gave me very quick results. I don't know much about indexes.
1. Since I defined a new index (on the forign key) in addition to the existing default index, what kind of index (clustered or non-clustered) have I defined?
2. What performance impact does it have on the rest of the system? Is it going to break something else?
3. I read about fill factor. What is this and how does it effect the system?
4. Is the new index physically going to make any changes?
5. In case I delete this index later on, will the database return to the existing state or it will be a different state from now?
I need to defining the Series parameters for an MS Chart.
Using the sample data below is it possible to set the X & Y value types for a graph with all days for the month on the X axis and the total number of visits for each day on the Y. Are MS Charts capable of auto generating the X axis based on the extents of the data dates as well a counting the daily instances?
The component works fine in a windows app, but when I tried to use it in an asp.net website, it fails as the site could not find the data files. And it gives me the following error:
C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Temporary ASP.NET Filescmictranslatorsite20a8eddd864b2575assemblydl35bd4a35e8c6f79b6_98eccb01datafile.txt
when i create my entity data model i have a situation in the DB like this :
TableFirst : [Id,IdTableSecond,IdTableSecondAgain];TableSecond[Id] Created data model is: TableFirst.TableSecond and TableFirst.TableSecond1 Question is: Every time when i create my entity TableFirst.TableSecond will have same relation in behind (IdTableSecond) and TableFirst.TableSecond1 (IdTableSecondAgain) or they may change?
I have 3 tables: People, Fruits and a table named People_Fruit which connects People to Fruit tables. in table People_Fruit we enter records which determine who loves which fruit. People_Fruit is at "Many" side of both People and Fruits table. at this link you see this in a WinForms project: [URL]
I want to show people in a ASP grid. when the user click on a person's record he sees all record of fruits table regardless of whether the person loves it or not. there is a CheckBox column which its value determines if the person loves the fruit or not. user can check or uncheck the checkbox. If user checks the checlbox PersonId and FruitID must be entered to the People_Fruit table and if the user uncheck the checkbox the correspond record must be deleted.
I need to insert data into two relation tables, the parent table have an ind colum, which is an auto inser number , how can I get this auto number and insert it into the child table , in asp I see somthing like MyId = ExecuteIdentity(Mysql ), How Is in asp net 1.1 with Vb
Operator '==' incompatible with operand types 'ProductType' and 'String' ProductType is my Enum, and String is my input type. I don't seem to be able to convert one to the other.
I have a data object named Usertype. The Database table is also called Usertype. I need to have an enum representing Usertypes also. What would proper naming convention be for the Usertype Enum? It can't be Usertype. But I can't append an E or "Enum" to it anywhere. What would be the proper name for the Enum?
How I will create the scheduling system. I have 3 tables related namely employees, schedule and shift. How will I show the data using the relation shift of the table on gridview by this: It will be filtered by datefrom and dateto: Select via calendar ex Datefrom: August 1 Dateto: August15
Then It will show: EmployeeID Name 1 2 3 4 5 and up to 15
EP9112 Lastname, firstname, Middlename shift shift shift shift shift with edit when I press EmployeeID their shift. How can I also format the shift and date by: ex TimeIn: 7:00:00 AM TimeOut: 3:00:00 PM Date: 8/1/2010 When I add it, it will be TimeIn: 8/1/2010 7:00:00AM TimeOut: 8/1/2010 3:00:00 PM. Do I need to edit my database.
I,am trying to create a self association relation for an organization chart data tree in Entity Framework,after trying different ways for prevention of exceptions like 3007 and etc. I found that when I put my foreign key in my POCO near Parent and Items navigation properties its work.but I think this is not correct that we have both ParentID scalar property and Parent navigation property. review this and tell me is it correct or not.I'm using VS 2010 RC and ofcource .net framework 4.0 RC
The problem is that enum property fields are not show.
Is there any way to show enum property fields in details view ?
I put some example code below (I do not specify any rows mappings, they are generated dynamically because different kind of objects are bound to details view):
I'm writing an HTTP handler in ASP.NET 4.0 and IIS7 and I need to generate a file-not-found condition.
I copied the following code from Mathew McDonald's new book, Pro ASP.Net 4 in C# 2010. (The response variable is an instance of the current HttpResponse.)
response.Status = "File not found"; response.StatusCode = 404;
However, I found that the first line generates the run-time error HTTP status string is not valid.
If, instead of the lines above, I use the following:
response.Status = "404 Not found";
Then everything seems to work fine. In fact, I even see that response.StatusCode is set to 404 automatically.
My problem is that I don't want this to fail on the production server. So I'd feel much better if I could understand the "correct" way to accomplish this. Why did the first approach work for Mathew McDonald but not for me? And is the second approach always going to be reliable?
having trouble defining bindings using ninject.I am in a standard ASP.NET WebForms application. I have defined an http handler to Inject dependencies in pages and controls (Property injection).Here is what I am trying to do:I am creating a custom combobox usercontrol. Based on the value of an enum on that combobox, I want to be able to Inject a different object in a property (What I am trying to do is a bit more involved than that, but answer to this should be enough to get me going).
I recently upgraded from VS2005 to VS2008. I did a full install of VS2008, then opened my existing project in it. This launched the conversion wizard which successfully converted my VS2005 project to VS2008 and it opened in VS2008 owever, when I first tried to build the solution in VS2008, I got an error on a page defining a web service saying
My following sql query giving me the following error, What does it mean. Am i defining the alias fir column in wring way. Please help me out with this. My error is this and i am putting query just below the error. Error in SELECT clause: expression near 'Year'. Missing FROM clause. Unable to parse query text.
SELECT [tbl_students].passing_year as Passing Year,[tbl_branch].branch_name as Branch_Name FROM [tbl_students], [tbl_course], [tbl_branch] WHERE [tbl_students].course_id=@courseId AND [tbl_students].branch_id IN(64) AND [tbl_students].course_id=[tbl_course].course_id AND [tbl_students].branch_id=[tbl_branch].branch_id AND (@firstYrPercent is null OR [tbl_students].first_year_percent>=@firstYrPercent) AND (@secondYrpercent is null OR [tbl_students].second_year_percent>=@secondYrPercent) AND (@thirdYrPercent is null OR[tbl_students].third_year_percent>=@thirdYrPercent) AND (@finalYearpercent is null OR [tbl_students].final_year_percent>=@finalYearpercent) AND (@currentDegeePercentage is null OR [tbl_students].current_degree_percent>=@currentDegeePercentage) AND (@passoutYear is null OR [tbl_students].passing_year>=@passoutYear) AND (@currentBacklog is null OR [tbl_students].current_backlog=@currentBacklog) AND (@sex is null OR [tbl_students].gender=@sex) AND (@eGap is null OR [tbl_students].gapin_education<=@eGap) AND (@highSchoolPercentge is null OR [tbl_students].highschool_percentage>=@highSchoolPercentge) AND (@higherSchoolPercentage is null OR [tbl_students].ssc_percentage>=@higherSchoolPercentage) AND (@grauationPercentage is null OR [tbl_students].graduation_percentage>=@grauationPercentage) AND (@diplomaPercentage is null OR [tbl_students].diploma_percentage>=@diplomaPercentage) AND (@noOfAtkt is null OR [tbl_students].number_of_ATKT<=@noOfAtkt) AND (@validDate is null OR [tbl_students].DOB>=@validDate)
I am going to return an Object depending on the Class and Year params. I want to remove the where condition when the Class and Year parames are null or zero.