ADO.NET :: Can Select A Value Across The Relation Table

Nov 14, 2010

I need to get across relation table on linq quiry..

Table A


Column A.SomeValue

Table B (relation table)



Table C


Column C.SomeValue

Now i need to get a table with A.SomeValue and C.SomeValue

How do I linq it?


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C# - How To Bind Treeview In Web From Table Having ParenId Relation

Mar 4, 2011

how to bind treeview in web from table having ParenId relation?

my table structure... Id, Name, ParentID.

I want to show Name as Node Text.

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C# - Defining Status Of Data Via Enum Or A Relation Table?

Aug 20, 2010

I have an application which has rows of data in a relation database the table needs a status which will always be either Not Submitted, Awaiting Approval, Approved, Rejected Now since these will never change I was trying to decide the best way to implement them I can either think of a Status enum with the values and an int assigned where the int is placed into the status column on the table row.

Or a status table that linked to the table and the user select one of these as the current status.

I can't decide which is the better option as I currently have a enum in place with these values for the approval pages to populate the dropdown etc and setup the sql (as it currently using to Approved and submitted for approval but this is dirty for various reasons and needs changed).

Wondering what your thought on this were and whether I should go for one or the other.

If it makes any difference I am using Entity framework.

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DataSource Controls :: Select A Record From A Table And Insert Into B Table Using Linq?

Jun 29, 2010

how can i select a record from A table and insert into B table using linq?

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SQL Server :: Delete Objects From Table Using Another Table To Select Rows?

Sep 14, 2010

I have one table named 'dbo.ac_Products' Within this table there is a column named 'ProductId' There is also another table named 'dbo.ac_CatalogNodes' Within this table there is a column named 'CatalogNodeId' and a column named 'CatalogNodeType'

I need to delete all the rows from 'dbo.ac_Products' and 'dbo.ac_CatalogNodes' where 'ProductId' = 'CatalogNodeId' and 'CatalogNodeType' = 1

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SQL Server :: Get 3 Tables Sql Statement - Select Table C Column By Using Table A?

Mar 25, 2011

i have 3 tables which are Table A(a Id,b Id),

Table B(b Id,a Id,c Id),

Table C(c Id,b Id)

How can i select Table C column by using table A?

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ADO.NET :: Select Corresponding Row In A Table Based On Selection In A Different Table

Jan 25, 2011

I have 3 tables (ShoppingCart, Data, Temporary) in database (Entities) I have no problems in getting data into ShoppingCart. I also know how to transfer data from columns in table ShoppingCart into columns of table Temporary (like EngName, CartID, Date, Quantity etc. - see code below) But I do not know how to multiply Quantity in table ShoppingCart by Price stored in table Data and save it into table Temporary. I think the problem is that I do not know, how to select coressponding row in table Data (see "var myCart2" in my code below) which holds the Price value for EngName previously selected by ("var myCart" also visible in the code). protected void Submit(object sender, EventArgse)

using (Entities
db = new Entities())
cartId = GetShoppingCartId();
var myCart = (from
cc in db.ShoppingCart
where cc.CartID ==
cartId select
foreach (ShoppingCart
item in
i = 0;
(i < 1)
engname = item.EngName;
var myCart2 = (from
c in db.Data
where c.EngName ==
engname select
Temporary ta =
Data d =

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Select A Value From One Table And Insert To Another Table?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two tables in a database and I want to select one value from one of that table. For that I want to pass one value and if that value stored in the table I want pick the id representing the value in the next table.

That means the operation is that first I select a row of data from first table by using a user control in that row there is a value (example "apple") and I want pass that value("apple") to the second table. In the second table the value ("apple") having a id (example "australian") and I want that the query search for that id ("australian") and show that in the text box.


Imagine that this is the two tables using a usercontrol I select first a row from first table and I want to pass that value "apple" to second table and find out the id of "australian" (that is equivalent id for apple in the second tabl ) from the second table and show that in a text box.

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ADO.NET :: Select Name Column From The Applicant Table And Value Column From ApplicantValue Table?

Feb 2, 2011

I am quite new to LINQ, and I am stuck with this probably basic problem, but haven't been able to find a solution, so I thought I could ask here.

So, I have this repository where I put my functions for data accessing, and now I need to write a function to get all the applicants that have applied for this particular advertisement, and their values too. Now, the values are stored in a separate M:N table, where every row consists of the applicantID,advertisementID and value. I just wanna append the value to every applicant that I show, so that it would look like a Ranking List.

However, I do not seem to know how to select just the name column from the Applicant table, and just the Value column from the ApplicantValue table.

And there's this Iqueryable interface that further confuses me...

Here's my function to get the Applicants only:


Now, if I try to add to the definition of the type two columns, it says that it only messes with types, i.e. one type should be passed. So I figured I would do a ViewModel and then pass it, like this


and then in the function I have no idea how to pass the values:

View 5 Replies

Get The Value From SELECT Query From A Table?

Mar 23, 2011

how to get the value from SELECT query from a table

protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string select_qry = "SELECT ID, USER, FILE, DATE, LASTUSED from FILE_INFO where USER = '" + user + "'"; // ID is primary key
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(select_qry);
GridView1.DataSource = GetData(cmd);
private DataTable GetData(SqlCommand cmd)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Connection = conn1;
sda.SelectCommand = cmd;
return dt;

I have different USERS I want to get ID of user if user is different say 'Sheena' has ID value from 1-10 but if user is 'Sara' and she is having ID from 11-20 so I want to get specially ID of particular user how do I get ID from select query can any one know)

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How To Select A Row Of Data From A Table

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to find out how to select a row of data from a table, where a column contains a keyword (from a querystring)

How would i write this select statement? I only want the column to contain a keyword, along with other words, rather than the columns only data is the keyword.

eg: the row below would be returned because column2 contains 'hello'


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SQL Server :: Want To Select Only 15 Words From Table?

Sep 20, 2010

i want to select only 15 words from table ,

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Select Checkbox And Add A Date To Table?

Nov 25, 2010

I would like to know if there is a way I can select a checkbox and this would add an end date to another table? I have 2 tables Staff_Tasks, this has the checkbox set up as an int, 1 or 0, and the other Jobs which has a field end_date. So when the user clicks on a checkbox it will add this end_date as today's date. The end_date is never displayed, its just stored in the database. I am not even sure if this is something that can be done as an SQL query or if it will be done in my back-end code? I am writing in C#. Does anyone have a little more information?

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ADO.NET :: Entity SQL To Select Multiple Table?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using GridView & EntityDataSource w/ eSQL SelectCommand. Assume i am using AdventureWorks Data model, how can i select more than one table? For example (eSQL),


But above code will make error , right now, i only can replace cat.*,sub.* to VALUE ROW(cat.CategoryID...[All Cat column] , sub.SubCategoryID.....[All SubCategory Column]) Which is very long command text.

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ADO.NET :: Linq To Sql Select Table At Runtime

Mar 15, 2011

I have several tables to load from depending on a string value using Linq to Sql I currently have


but of course that only gets the specific table DOffices if I wanted to grab tables at runtime what would be the best way to go about it?

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C# - Select Something From A Table And Output To A Label?

Mar 15, 2011

Using odbc how do I select something from a table and output to a label on my page?

OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite; User=root; Password=;");
OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand("SELECT * FROM User (FirstName, SecondName)", cn);
OdbcDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
Name.Text = (reader[0].ToString());

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MVC :: How To Add Product To Category (Many-to-many Relation)

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to add a product to one or more categories, but I'm going nowhere slow.

Table layout:




I been trying everything to add a product to a category, but without luck. I would have though this was the "right" way:


On my "Create" product page, the product is created but I just can't find a way to link a product to one or more categories. It just skips back to the Create page, even though I have put a Redirect in the Controller.

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Relation Between JQuery And Javascript ?

Feb 12, 2011

explain the relation between jQuery and JavaScript ? Since JavaScript is frequently used while in between jQuery code.

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C# - Select A Simple Table From Sql And Display It On A Page?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to SELECT a user from a table using the WHERE clause. I know how to write the query, but how do I execute it and how do I match the UserId with the current one (how do I know what the current userid is using the login controls)? I basically want to display profile information by selecting the table and matching it to the userid.

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How To Select On A View, Locks The Table Update?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a Web site live and running now. I am using the Subsonic to handle the database connections etc. I am getting time out expired error while updating a table (say Employee). When I check sp_who2, I see the suspended connection for the PID which is updating with a block by anothor pid, so I run the profiler and found out when ever this suspended connection occur, the blocked pid is a select statement on the view (say ActiveEmployees, which is the same as the table but with some where conditions).

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SQL Server :: Retrieve A Value From One Table Or The Other In A Select Statement?

Feb 8, 2011

I have two sections of users data on my site, customers and employees, each one has a UserID that is FK to the UserID from aspnet_Users table.

I have a table that stores User messages

Looks Like This:


It Has a FromUserID and ToUserID

Because Employees are Identified through EmployeeID and Customers are identified through CustomerID, I needed to use UserID's so Employees can leave messages for employees and Customers and Customers can leave messages to employees and other Customers 1-2 and 2-1

My Quandry is this, How Do I retrieve the information if the UserID might be a Customer or Might be an Employee, when the UserID could be from one of two tables


How Would I Write?

SELECT wms.FromUserID, ed.FirstName, ed.LastName FROM ed INNER JOIN wms ON wms.FromUserID = ed.UserID
OR SELECT wms.FromUserID, cd.FirstName, cd.LastName FROM cd INNER JOIN wms ON wms.FromUserID = cd.UserID

How Do I Check to See? Do I Use IF EXISTS?

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SQL Server :: Select Query On A Partitioned Table

Jul 20, 2010

I have partitioned a table and it has been partitioned according to an account id. ie also rows that have accountid =1 will be in A partition and all rows that have accountid = 2 will be in B partition. so now if i execute a query with where condition accountid =1 sql server will search only in A partition. Suppose if i add another condition to it ie where accountid=1 and place="aaa" will this query search only A partition or the entire table?

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SQL Server :: Create Table In A Select Statement?

Jan 27, 2011

I need to execute a stored procedure and show the value it returns as a usertype column in a selection list. Eventually this select statment will be converted into a stored procedure, so basically the stored procedure will be called in another stored procedure. I can't quite get the syntax correct. I am showing a simplified version of a very long query so it's easy to understand. It gives me the 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CREATE' error. The capitalized the code produces the error:

SELECT createdate,


Can I not have a create table statement inside a select statement? I can't move it out of the select statement since

I need to pass the city and state as parameters which are inside the select statement. is there any better way to do this functionality?

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Web Forms :: Select And Unhiding Table Rows?

May 4, 2010

I have a table with number a fields that repeat them selves ... then on submit saves to sessions to be used later on.I was to use a + and - button to enable and show more or less fields. So far i have an asp:table with a number of rows which are disabled and not visible.

When a user clicks +, i want it to disable the next hidden row. The easiest way i thought of doing this is with a select statement but i can't get it to work.This is what i have:


No matter how many times i click the button all i get is 1 as the value for noCreationRows.

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SQL Server :: Select Scope_Identity() Within BLL Table Adapter?

Jul 18, 2010

I am trying to add "Select Scope_Identity()" to my table adapter but vs2010 respond with "Unable to parse query text." error message.

Code for Insert SQL is -

(creditAutorizarionNumber, OrderName, OrderPersonPhone, OrderPersonEmail)
VALUES (@creditAutorizarionNumber,@OrderName,@OrderPersonPhone,@OrderPersonEmail)

I tried to add -

;Select Scope_Identity()

How can I use the Scope_Identity() withing a BLL table adapter ?

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