Just a bit of advice needed really in terms of how I should handle my current scenario:
I have a web page that searches for products/category information the results of which are at present displayed in a gridview on the same page.
However, said gridview is a bit of a beast and as such, I would like to have a page that the user searches for, a button is pressed and the subsequent gridview is displayed in a new window.
Ultimately, I would like the user to be able to make multiple searches so that new windows can have multiple gridviews containing different data sets.
My current thinking is to create session variables that can be pulled through onto 'the gridview page'. Having said that, I'm not sure that would work if multiple searches are created?
I am also thinking I might be able to create said 'gridview window' using javascript but my concern here is the potential loss of functionality of the gridview i.e. paging, sorting, editing, etc.
Just a bit of advice needed really in terms of how I should handle my current scenario:
I have a web page that searches for products/category information the results of which are at present displayed in a gridview on the same page.
However, said gridview is a bit of a beast and as such, I would like to have a page that the user searches for, a button is pressed and the subsequent gridview is displayed in a new window.
Ultimately, I would like the user to be able to make multiple searches so that new windows can have multiple gridviews containing different data sets.
My current thinking is to create session variables that can be pulled through onto 'the gridview page'. Having said that, I'm not sure that would work if multiple searches are created?
I am also thinking I might be able to create said 'gridview window' using javascript but my concern here is the potential loss of functionality of the gridview i.e. paging, sorting, editing, etc.
Does anyone have any thoughts or theories on this? What would be "best practise"?
I haven't been able to pass values of my gridview row to another page or new window. (I am referencing the gridview from the question:
Filter GridView between Date Range using jQuery AJAX in ASP.Net )
I have tried the following:
<script type ="text/javascript"> function openPopup(strOpen) { open(strOpen, "Info", "status=1, width=300, height=200, top=100, left=300"); } </script>
[Code] ...
I have also tried the Onselectedindexchanged but it's still not working. However when i use the above methods on other types of gridview, they all work very well.
Not sure if what I am trying is right way or not but just explain what I am trying to achieve - On my form I am displaying some data in a gridview; one of them being a default date. I also have a button which when clicked displays a modal window (using modalpopupextender) with a text box and an OK and Cancel button. What I am after is is there any way I can display, within the modal window the default date value so that the user can see what this value is and enter an appropriate date value into the textbox in the modal window.
I have a page, which contains 2 textboxes. When i click on the first textbox, i have to open a child window (tool), that contains a gridview control with 2 columns (corresponding to the 2 textboxes). When the user clicks on any row in the gridview, it should send back the 2 column values back to the parent window to the corresponding 2 textboxes. how do i achieve this?
i have an aspx page in which a link in the grid view opens a popup page . the data in the grid view would be dynamic and i need to send the id of the row of grid while calling the child window. i get the id using sender.id, but how would i send this using window .open()?
I created a PDF file on the fly. I am trying to display it in a new window, but I am unble to get it done. how I can open this pdf file in a new window.
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add( new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportDataSource("TekDB2DataSet_Employees", ds.Tables[0])); Warning[] warnings; string[] streamids; string mimeType; string encoding; string extension; byte[] bytes = ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding,out extension, out streamids, out warnings); FileStream fs = new FileStream("TestPDF.pdf", FileMode.Create); fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); s.Close(); ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh();
I need to display this TestPDF.pdf in a new window.
I have option page to my Project which has Status,Issu,HMR,DFG buttons on center of the webform, every page will redirect to another page if you click on this option buttons,Now i wanted to change this .. I want to split the page keep all options buttons on left of the screen when you click option buttons corresponding web page should open in Right of the screen,how can i do this one.I am working on visual web developer2008(Asp>net3.5)
I have a set of doc files with respect to the data in the sql. Now I have to C# code, so that when the column in the gridview is clicked then the respective name must appear ina linklabel in the windows form nad that label must be linked to the respective file. For eg:
name bacteria author citation aaa myxo sri 12-333-3 vvv mmm xxx 1112-2-2
the values unser sitation must come to the linklabel and that must direct to the respective word files with the names 12-333-3,1112-2-2. Is it possible to do this some how as this is only one example I have many files as such. Is one label enough to perform the necessary action updating itself when I clicked the different columns in the datagrid view as I already did some coding recording linking each column value to a textbox.
I have a .aspx page (it is a content form). When I click on a button on that page, I want to invoke another .aspx page in a small window. I want to display a grid in that small .aspx page.
I have a follow-on question to How to display an image based on SelectedValue in a GridView?
What I would really like to do is have a ViewImage button on my GridView control so that when that is clicked, the image is displayed on a new page in a new browser window. How would I do that? I'm thinking perhaps do I need to create a
How do I handle the click and how do I get the image to diplay on a new form in a new web browser window?
In my code I am using a popup window to display extra information. I also have the ability to export the information in the main window to Excel.The problem is, after the window pops up -> I see the info -> I close the popup window -> but if I try the export to Excel button, it throws the exception "null object referrence" (if I use a try/catch, the exception doesn't occur - but I don't get any information). In the export function I am doing something like this:
{ //some code .... here con.close(); session["dss"] = mydataset; }
In the export button click event:
system.data.dataset dss = (system.data.dataset)session["dss"]; //then some work on this
I think, probably when the popup window opens it ends the execution and that's why when I come back to the main window and try the export button the values for the tables and all goes out of scope.Also, if I refresh the main page after closing the popup window I don't have any issue and can export the data.
iam displaying progress image like 'processing' using ajax progress.....i dont want to touch the controls which are in page...it has to display like model popup...
I want to show the crystal report in separate page which having only one crystal report viewer and loading the viewer dynamically by different report in same webform in new tab is it possible in asp.net.I
I have FileUpload column in my table, File path are stored in database and file are stored in folder. i have linkbutton to upload, if i click on linkbutton pdf file should open in new tab. i don't know how to do this.
I want to execute java script from VB to display a PDF file in a new window after a double click event on a listbox and have the following code in Page_Startup:
lbDocuments.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(lbDocuments, "ViewDocument")) If Request("__EVENTARGUMENT") = "ViewDocument" Then TempString = "~/Resources/" & txtRecordNumber.Text & "/" & lbDocuments.Text 'txtRecordNumber.Text = "ABC123" 'lbDocuments.Text="ABC123 Document 1 (2011-02-22).pdf" TempString = "<script type=""text/javascript"">window.open('" & TempString & "','_newtab');</script>" ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "ViewDocument", TempString, True) End If
I have tested the above time after time and each double click event registers correctly and the string containing the script (TempString) populates correctly, at least so it appears to me, but the new window is not displayed.
I wanted to a window to pop up when the user clicks on an image. In the pop window, i want to display a text box to search and a button to submit the search. Also on the same pop up, i want to use a radiobutton list to give the option of choosing to search by first name or last name.on searching, i want to display a list of employee names matching the search and give a radio button next to each of them to select the record. On selection, the user will click an OK button below the records. On clicking OK, the pop up window should close and the employee id of the employee selected should be visible in the text box next to the image.Does anyone have an idea of how to do this, because i am not too sure that i have explained it properly.