C# - Force Download Of A File From Memory With Support For Downloading More Than Once?
Feb 20, 2011
I am dynamically generating a file from server based on user input. I need to provide a download button which, upon clicking, downloads a file to the user's file system. Also, the user might click the same button twice, upon which the file should download again.The dynamic generation of file rules out the HttpResponse.TransmitFile() option, which suports mutliple download.Almost every other option I have come across needs Response.End() to be invoked, which prevents a second download.How do I satisfy the 'multiple download" requirement?Read up on Virtual Path providers, which might enable me to use TransmitFile(), but that looks like an overkill for such a simple requirement.
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I have made an application where I am displaying the .pdf , .doc , .docx files. These files are uploading from an Admin Panel.When user place a mouse pointer on download icon provided in front of every file, it shows the complete path where it’s get saved.I want to avoid this path visibility even when user place mouse on download icon and even if it Inspect an element (as most modern browser will have this functionality).
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Apr 13, 2012
In my project, I've created a download button. This button shall perform 3tasks:
1. Change label text
2. Download file
3. Make the button invisible
The following code changes the label text and make the button invisible:
Protected Sub btnDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDownload.Click
lblDownload.Text = "<h3>Thank you for downloading </h3>"
btnDownload.Visible = False
End Sub
When I add a piece of code that handles the file download, the label text is not changed and button remains visible.
Here is the code:
Protected Sub btnDownload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDownload.Click
Dim URL As String = "~/myfile.exe"
Dim fileInfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(Server.MapPath(URL))
If fileInfo.Exists Then
[Code] ....
File downloading cancels other operations.
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Jan 24, 2016
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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (SqlConnection conn = General.GetConnection())
using (SqlCommand _cmd = General.GetCommand("Downloadurl", conn))
now how I can merg above code with first code ?
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Apr 29, 2010
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Oct 9, 2010
how to force download dialog for a text file on the server?
when i used the blow code so the dialog window was for aspx file ... (why?)
string FileBankPhysicalFolder = Server.MapPath("~/FileBanks/");
string Name = "FileBank_" + "Melli_" + Session["Co_ID"].ToString() + "_" + RadcbDateOfPardakht.SelectedValue.Replace('/',',') + ".txt";
string FileBankPath = FileBankPhysicalFolder + Name;
string Content = Header + Body;
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(FileBankPath, Content);
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;" + Name);
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Dec 23, 2010
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i can get the file to download perfectly to a specific location on the clients pc but
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is there anyone who knows how i can either prompt the user to save the file in a location or even get the file to download to the browsers default downloads path
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i m giving file link to be downloaded in navigateurl of hyperlink .
It works fine in my pc but doesnt works in my laptop.
Is there any browser setting to show open/save dialog box .
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Dec 18, 2010
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After each download I want to update the download attempt.
but since I am using force download my databind method does not make any difference in the page.
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Jan 22, 2010
On an ASP.net site at my place of work, the following chunk of code is responsible for handling file downloads (NOTE: Response.TransmitFile is not used here because the contents of the download are being streamed from a zip file):
I've just read about the 'buffer' property of the Response object. If I set that to false, will that prevent the Response.BinaryWrite() calls from buffering the data in memory? In general, what is a good way to limit memory usage in this situation? Perhaps I should stream from the zip to a temporary file, then call Response.TransmitFile()?
EDIT: In addition to possible solutions, I'm very interested in explanations of the memory usage issue present in the code above. Why would this consume far more than 1MB, even though Response.Flush is called on every loop iteration? Is it just the unnecessary heap allocation that occurs on every loop iteration (and doesn't get GC'd right away), or is there something else at work?
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May 20, 2010
Assume a simple aspx data entry page in which admin user can upload an image as well as some other data. They are stored in database and the next time admin visits that page to edit record, image data fetched and a preview generated and saved to disk (using GDI+) and the preview is shown in an image control.
This procedure works fine for the first time however if the image changes (a new one uploaded) the next time the page is surfed it shows previously uploaded image. I debugged the application and everything works correct. The new image data is in database and new preview is stored in Temp location however the page shows previous one. If I refresh the page it shows the new image preview. I should mention that preview is always saved to disk with one name (id of each record as the name).
I think that is because of IE and other browsers use client cache instead of loading images each time a page is surfed. I wonder if there is a way to force the client browser to refresh itself so the newly uploaded image is shown without user intervention.
View 2 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
we are working on a file download page. We want to download a file with a name with spaces and accents. Although the filename is shown correctly on the filedownload dialog, when we click open, the file name is shown with %e1%ba%a3n%20... on notepad. ('Save as' shows the correct name) This problem only happens in Internet Explorer.
Is there anyway we can Display the file name correctly (on the target application) after opening it (without saving) from file download dialog ?
We use this code to set the filename :
fileName = Server.UrlPathEncode(fileName);
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="" + fileName + """);
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Jan 4, 2010
i am using amazon s3 service. now i want to show download dialog box in my asp.net application when user come on download page. i am using amazon sdk.
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm about to submit my pad file to multiple sharware sites but the pad file has to have a direct link to the download file and can't link to a download page which is what I would like to do, so I can track the traffic and get the downloader's email before allowing the download. I am running an ASP.NET site in VB. Is there a way to tell the web app to redirect to a specific aspx page when it receives a request for a specific file?
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Jun 10, 2013
I have added linkbutton inside gridview to download, below is my code..
protected void lnkDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
its giving me following error
"Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack"
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Nov 23, 2010
My requirement is client has to download files which were uploaded by employees. But if the file name contains a space, Mozilla Firefox use only the name up to the first white space and remaining name is truncated. Is it issue with mozilla firefox? if so how can i get rid of this. Important thing is in IE its working well.
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Sep 2, 2013
I need to download a .mp3 file from a folder. during download a new blank page should open and after downloading it should close automatically.
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Nov 17, 2010
I have some doubt about GridView PageSize, for the example if my table have more than 100000 rows and i set PageSize=50, i can see GridView trying to download whole 100000 rows and display only 50 records with pagewise.
In this case my application getting very slow.
Is there anyway to force GridView download data according to the pagesiz without passing limit in sql?
I have some doubt about GridView PageSize, for the example if my table have more than 100000 rows and i set PageSize=50, i can see GridView trying to download whole 100000 rows and display only 50 records with pagewise.
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Feb 1, 2010
I am working on a http based (NOT Secure) Web Application. In this, I have provided a provision to add some appointment to the Client's outlook calendar. I am creating the .vcs file dynamically when clicked on a hyperlink. The code of generating .VCS file is:
string calendarFormat = GetVCSFormat();
Response.ContentType = "text/calendar";
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=MyCalendar.vcs");
It is working fine in all browsers except IE. It is giving me following error:Internet Explorer cannot download GenerateAppointment.aspx from server. Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.
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Sep 10, 2010
I have a link button which the user clicks on it and will download a .PDF file into their PC.It is just a file for them to download.
Currently, I have the following code.
Response.Buffer = True
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Savings Account eStatement.pdf")
Response.Charset = ""
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.pdf"
Dim objSw As New StreamWriter("Savings Account eStatement.pdf")
lblMsg.Text = "Your file created successfully"
lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Green
' Download the file
Response.Redirect("~/Savings Account eStatement.pdf")
View 3 Replies
Aug 10, 2010
i am making a gridview in which textfield of password should match with the password stored in the database (table) .As soon as that happens, the file should be ready to download . now the problem is that the code is niether working nor showing any error, which is very sarcastic.
if (txtval.Text != null || txtval.Text !="")
if (txtval.Text == ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FilePassword"].ToString())
lblmessage.Text = "File has been downloaded successfully.";
WebClient fileReader = new WebClient();..........
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Jul 15, 2010
I'm trying to write come code for users to download files, but the files are located above the webroot (e.g. c:downloads)
I've found some code online that allows me to download a file via a url parameter/argument which is perfect, but the files need to be located within the website structure.
<%@ Page language="vb" runat="server" explicit="true" strict="true" %><script language="vb" runat="server">Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)Dim strRequest As String = Request.QueryString("file") '-- if something was passed to the file querystringIf strRequest <> "" Then 'get absolute path of the fileDim path As String = Server.MapPath(strRequest) 'get file object as FileInfoDim file As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(path) '-- if the file exists on the serverIf file.Exists Then 'set appropriate headersResponse.Clear()Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & file.Name)Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString())Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"Response.WriteFile(file.FullName)Response.End 'if file does not existElseResponse.Write("This file does not exist.")End If 'nothing in the URL as HTTP GETElseResponse.Write("Please provide a file to download.")End IfEnd Sub</script>
Source: http://www.xefteri.com/articles/show.cfm?id=8
how this can be modified so that it can access files outside the webroot?
I'd like it so that I can create an href like: <a href="download.aspx?file=test.pdf">Download File</a> and then the code will download the file from c:downloads est.pdf
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