C# - Formatting The Parent And Child Nodes Of A Treeview That Is Populated By A XML File?
May 24, 2010
I'm very new to xml so I hope I'm not asking any silly question here. I'm currently working on populating a treeview from an XML file that is not hierarchically structured. In the xml file that I was given the child and parent nodes are defined within the attributes of the item element. How would I be able to utilize the attributes in order for the treeview to populate in the right hierarchical order. (Example Mary Jane should be a child node of Peter Smith). At present all names are under one another.root
<item parent_id="0" id="1"><content><name>Peter Smith</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="1" id="2"><content><name>Mary Jane</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="1" id="7"><content><name>Lucy Lu</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="2" id="3"><content><name>Informatics Team</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="3" id="4"><content><name>Sandy Chu</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="4" id="5"><content><name>John Smith</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="5" id="6"><content><name>Jane Smith</name></content></item>
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private TreeNodeCollection GetCheckedNodeForParent (string parentNode)
TreeNodeCollection treeNodeCollection=new TreeNodeCollection();
foreach (TreeNode node in tvBaseline.FindNode(parentNode).ChildNodes)
if (node.Checked)
return treeNodeCollection;
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ParentTable Value
---ChildTable Value
---GrandChildTable1 Node
---GrandChildTable1 Value
---GrandChildTable2 Node
---GrandChildTable1 Value
I have created something like this to populate node values. But I am not sure how to display GrandChildNode and values. Could you please let me know if there are any ideas?
protected void TreeView1_TreeNodePopulate(object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e)
switch (e.Node.Depth)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
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<VegaMessage Type="EX_ACK_PEN" Value="A">
<VegaField Tag="11" Value="$11" Name="ClientOrderID(11)" />
<VegaField Tag="54" Value="$54" Name="Side(54)" />
<VegaField Tag="55" Value="$55" Name="Symbol(55)" /> [code]....
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Like I need the name inside here
<TaxonomyName>Resource Enhancement</TaxonomyName>
<asp:TreeView ID="tvSubmissionCategories" runat="server" DataSourceID="xdsSubmissionCategories"
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Taxonomy" Text="TextThing" />
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a TreeView menu populated from a SiteMapDataSource. The TreeView defaults to all nodes expanded, but the normal client side expand/collapse behaviour for the nodes is not working. I get one Javascript error in my Firebug console, being:
TreeView_ToggleNode is not defined
What could be causing this?
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