C# - How To Create A Extension Method To Sum Up A Column Of A Generic Constrained Type In A Datatable

Oct 1, 2010

Is something like the below possible?

public static T Sum<T>(this DataTable dt, string columnName)
where T : IEnumerable<decimal>, IComparable<decimal>[code]....

It feels like i'm almost there, but not quite :/

Just trying to sum up either decimal or int values in a column in datatable. Currently getting a compile error, however think this is due to the incorrect generic constraint.

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/// <summary>
/// Short-hand for setting the data source and binding it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="me">The control to set and bind the data source of.</param>
/// <param name="dataSource">The data source.</param>
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me.DataSource = dataSource;

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Sep 5, 2010

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Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Namespace Extensions
Public Module IntegerExtensions
Public Function ToCommaDeliminatedNumber(ByVal int As Integer) As String
Dim _input As String = int.ToString
Select Case int
Case Is > 99999 : Return _input.Remove(_input.Length - 3) & "k"
Case Is > 9999 : Return Math.Round(Double.Parse(int / 1000), 1).ToString & "k"
Case Is > 999 : Return String.Format("{0:N0}", int)
Case Else : Return _input
End Select
End Function
End Module
End Namespace

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