C# - How To Create A Temporary File Under Iis

Mar 4, 2011

i want to create a temporary zip file under iis, so i can access it by an http request. in addition i want to delete this file after download it. N.B. : i'm using asp.net 3.5 framework.

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Is there anyway to create a temporary table from C# and set the destinationtable as #TemPTableName and then write to server.

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Is 256MB big enough? What about file uploading? where do those files (temporarily) go?

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How do I create a schema.ini file from a tab delimited file?

I have this so far:


I think I need something like this after my last line from above:

Col1=first TEXT width 150

My text file has 7 columns, the first row is the header row. The data comes from a Micosoft SQL Server Database where the fields are of the following types:


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Iis - ApplicationPoolIdentity Permissions On Temporary?

Jun 8, 2010

We have a web application that runs on a WIndows Server 2008 64 bits machine. The app's ApplicationPool is running under the ApplicationPoolIdentity and configured for .net 2 and Classic pipeline mode.

This works fine up to the moment that XmlSerialization requires creation of Serializer assemblies where MEF is being used to create a collection of knowntypes.

To remedy this I was hoping that granting the ApplicationPoolIdentity rights to the ASP.Net Temporary Files directory would be enough, but alas..

What I did was the run the following command from a cmd prompt:

icacls "c:windowsmicrosoft.netframework64v2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files" /grant "IIS AppPoolMyAppPool":(M)

Obviously this did not work, otherwise you would not be reading this :)

Strange thing is that whenever I grant the Users or even more specific, the Authenticated Users Group those permissions, it works. What's weird as well (in my eyes) is that before I started granting access the ApplicationPoolIdentity was already a member of IIS_IUSRS which does have Modify rights for the temporary asp files directory.

And now I'm left wondering why this situation requires Modify rights for the Authenticated Users group. I thought it could be because the apppool account was missing additional rights (googling for this returned some results, so I tried those), but granting the ApplicationPoolIdentity modification rights to the WindowsTemp directory and/or the application directory itself did not fix it.

For now we have a workaround, but I hate that I don't know what is exactly going on here, so I was hoping any of you guys could shed some light on this.

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Is there a way to do this?

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Jul 19, 2010

I have the following code for creating a file if it does not exist and overwriting it if it already exists:

FileStream fsExe = File.Create(DestExePath, 4096);
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fsExe);

What ever I write to the BinaryWriter, it is getting appended to the "DestExePath" instead of overwriting the original file.

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C# - System.IO.File.Create Locking A File?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm using System.IO.File.Create to create a file. I'm not writting to it with a stream writer, just creating it.

I get a server error in the front end when the app trys to open the newly created file - that the file is in use. Garbage collection then seems to come along and a few minutes later all is OK.

Now I know if I was using Streamwriter I would have to close it. Does the same apply to creating?

I've read that opening a stream writer to the file then immediately closing it will fix this.

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Where To Place Temporary Files In Server

Jun 24, 2010

my aspx web app needs to allow clients to load files (excel files) to some place in the server, to be able to open and read content via OLEDB immediataly after upload. Are there any "best practices" or suggestions about location, naming and security of temporary files folders? Also I need these files to be automatically deleted after use, I would like to be sure they always are. VS 2008/ .net 3.5 framework/ Windows server 2003 and 2008

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C# - How To Handle Temporary Files In Application

Jan 6, 2010

Recently I was working on displaying workflow diagram images in our web application. I managed to use the rehosted WF designer and create images on-the-fly on the server, but imagining how large the workflow diagrams can very quickly become, I wanted to give a better user experience by using some ajax control for displaying images that would support zoom & pan functionality.

I happened to come across the website of seadragon, which seems to be just an amazing piece of work that I could use. There is just one disadvantage - in order to use their library for generating deep zoom versions of images I have to use the file structure on a server. Because of the temporary nature of the images I am using (workflow diagrams with progress indicators), it is important to not only be able to create such images but also to get rid of them after some time.

Now the question is how can I best ensure that the temporary image files and the folder hierarchy can be created on a server (ASP.NET web app), and later cleaned up. I was thinking of using the cache functionality and by the expiration of the cache item delete the corresponding image folder hierarchy, or simply in the Application_Start and Application_End of Global.asax delete the content of the whole temporary folder, but I'm not really sure whether this is a good idea and whether there are some security restrictions or file-system-related troubles. What do you think ?

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Store Temporary Data In MVC 2.0 Project?

May 5, 2010

I'm starting to learn MVC 2.0 and I'm trying to create a site with a quiz: user is asked a question and given several options of answer. If he chooses the right answer he gets some points, if he doesn't, he looses them.

I tried to do this the following way

public class HomeController : Controller
private ITaskGenerator taskGenerator = new TaskGenerator();
private string correctAnswer;


But I have a problem: when user answers the cotroller class is recreated and I loose correct answer. So what is the best place to store correct answer? Should I create a static class for this purpose?

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Generating And Deleting Temporary Downloads?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a few ideas on how to accomplish this, but before I make a big mess perhaps there's an obviously easy solution I'm not seeing.

So I have on my site software (.NET 2, C#) a calendar, and I've recently added some code to generate a temporary iCalendar file from an event, and e-mail it to the logged in user. That part works great; the temp file is created, a MailMessage is created with teh attachment, it's sent, and then the temp file is deleted.

I want to change this into a "download" as opposed to an e-mail. So I generate the temp file, but present it to the user as a download instead (so they can open/save it immediately). That's all fine, but where I'm stuck is how to "know" the download has been completed, so I can then delete the tempoary file.

I have "hacky" options like timers and whatnot to do cleanup, but I'm wondering if I'm missing a better solution.

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