C# - How To Make A Count On Specific Category When Querystring Is Empty

Mar 3, 2011

I have a menu on my masterpage / defaultpage where I'm listing x categories. I would like to make a count of how many products there are in each category.



Obiously i need the specific categoryid, but how to I request that without having querystrings running since it is on the default page.

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Oct 5, 2012

I HAVE A GRID VIEW IN asp.net + VB Code. There is a drop down list and the selected data is displayed in web page. I placed a label in web page and code behind i used following code.

Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound
Label1.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString()
Dim ONYO As Integer = 0
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Web Forms :: Display All Products And Products From Category Using QueryString?

May 16, 2012

this is my last thread


this is my code

<li><a href="Furniture.aspx?h_name=electric">Electric</a></li>
in Furniture.aspx will show all product that have H_name=electric 

i have another  Item 

<li><a href="Furniture.aspx?h_name=?">show all</a></li>

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Generate Dynamic TextBoxes Based On Count Value In QueryString

Jul 9, 2012

Suppose, I sent a value from 1 page to another [ex:5]  then on another page where i sent the value I want to display that many TextBoxes 1 by 1 means 5. I want to read all the values and want to store it.

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Enter Product 1 Quantity : TextBox1 : I will enter the quanity next

Enter Product 2 Quantity : TextBox2 : I will enter the quanity next

till TextBox 5 / number

Basically, my idea is I want to generate the bill according to products which my worker carry. So I will enter my worker id and I will ask him how many products do you have. I enter the number. suppose 5. then that many textboxes will appear on the form and i will just enter there quantity.

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C# - Count Specific XML Nodes Within XML?

Feb 18, 2010

See this XML:


I want to get the total count of nodes from this xml dynamically (C#).

How can I do it? Any sample code?

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework 3.5 / Select Category From Dropdownlist Bind Gridview To All Products Related To This Category?

Nov 5, 2010

i create example using Northwind database so i create a new website and add new ADO.Net Entity Data Model (.edmx) called Northwind.edmx and i add Categories and Products table inside this (.edmx) file

and add new ADO.Net Data Servuce called "ADODataService" and add it as WebReferences called NorthwindService

so i add new web page and drag DropdownList and Gridview as i want to bind Dropdownlist to all categories and when i select category from Dropdownlist bind Gridview to all Products related to this category

so my code


and my code

so when i select category from Dropdownlist nothing happen :(

also you will find commented code in method BindCategory whuch is not work also.

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Get An Error A String (selected Category In The Ddl) Cannot Be Converted To A Category Object?

Feb 7, 2010

I'll try to explain as simple as I can in text what my problem is. I don't see any other way to make my issue clear.

I have a GridView that uses an ObjectDataSource.

The ObjectDataSource has an DataObjectTypeName defined, so I pass/get complete objects or list of objects to/from the data access methods.

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The problem I face is that I can't find a way to update the category in my GridView. What I did already accomplish is:I used a template field in the GridView for the Category so I could use a DropDownList for that field in Edit mode.

I bound the DropDownList to another ObjectDataSource that gives me a list of CategoryObjects.

So when I enter Edit mode... the row shows a nice ddl with the available categories. It even selects the right original category.

So far so good... but when I want to save my new selection, I get an error that a string (the selected category in the ddl) cannot be converted to a Category object (that's what the Book object, that is going to be used for the update, expects).

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How To Refresh Currentpage With Specific Querystring Value (c#)

Feb 20, 2011

I have a problem with a simple error notification when I delete a specific product.

I have one page products.aspx

I have 2 categories

- Mobile (cat 1)

- Net (cat 2)

When i delete a specific product from a specific category I have a notification coming up "your product has been deleted..." and then after 2 sec, I want the current page to refresh, so the new and correct number of products is shown. My problem is, that I am requesting querystring "deleteid", while deleting the product, and then my querystring with "categoryid" is, of course, 0. All in all i need "products.aspx?categoryid=2" to refresh, but categoryid is ofc 0, when requesting "deleteid".


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Cache Page With A Specific Querystring?

Feb 14, 2010

I know that i can use the VaryByParam attribute, but what it does is not exactly what i am aiming for.

What happens is that different versions of the page are cached based on the query string.

For example Page.aspx?ID=Tom has its own cached version and ID=Arnold has another. Now what i want to do is not to cache Arnold at all. I only want to cache the page when the query string is Tom.

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State Management :: Request.QueryString Is Empty On Postback

Mar 8, 2010

My app has broken after upgrading to ASP.NET 2.0. The problem is that Request.QueryString is empty when the SelectedIndexChanged event of a IE Web Controls tab strip is fired. It worked perfectly in ASP.NET 1. I have the tab strip contained within my own UserControl.

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C# - Why Request.QueryString Replace + With Empty Char In Some Cases

Jul 28, 2010

I have a problem that if I pass a string that contain + in a query string and try to read it , it get the same string but by replacing + with empty charFor example if i pass query like ../Page.aspx?data=sdf1+sdf then in page load I read data by data = Request.QueryString["data"] it will get as below data ="sdf1 sdf"
I solve the problem by replacing any empty char with + .. But Is there any problem that cause that ? and Is my solution by replacing empty char with + is the best solution in all cases?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Category Name Without Category Id

Mar 30, 2011

I am working in a project that is a musical website. I want to display the web page with all categories I have. In my database , named Category_Master, I have two fields like Category_Id (which is a primary key ) and Category_Name. I have generated category_Id with NEWID() function. The category_Id is not supposed to display on the web page. But, i have to select Category_Name and according to that , I have to get the category_Id. If I am using Static connection with SqlDataSource, i am able to make visible=false property so that the category_id won't be visible. But , at that time, I can't write code to Select the category_id of the selected index.

If i am using disconnected approach, I filled the dataset with the Category_Master, and binded it to GridView. But, at that time, I can't hide the category_id from the user. I want to select category_id by clicking on the category_name with out displaying category_id ..?

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Mar 22, 2010

Anyone know how to write a select statement to where it returns results that have a specific character count? I want to return all results that have 5 characters.

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Data Controls :: Display Count Of Specific Records Of GridView Based On Condition

May 7, 2015

I have to add the total no of present in grid view.


id name status1 s Present1 s Present1 s Present total 3

I need to show the present days as total.

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Data Controls :: Count Records Of Specific Types In GridView And Display Result In Label

Jun 2, 2013

In my asp.net gridview i want to count how much peoples are qualified in MCA  and display the value in a lbel in same page. The qualifications are in COURSE field in my table anme persadata

table name is PERSDATA

PNO     NAME            COURSE   COMPANY

121      RAJU             BCA           TCS
234      RK SINGH     MCA            TECHNO
525      P RAJ            MCA            KELTRON
325      ANIL             BBA             BPL
235      KUMAR          MCA            TATA

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Forms Data Controls :: Add An Empty Line In Gridview On Specific Day Of Week?

Aug 17, 2010

Havin quite a bit of trouble with this one. I have a bunch of days that I worked in my database...mostly monday-friday and some saturdays. What I want the gridview to do is add an empty line between each sunday and monday so that it seperates out my work weeks and makes it easier to read in the gridview. I got some help here a few days ago on how to clone the db etc and I have all that working properly but I can't seem to wrap my head around how to do add these empty lines in the proper spots. Here is my code so far:


What ends up happening is since I "seed" a variable with a specific date, the empty space inserts start getting off by a few days after awhile. I know why this happens but I'm not sure how to fix it.

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How To Make Gridview Empty

Feb 15, 2011

i have grid view and i am displaying results by search button which is fine. for first search it is fine, when i click on second search, even that search result not exist, the old data is still displaying. so how to make gridview as empty if there is no result found. i used linq to sql concept to display the search results.

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C# - How To Make StringBuilder Empty Again

Jul 12, 2010

I have a loop where i create some string value based on certain conditions. I did place StringBuilder object outside of the loop and each time i have new row in loop i need to clear StringBuilder appended values for this row.

How do i clear those?


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How To Make Password Field That Are Not Empty

Oct 26, 2010

I want to edit an user.I dispay the corresponding data(username, email,..etc..password, confirmation pass)The problem is that those password fields are empty.Q: When i display data in the formthe two password fields are empty.
How can i make them contain data?

I am using asp.net-mvc 2
<div class="editor-label">
<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password) %>
<div class="editor-field">
<%: Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password)%>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Password)%>

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C# - How To Make A Textbox Empty In Code Behind

Aug 17, 2010

I have a textbox (txtbox1) which has some value in it. I want to empty the value of textbox. Is that possible in code behind?

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Make Specific Changes To MVC Preferred

Jan 24, 2010

I'm planning to set up an online store for a friend, unfortunately his product line introduces some demands most out-of-the-box solutions don't fit. I'm hoping somebody here has had some experiences with an open source package that they can recommend. The specific issue is that the products are going to number in the hundreds of thousands. Since the type of products have a lot of clearly defined specifics, searching and sorting can be (and needs to be) very granular and efficient. For this reason, the primary requirement is that I replace the product and search-related parts of the app, but only those parts. I'm hoping that there's an ecommerce solution with the product segment abstracted so that I can change the database tables, product display code, search code, and create the obvious code to interact with the database.

I'd prefer something that's built on ASP.Net MVC since it'll play nicely with some extensions I am considering for the future but I'd consider WebForms. I'd also like it to be something that functions on GoDaddy's Hosting, though I'm not optimistic, I just got the account before I discovered how terrible of an ASP.Net web host they are. And finally I need something that's reasonably mature as I don't have time up front to deal with a system that hasn't been tested, and the majority of issues worked through already.

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Web Forms :: How To Make Empty Multiple Textboxes

Nov 4, 2010

i have 5-6 textboxes in a panel. i want to make all textboxes empty on a button click.

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Mar 24, 2010

I have used querystrings in many webpages. When user click hyperlink then it moves to next page but there is a very long string is being displayed in the Address bar of the browser.

I just want to show like this:


Not like this:


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Make Administrator Create Users From A Specific Role

Mar 19, 2011

I've been reading about asp web administration tool. I read about creating roles and stuff and forcing a controller to use authentication in order to be viewed. My question is, say create on the administration tool a user called Peter and I assign him the Administrator role. Then I want to create another role called LimitedAdministrator. But I want Peter to create new users on his View (I'm using MVC). Can anyone point me in the direction of how to do this.

I want peter to see on his page, like "Create user" and this user will be created as a LimitedAdministrator.

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