C# - How To Prevent Firing Of Last Event After Page Refresh
Oct 9, 2010Every time I refresh the browser, my button's event handler fires again. How do you prevent this?
View 2 RepliesEvery time I refresh the browser, my button's event handler fires again. How do you prevent this?
View 2 RepliesI have an implementation for my website to have facebook single sign on, using their javascript sdk.The javascript adds the cookie and I deal with it fine.The question is related to when an user logs out of facebook, I would expect the auth.sessionChange or auth.logout events to fire, but that only occurs when the page is refreshed.As my implementation is done server-side, this means that after the user logs out of facebook they can access one secure page one more time before being properly logged out.Is this the normal case or do these events usually fire up straight away and I'm maybe doing something incorrect in configuration of the facebook app?
View 1 RepliesI have a custom class (ServerSideValidator.vb) that validates user input on server side (it doesn't use any of the .NET built in validators, therefore Page.Validate() is not an option for me). I am calling the Validate() method on page.IsPostback event and the class performs without any problem
My issue is, when validation fails (returns false), I want to stop the postback event handler from firing, but load the page along with all the controls and user-input values in them. If I do, Response.End(), the page comes up blank. I can programmatically instruct the page to go to the previous page (original form before postback), but it loses all user-inputs.
I thought of creating a global boolean variable in the page code behind file and check the value before performing any postback method, but this approach takes away from my plan to provide all functionalities inside the class itself. The page object is being referenced to ServerSideValidator.
Seems like all the postback related properties/variables I come across inside Page class are 'Readonly' and I can't assign value(s) to control/prevent postback event from firing.
I have a simple query based on the index changed event of a dropdownlist in ASP.NET. The scenario is i have a dropdown list bearing a collection of items (say ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE) with the default value selected as 'ONE'. Now, when the client changes the index (say the client selects 'TWO'), a confirmation box is prompted asking 'Are you sure want to change the index?' with the buttons YES & NO. Now, the problem is, if YES button is clicked then its working fine as the index is changed. But when NO button is clicked in the confirmation box, I do not want the index to be changed to 'TWO' and it should be holding the previously selected value which was 'ONE'. How can I do this? For which event should I write the code, as I cant think of writing the code for the IndexChanged event because here the index change has already occured and since there is no 'IndexChanging' event in ASP.NET, where shall i write the code
View 7 RepliesI am build Web site using asp.net 4.0 c# ... There are a forum on my website where user can save his personal details. my problem is that when user submit his detail in database and again refresh URL (f5), event again arise and request go to server, double entry saved in database. How I can handle it.
View 1 RepliesI have Created form with Server Side control like button..and also have written event on that.. Now runtime after click on the button i have refreshed the page by pressing F5.Page_load is executing fine but button1_click() event also firing...So how can i stop this event execution in this scenario.
View 6 RepliesI have a page that add Items to RadioButtonList with this code :
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
I have 2 checkboxes (yes/no) that when selected cause the entire page to refresh during postback mode. How can I elimiate this?
I have a web of ashx,in it
string ipSrc;
if (context.Request.UrlReferrer == null)
ipSrc = "";
ipSrc = context.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
string os=hbc.Platform;
string browserInfo = hbc.Browser + hbc.Version;
DAL.InsertData_OleDb(context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], ipSrc, WebTitle, os, browserInfo);
Do Not refresh the page if i press the f5 button in asp.net.
View 1 Replies now a days i'm working on my project. In project there is a aspx page which is binded with a masterpage, the problem is that when i run the project in debugging mode i found that page load event of a page is firing two times instead of one along with masterpage page's page load event. This is crreating a problem in filling a grid. I searched through the internet for this problem some says that it may happen if u have any image whose src="" or due to some bad HTML's on page .But i've gone through the page it does not contain any image whose src="" .
When master page event fires, content page events are fired first,
is there any content page event that fires after the master page events.
I put a break point at the protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) method of my master page, but when i start the site it does not hit that break point.
Why is the event not firing? I would like to use this event along with others such as the Init event in order to check to see if the session has expired everytime a page loads...
I'm using SelectedIndexChanged on a gridview row to trigger an event which is working fine in a normal webform. But, when I included "master page", it's not triggering the same event.
everything is same except, I added MasterPageFile location & removed FORM tag.
ASP code
<%@ page title="" language="C" masterpagefile="~/site.master codebehind="test.aspx.cs" inherits="Main.test" enableEventValidation="false"
<asp:content ID="content1" contentplaceholderid="headcontent" runat="server">
<link href="styles/CS1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<asp:content ID="content2" contentplaceholderid="maincontent" runat="server">
I'm sure I'm missing something extremely obvious here, but at this point I can't see it so I need the help.Anyway, I've got a repeater inside of an UpdatePanel. As of right now, I've stripped it down to this, just to try and isolate the problem:
Whether I add the handler during itemdatabound or I add the handler within the repeater itself, it doesn't seem to matter...the event itself doesn't fire. The AutoPostback itself seems to fire, but the event itself doesn't.
I have couple of [WebMethods] in my code behind and using jquery ajax to get data from server. And then it happens :). After some time while page is inactive when i try to click on button which should have send request to server it simply does nothing for about half of minute and only then event is fired and i get response from server.
my javascript looks something like this:
I have a web application that shows a page containing between 6 and 20 UpdatePanels, contained with Custom Web (.ascx) Controls.
You can see an example of such a page here: [URL]
The problem I'm getting is that when the user FIRST clicks any of the radio-buttons on any of the controls in the page, ALL the radio buttons that have an active selection ALSO fire an rb_CheckChanged event (see application log below). On subsequent radio-button clicks, only that RB fires the event (as expected).
This behaviour is having a dramatic impact on performance. The page loads quickly, and a "normal" RB click provides an AJAX update correctly within 1 second. The problematic first RB click, however, takes up to SIX seconds to process, which is unacceptable from a user experience standpoint.
Developed in VS.NET 2008, ASP.NET 3.5. Also I converted the "Web Site" solution to a "Web Application" (pre-compiled) and got the same performance (still too slow). Release builds run only marginally faster than debug builds.
Why would a single RB selection change cause all RB's that have a "selection" set on them to also fire? (The "selection" is determined through database settings every time the control is populated, which is called from within the parent page control's Page_Load function. This selection is determined also at first page load, since all the controls get populated then, so why would the clicking of an RB cause them all to fire an event, and only once? That's what I don't get...)
I have the following Master Page
Which is used in the following Page
With the following code behind
The trouble is while the event handler for the btnSearch fires, the same can not be said for the btnSave handler.
Anyone see what obvious thing I have missed.
I have implement GridView Row Editing feature in my .net application using <asp:CommandField.
I clicked on Update button to save the record after editing the row.Now if i refresh the page or press F5 GridView_RowCommand fired again. How can we avoid this.Is there any mechanism to identify when user press F5 OR refresh the page.Is there any method in client side or in server side.
Here is the situation, I have a nested master page with set of global filters for reports. When they click the run button in the master I want the content page to process the filter and execute a general function called RunReport on the content page. Each report has its own content page with its own RunReport method. Everything I see online says to use public events with the RaiseEvent call. This was easy to code but it doesn't seem to be firing the event on the content page. How do I know, I have an error message section on the master page which I can send messages to from the content and it is displaying nothing. I also put a break point in the content page method and it never hit it. NOTE: MyPortal is a class that contains to variables call Master, which reference the main master page, and Validations which references the nested master page. The page does not throw any errors, it just refreshes like a normal button click. I have traced code to make sure it gets to the RaiseEvent call and when I tried to step into the code it skipped over the line. Here is some code for the nested master page:
Here is some code for the content page:
I have a page with in a master page. This page has a user control with a text box and a button. I also have another button on the page. As the page first loads the button_click event on both the controls does not fire when clicking the buttons. I also have an event on the enter key on the text box. This event fires which causes a post back. After post back now my button_click event fire. The button_click event does not fire on the first page_load.
View 2 RepliesI have a master page with a login box on it. Inside the login box is a button -
NOW ... On my local dev machine this code works fine. The control fires the event and everything is how it should be. When I run this site on a remote web server (tried two of them - both IIS7 running on 2008 R2) the event is never called. I added some logging to see what is happening and the PostBack event on the Master Page does not happen when the button is clicked - the page is just reloaded.
In our application we need to handle browser close event. When a user directly closes the browser, we should give him an alert message and stop him by directly closing the window based on some conditions. This we have handled through body onunload event. The problem is we are getting the alert message but after showing the alert message the window gets closed.
Is there any way to stop closing the window on click of browser close event?
And also when the page is refreshed, the last performed action is getting fired again.
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack) // If page loads for first time
Session["update"] = Server.UrlEncode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); // Assign the Session["update"] with unique value
I have a fairly complex web app which has two levels of master page. The top level provides a nav bar constructed from a Menu control across the top of the page. Second level master pages provide menus down the side. It all works well.
On both Menu controls, I need to handle the MenuItemClick event. This works fine on the Menu controls on the second-level master pages. However, the Menu on the top level master does not raise the event at all.
This web site makes extensive use of Ajax and the top-level master page contains the ScriptManager. Before I go to all the work of creating a much simpler test site, why the Menu control is not raising the MenuItemClick event?
Here is the markup for the Menu in the top-level master:
Here is the MenuItemClick event handler:
The logging call in the event handler never gets called. Equivalent code in the Menu on the second-level master does get called.