Web Forms :: Menu In Top Level Master Page Not Firing MenuItemClick Event?

May 4, 2010

I have a fairly complex web app which has two levels of master page. The top level provides a nav bar constructed from a Menu control across the top of the page. Second level master pages provide menus down the side. It all works well.

On both Menu controls, I need to handle the MenuItemClick event. This works fine on the Menu controls on the second-level master pages. However, the Menu on the top level master does not raise the event at all.

This web site makes extensive use of Ajax and the top-level master page contains the ScriptManager. Before I go to all the work of creating a much simpler test site, why the Menu control is not raising the MenuItemClick event?

Here is the markup for the Menu in the top-level master:


Here is the MenuItemClick event handler:


The logging call in the event handler never gets called. Equivalent code in the Menu on the second-level master does get called.

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C# - MenuItemClick Event Not Firing?

Apr 4, 2010

I am using asp:menu.In this asp menu,on clicking menu item,I want to get the menuitem,and its parent.I tried to use menuitemclick event.But menuitemclick event is not firing on clicking menu item.

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Web Forms :: Menu's MenuItemClick Event Is Not Working?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to go to same page by clicking some of my menu items. I am passing the item value(or) text through query string.But my menu's click event is not working. I couldnt get the desired output.

This menu control is in <filename>.master file and event handler is in <filname>.master.cs file.

For reference. My code is below.

protected void TopMenu_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
string item = e.Item.Text;
string linkpath = "~/ProductList.aspx?CategoryName=" + item;

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Web Forms :: Menu Created During Runtime - How To Fire Menuitemclick Event

Dec 8, 2010

I hv created a menu during runtime.. my menu items are from the database. . wen i click the particular menu item, it shud redirect me to the related webpage. .

I wanna know how can i make menuitemclick event fired... nd how can i set different redirect webpages for different menu items as all the menu items r loaded at runtime..

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Click Event Not Firing / How To Pass The Selected Menu Item Text To The Other Page

Jan 10, 2011

I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.

now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.

is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?

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Web Forms :: MenuItemClick Event Not Firing On "child/nested" Nodes

Jan 13, 2010


MenuItemClick event will fire on Page1 and Page2 but not Page3 or Page4. The page will post back but will not fire MenuItemClick event. When mouse hovers over the page1 thru page4 nodes IE status bar at bottom shows javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$Menu1','\/page?.aspx') where ? = 1,2,3,4. I can delete Parent 1 and page1&2 nodes and page3&4 will fire MenuItemClick. Its as though any child nodes after the initial set will not fire the MenuItemClick event.

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Web Forms :: Event Not Firing When Using Master Page

Aug 3, 2012

I'm using SelectedIndexChanged on a gridview row to trigger an event which is working fine in a normal webform. But, when I included "master page", it's not triggering the same event.

everything is same except, I added MasterPageFile location & removed FORM tag.

ASP code

<%@ page title="" language="C" masterpagefile="~/site.master codebehind="test.aspx.cs" inherits="Main.test" enableEventValidation="false"

<asp:content ID="content1" contentplaceholderid="headcontent" runat="server">
<link href="styles/CS1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<asp:content ID="content2" contentplaceholderid="maincontent" runat="server">


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Master Page Menu Button Events Not Firing On Some Pages Only?

Aug 5, 2014

I have a master page with a menu on it. I have found now two pages out of dozens where for some reason the master page events aren't firing. I've put a break point in there and it never hits it. Is there something that could cause a disconnect between the page and the master page events? Really weird it happens in Chrome and IE but they fire correctly in Safari.

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: Master Page Event Not Firing On Remote Web Server

May 18, 2010

I have a master page with a login box on it. Inside the login box is a button -


NOW ... On my local dev machine this code works fine. The control fires the event and everything is how it should be. When I run this site on a remote web server (tried two of them - both IIS7 running on 2008 R2) the event is never called. I added some logging to see what is happening and the PostBack event on the Master Page does not happen when the button is clicked - the page is just reloaded.

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Web Forms :: Catch MenuItemClick Event In A Content Page?

Jan 30, 2011

I have a master page, which has a Menu control:


Now I want to "catch" the event when someone click on the new menu item ("Add File"), which will cause a panel in the content page to become visible. I can't catch it in the master page, because then I won't have access to the panel, and I don't know how to catch it in the content page.

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Web Forms :: Master Page Load Event Firing Multiple Times

Jan 27, 2010

am using a master page, with children pages.

I am using forms authentication, and a session object to hold user information once the user is authenticated.

I am able to login and log out. I am able to log in and use the "remember me" functionality of the forms authentication.

When attempting to test the "remember me" functionality, the master page load event contains code to check the forms authentication & remember me, and retrieve user info from the database to automatically log the user in. This fires correctly, and the screens all load with the user successfuly logged in, and the users info is successfully stored in a session object.

Without touching anything on the screen, a moment passes and then the master page load event spontaneously fires again, Page.User.Identity.Name still contains the user name, however the session variable is now null, and throws an error.If I tell it to run past this error, it does, and the application continues to function normally, withthe session variables set correctly.

Its almost as if that second firing is ina different session, or something.

I have no problem posting code, but I have a profile class holding / handling the session communication, etc so it is a bit cumbersome.

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Event Of Master Page Not Firing

Jul 23, 2010

I put a break point at the protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) method of my master page, but when i start the site it does not hit that break point.

Why is the event not firing? I would like to use this event along with others such as the Init event in order to check to see if the session has expired everytime a page loads...

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AJAX :: Event Handler Not Firing Using Master Page

Jul 30, 2010

I have the following Master Page


Which is used in the following Page


With the following code behind


The trouble is while the event handler for the btnSearch fires, the same can not be said for the btnSave handler.

Anyone see what obvious thing I have missed.

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Master Page And Content Page Event Firing Sequence?

Aug 22, 2010

When master page event fires, content page events are fired first,

is there any content page event that fires after the master page events.

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C# - Facebook Iframe Application ,with Master Page, Doesn't Firing OnSelectedIndexChanged Event

Jun 30, 2010

this is my radio button list:


this is the code behind:


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Web Forms :: When Click On A Menu, The New Page Loads Which Uses The Same Master Page, But The ASP:Menu Vanishes?

Nov 5, 2010

I have an asp:Menu control on a master page that is reading its menu items from a web.sitemap file via a SiteMapDataSource.When I click on a menu, the new page loads which uses the same master page, but the ASP:Menu vanishes. I have put some plain text next to the menu for testing, this appears on the new page but the menu does not.Does anyone know how to get the asp:Menu to remain visible on the page?

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Web Forms :: Get The Drop Down Level 2 Menu In Aspx Page?

Jan 3, 2011

I have develope a application with the help of Visual studio 2003 with sql server 2005

Its having Level2 HTML menus. In HTML page its working properly,but in aspx page its not working.How to get the drop down level 2 menu in aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Reference Control On Third Level Master Page From Content Base Class?

Aug 8, 2010

I am attempting to access a textbox control on a master page from a code behind base class but having problems. I have 3 levels of master pages. m1.master is the master page for m2.master which is the master page for m3.master.m3.master has a textbox as shown below


I have a content page c1.aspx that uses m3.master as its master page as shown below:


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Web Forms :: Trying To Get Footer-links To Sync On Top Level Sites To Subsites In Master Page?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to be able to sync the footer-links on top level sites and subsites. Currently I have 7 links on top level site and 3 on a subsite and 2 on another sub site. How can I set up the code in my master page so the subsites will show the same footer-links as on the top level site. I know the code has Sharepoint controls in it but it is C#code in a master page. So the concept is still in .NET.Here is the code that I have so far, I am unsure about what should go in this line specifically in the code


Here is the rest of the code



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Web Forms :: Auto Generate Page Level Event Handlers?

Nov 1, 2010

Inside VS2010 is there a way of auto generating page level event handler code?

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Control Menu Display And Page Level Security Using Active Directory?

Dec 1, 2010

I would like to control the menu display (show/hide menu items) in my ASP.NET 3.5 website based on the user's AD group and also control the functionality within a page using user's active directory group membership. how to do this? menu is stored in an xml file and bound to a control. all the examples I see on the web are related to forms authentication. this is an intranet website with integrated windows authentication and both authentication and authorization should be controlled using user's active directory groups.

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Web Forms :: How To Work With Navigation Menu And Assign Pages In Navigation Menu In Master Page

Aug 25, 2010

Iam using masterpage and i want to use navigation menu ,but i don't want to use sitemap concept

how to work with navigation menu and assign the pages in navigation menu in master page

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C# - Menu Displaying Different Menu Items Depending On Access Level

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to create an asp menu for a website. The site will have 2 levels of user Master users (which will have more options) and Sub users which will have limited menu options.

I was wonder does anyone knows if a way to hide menu items? I've tried google but I can't really find much.

Here's the Asp code


I have worked out how to hide the whole menu when the user is not logged in

MainMenu.Visible = false

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Web Forms :: Page Load Event Of A Page Is Firing Two Times Instead Of One?

Nov 6, 2010

now a days i'm working on my project. In project there is a aspx page which is binded with a masterpage, the problem is that when i run the project in debugging mode i found that page load event of a page is firing two times instead of one along with masterpage page's page load event. This is crreating a problem in filling a grid. I searched through the internet for this problem some says that it may happen if u have any image whose src="" or due to some bad HTML's on page .But i've gone through the page it does not contain any image whose src="" .


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Web Forms :: How To Use StaticSelectedStyle In Menu Control With Master Page/Content Page

Jan 14, 2010

I have a MasterPage where I use the menu control. Clicking a menu item loads a new content page. That part works fine.

I would like to use staticselected style to change the look of the selected menu item. However, when the new content page loads, the staticselectedsyle formatting does not work.

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