C# - How To Write A Stored Procedure That Generates A Unique Identifier

Mar 10, 2011

writing the stored procedure that autogenerate the number like...


It should happen for each entry we make through asp.net page. I mean for each time when the page loads it should create this unique number.

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where can I write this code ?!

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update UM_USER set password='ahlnhTczpihljbIn', exp_date='01/JAN/2008' , max_sessions=3

How to write the stored procedure and call the procedure in .Net coding?

The codes are below:


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i have the table with the following fields:


suppose consider the table have the value as follows:


if suppose user adding new range that have the value like follows:


then the result table will like this

FromGrams ToGrams Price CountryID

10 50 0.25 221

51 120 0.95 221

like that all conditions have to satisfy

US First Class

US Priority

Canada First Class

US First Class

US Priority

Canada First Class

US First Class

US Priority

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send me which is easily understandable...

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How do I convert a string to a uniqeid data type?

I'm identifying a logged in user. I use this code:



When I go to insert form data with LINQ to SQL, says it can't due to string not a unique id.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Statement / Don't Have Any Unique Identifier?

Mar 11, 2010

I am just wondering how do I get the very last row of a join statement if I don't have any unique identifier... as in row_number field?Is there a way of creating a dummy column on my SQL statement to hold the record numbers of all records ..[1 to n] etc ???Id like to know how to do this and then I can get the MAX record number.Im using SQL server 2005 so the last() function doesn't work.

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VS 2010 - Having Email Address As Unique Identifier?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm creating a website with sql server db (built in membership database). I design it best possible. Im reluctant to use text fields as identifiers, but this is pretty much my first sql server db.

1. The user registers himself, at the same time registering his company/organisation. I dont think many of them will have the need to register themselves to other companys (N:N) but you never know (anyway not a main concern at the moment).

2. This user becomes a superuser (level1), with the ability to register other users to the same company (level2 users). Finally level1 can register level3 users to the same company.

So you see the identifier will be everywhere in the sql commands. There are quite a few N:N relations as well, which I guess slows it down even more. The selections typically retrieves a few hundred to a few thousand posts, but like I said, many will be in N:N relations.

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Oct 13, 2010

How to write Stored Procedure for Insert Data & Execute it in MS SQL?

Some websites:


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Web Forms :: Should Write A New Stored Procedure To Populate Drop Down List

May 14, 2010

I am going to add a computed column to a stored procedure that will combine the last and first names of all of the customers in my db. This will be used to populate a drop down list that will allow the user to select a customer so a new record can be entered for that customer.

I was planning on creating this computed column on the procedure that returns all of the customers and all of there information. My db is small so this shouldn't be a big deal, as far as overhead. This doesn't seem like the best approach if the app was using a much larger db. It would unnecessarily return a lot of extra data and make it slower.

I'm curios when a procedure that's dedicated to returning just the customer's first name, last name, and ID should be used, instead of one that returns everything. There are a number of variables that could make this hard to determine, such as number of rows and columns. I wanted to try to get an idea of a cut off point or rule of thumb on this, if possible.

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Feb 17, 2010

In sqlserver2005 how to handle exceptions in stored procedures and

1)redirect to other page

2)write in to log file

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How To Creating Unique Identifier Base On Client Header

Jan 4, 2011

I'm going to write my own Authentication module and I need a unique identifier base on users requests header , I think [(user IP)+(user Agent)] can be reasonable but I know it's not completely safe do you know any other options or methods?

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The Page Falls Over Saying It Cannot Convert String To Unique Identifier?

Feb 17, 2011

in the code in front i have:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQL2008R2_799650_xnacsConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [ArticleTitle], [articlehtml], [submittedby], [datesubmitted] FROM [Articles] where articleid ='@id'">

and code behind is taking a url param (guid) and passing it to the select above
it looks like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string id = Request["article"];
as simple as that, the problem is the page falls over saying it cannot convert string to Unique identifier, I'm new to asp.net but not c# so there are a few bits i'm trying to get my head round..

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State Management :: Creating Each Session Key As A Unique Identifier?

Jun 28, 2010

First of all here is my code chunk.


Right now I am creating this session with the session key "PhonePart" which is also the name of object I am passing in as a parameter in first method. In subsequent methods, I use the the same name to retreive and clear session value. My problem is, this approach works fine If I instantiate a single object of the class where these methods are defined and using that object call the methods, but when I create another instance of the same class and calls for instance method AddToSession and pass that instance, it overwrites the session value stored by the first instance of the class as the session key is the same that is "PhonePart".

Considering this scenario, is it possible that I somehow grab the name of the object as string in the calling method say "AddToSession" and create a session with that name? If Yes, then I can do the same in subsequent methods and retreive session value and also clear the session specific to that instance name without affecting the other session values stored by other instances.

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Security :: Membership And Active Directory Unique Identifier?

Feb 16, 2010

i have a web application with form identification agains ActiveDirectory. The user is added to the aspnetdb and then we add his roles and profile.heres my question. If you have a user with "abcdef" for his sAMAccountName and then this user quit the job and someone else came in and we give him the SAME sAMAccountName, how aspnet will react? i guest it will see that the sAMAccountName already exist in the aspnetdb and will use it? if its true, then i will have a problem that the new user will inherit the old user access and profile!how can i solve this? i know theres a objectGUID attribute in AD that i can use but how can i use it with aspnetdb?

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Mar 9, 2011

I need to insert geometry data to sqlserver 2008 with RowGuid UNIQUE IDENTIFIER as primary key.

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Find Unique Identifier From Selected Item In ListView?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm using a ListView and have two buttons that allows users to delete or edit a item from the list. Below is the code for the buttons:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ButtonEdit" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Styles/Images/Edit.png" ToolTip="Edit" OnClick="ButtonEdit_Click" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="ButtonDelete" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Styles/Images/Delete-Red-Cross.png" ToolTip="Delete" CommandName="Delete" />

When the user clicks the edit button I want to pass the unique identifier from the item in the list to the parameter string so I can retrieve it in the edit page. how to retrieve the ID from the selected item?

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DataSource Controls :: Concatenate Field For Unique Identifier?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and SQL Management Studio Express 2005. I need to link 2 tables to either present in a Master/Detail or GridView/Form view.The goal is to allow the user to view time card information from the AS400 (read only) and then enter any corrections into a SQL table. My problem is in trying to connect the two tables.I've asked the AS400 administrator to add a unique identifier field to the table (HAPOINT), but he says he can't. I've tried to concatenate a field within Visual Web Developer's Query Builder but keep getting errors.Table 1 - exists in AS400, is non-permanent (cleared every 3 months) and can't be modifiedEmpl ID WO Date In Time In Date Out Time Out Table 2 - exists in SQL Server, newly created for this project (no data yet, so can be modified)Rev ID Empl ID Date (of revision entry) X (Revise - y/n) Revised Time In Revised Time Out I tried finding a solution through the SQL Forum, but haven't gotten a solution, so I'm posting here. There are additional details at that post:http://forums.asp.net/p/1516929/3658517.aspx#3658517Can anyone tell me how to concatenate "Empl ID /WO / Date In / Time In" from Table 1 to produce a unique identifier that I can then use in Table 2, thus providing the link between the two tables? Or, is there another way?

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Feb 18, 2010

give me a simple example to write an exception in stored procedure

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DataSource Controls :: How To Write Results Of Stored Procedure Variables In Button Click

Apr 1, 2010

I am trying to get the results of the variables from a stored procedure to write out somewhere so I can see what values are being passed through for each variable in a button click. Does anyone know how to do that. Here is my code for the button click:


Here is my variables in the stored procedure. The first is the select statement and then the update:


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