C# - Avoid Errors In Multiple Insertion With Unique Stored Procedure?
Feb 8, 2011
I wonder how is it possible to manage transaction in c# code.. I have to do multiple insertion of same object with unique storedprocedure. So I have to launch the same stored procedure with same parameters multiple times.
But if a problem appear in the process (lost connection,...) I don't want just a part of insertions done and the rest failed, I want all the insertion cancelled. So I would like a SQLtransaction but within the application code because a can't change database.
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Jul 31, 2010
i am using paging technique from this tutorial [URL] and it is working fine, i used asp.net 2.0 with sql server 2005 then i upgraded to visual studio 2008, and converted the asp.net 2.0 application to 3.0 and now using sql server 2008 all the existingpages and .xsd files are working, fine, i can see data in .xsd files when i preview it but i cannot add new stored procedures it gives me an error "An unexpected error has occured" Error message:unexpected error i dont know what it is, already configured dataset (.xsd) works fine, it is just that iam unable to add stored procedures to new datasets my connection string
<add name="jobcon" connectionString="Server=HOME-46CTBUROCXSQLEXPRESS; Database=jobdhundo; User ID=; Password=;Timeout=200; Trusted_Connection=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
it is fine with the entire application there is no coding involved
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Apr 2, 2010
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Dec 9, 2010
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Nov 22, 2010
Is it possible to have a stored procedure return multiple ref cursors to a .Net application? I tried this, but it didn't work.
While odr.Read()
dtUserData.Load(odr, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges)
End While
While odr.Read()
dtUserRoles.Load(odr, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges)
End While
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Nov 28, 2010
I have a table with 4 columns.The first column is a list of teams.The other three columns specify whether the team member with the particular id is present on any particular day .Say for example in the third row the running Team has 2 and 3 which means team member with the id 2 and 3 are present.Multiple values are seperated by the pipe symbol '|'.I have a Query like this
Select Teamname from tblTeam where Running not like '%|2|%' and Running not like '%|3|%' and Running not like '%|7|%' and Biking not like '%|1|%' and Biking not like '%|4|%' and Biking not like '%|7|%' and shooting not like '%|3|%' and shooting not like '%|4|%' and shooting not like '%|7|%' Basically i am searching the columns with like clause.The search criteria for each column may vary.In the above query i am searching for Teams where Running column does not contain 2,3 and 7,Biking column does not contain 1,4 and 7 and the shooting column does not contain 3,4 and 7. I would like to set a stored procedure where i would be able to pass 3 set of parameters from the code behind(I am using VB.net) for Running column search,Biking column search and the shooting column search.
Can someone tell me writing a simple stored procedure.I have a table with 4 columns.The first column is list of teams.The other three columns specify whether the team member with the particular id is present or not on any particular day .Say for example in the third row the running column has 2 and 3 which means team member with the id 2 and 3 are present.Multiple values are seperated by the pipe symbol '|'.
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Jul 27, 2010
I'm a novice in .NET programming. I was trying to figure a way to make a MULTI TABLE search via a stored procedure for my website. I've written a SP to select records from one table, which isn't working for some unknown reasons:
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May 7, 2015
I get the fol error: An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' Occurred in System.Data.dll but was not handled in user code..Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted When the subquery Follows =,! =, <, <=,>,> = Or When the subquery is used as an expression.
IF EXISTS (SELECT CustomerId FROM Customers where CustomerId= (SELECT Id FROM @tblCustomers ))
UPDATE Customers
SET Name=(SELECT Name FROM @tblCustomers ), Country=(SELECT Country FROM @tblCustomers )
WHERE CustomerId=(SELECT Id FROM @tblCustomers );
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Mar 7, 2010
I am trying to what i think is an easy task, but so far i have came up empty.
What i want to do is take a repeating table on a form i have and submit the employee IDs to a database using a web service.
I know how to submit them one by one, but i am thinking there is an easier way to do this instead of send the value to the web service, submit thee data, and then go till the last record.
I am currently using this:
<WebMethod(Description:="sends employee id to database")> _
Public Function SendMultiple(ByVal strEmployeeID as string) As String
Dim sqlCon As New SqlConnection()
Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand()
sqlCon.ConnectionString = "connection string information"
If sqlCon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
sqlCmd.CommandText = "spInsertMultiple"
sqlCmd.Connection = sqlCon
sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim Parameter0 As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@EmployeeID", strEmployeeID)
Parameter0.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
dr = sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar
Dim strReturnedValue As String = "hello"
Return strReturnedValue
End Function
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm using the Autocomplete extender, it works great however I need to be able to display multiple columns from my stored procedure as have in the example below. The user enters a location #, I need it to display the location number and the address formatted, but when the user selects the correct location, I ONLY want the location number to populate my textbox:
City, State Zip
I've had a real hard time trying to figure out how to do this,. Here's my stored procedure and CS code.
Here's my CS:
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Jun 12, 2010
Just after some advice I have a stored procedure that returns several tables. I then need to loop through the tables and create dynamic gridviews using the data. At the moment this stored proc is called using
I have used an xsd file to populate everthing else, but due to this returning multiple tables i wasn't sure how this works should it just be in its own xsd? as all the oather i just get a datatable where as with this i need a dataset... how this makes sense...
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Mar 18, 2010
suppose the stored procedure is like this
create procedure tttt
SELECT * FROM demand_month where(EMP_CODE=@EMP_CODE
SELECT * from demand_week where EMP_CODE=@EMP_CODE
How to display it in a gridview
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Jun 2, 2010
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Jan 28, 2011
I could probably figure this out if I tried to, but I have been working so long on code, I'm a little fried
I have a stored procedure, and I want to execute another stored procedure during a time period of lets say 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011
How Would I accomplish this?
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Feb 16, 2011
I have DAL Layer, from where invoking a stored procedure to insert values into the table.
Now as requirement changed, per client request i have to add values 5 times. So what is the best practice?
Do i call this Stored Procedure 5 times from my DAL?
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Mar 8, 2011
I have an application that uses an aps:GridView. The GridView is populated using a DataSource that calls a Stored Procedure. The DataSource passes parameters to the Stored Procedure based on some text fields. The page has been running slower than wanted, so I was doing some checking.
I ran SQL Profiler while loading the page, and saw the Stored Procedure was being called twice. I stepped through the code and found out that in the Page Load Complete event was where this was happening. In this event, I set the value of a parameter for the Stored Procedure, then did a DataBind on the GridView to pick up the data. As I was stepping through the code, I watched the SQL Profiler. When I got to the step of setting the parameter, the Stored Procedure had not yet been called. When I stepped through that and got to the DataBind command (before running that step), the SQL Profiler showed that the Stored Procedure had been called. Then I did the DataBind and the StoredProcedure was called again.
My question is, how do I get the parameters set, and get the GridView data bound, and only call the StoredProcedure once? If I comment out the DataBind step, the StoredProcedure never does get called (which seems really strange to me...).
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May 5, 2010
i want to return two output parameter n temp table from sql server stored procedure
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Jul 21, 2010
moving some tables & stored procedures from SQL Server 2000, to SQL Server 2005.So far so good, but I've come across a problem with this stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[user_insert]
@user_service_unit int,
@user_champion_1 varchar(50),
@user_champion_1_nt varchar(10),
@user_champion_2 varchar(50),
@user_champion_2_nt varchar(10),
@user_champion_3 varchar(50),
@user_champion_3_nt varchar(10),
@user_date_received datetime,
@user_requestor varchar(255),
@user_info_requested text,
@user_expiry_date datetime,
@user_10_days datetime,
@user_5_days datetime,
@user_2_days datetime
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Jun 2, 2010
basically i have two dropdown boxes to filter data and textbox with stored procedure bound to gridview.i want to be able to query data depending on the selected value passed,either using one or more parameter values.
i would like seperate sqlcommands to chose from depending on which controls i select to pass parameters.
i have included a parameter Select(control id) as this is declared by the wizard for stored procedure.
but i am not sure how it is defined on the page and passed to procedure.
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Feb 4, 2010
Is it possible to add multiple select statements in a single stored procedure. The select statements are getting data from different tables. If yes, could anybody provide an example in adding multiple select statements, which retrieve data from different tables in a stored procedure.
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Feb 3, 2011
I am using a sql stored procedure which returns multiple result sets. By default Sql Datasource is binding the first result set to gridview. I want the second result set to be binded. I browsed all the properties in Sql datasource but could not find one to set this.
View 4 Replies
Jan 3, 2011
When can I use Stored Procedure? Is this useful for looping into multiple SELECT statements to return single value? How? Can anyone post some sample codes? I have text query and notice that my web application is slow and want to find ways to speed it up. Is there any possible ways aside from Stored Procedures?
View 4 Replies
Aug 9, 2010
Background: I use stored procedures exclusively for an ASP.NET application. I am using a DataReader to load a dataset object.
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