How To Creating Unique Identifier Base On Client Header

Jan 4, 2011

I'm going to write my own Authentication module and I need a unique identifier base on users requests header , I think [(user IP)+(user Agent)] can be reasonable but I know it's not completely safe do you know any other options or methods?

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State Management :: Creating Each Session Key As A Unique Identifier?

Jun 28, 2010

First of all here is my code chunk.


Right now I am creating this session with the session key "PhonePart" which is also the name of object I am passing in as a parameter in first method. In subsequent methods, I use the the same name to retreive and clear session value. My problem is, this approach works fine If I instantiate a single object of the class where these methods are defined and using that object call the methods, but when I create another instance of the same class and calls for instance method AddToSession and pass that instance, it overwrites the session value stored by the first instance of the class as the session key is the same that is "PhonePart".

Considering this scenario, is it possible that I somehow grab the name of the object as string in the calling method say "AddToSession" and create a session with that name? If Yes, then I can do the same in subsequent methods and retreive session value and also clear the session specific to that instance name without affecting the other session values stored by other instances.

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Web Forms :: Is GUID (globally Unique Identifier) Unique

Aug 25, 2010

Is GUID (globally unique identifier) really unique, or it can be duplicate.


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ADO.NET :: User ID Convert From String To Unique Identifier?

Aug 6, 2010

How do I convert a string to a uniqeid data type?

I'm identifying a logged in user. I use this code:



When I go to insert form data with LINQ to SQL, says it can't due to string not a unique id.

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Security :: Membership - Getting A Unique Identifier For User

Feb 22, 2010

I realize that user names are unique, but is there another identifier associated with the username? If there is, how do I find out what it is for the user who is currently logged in?

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Statement / Don't Have Any Unique Identifier?

Mar 11, 2010

I am just wondering how do I get the very last row of a join statement if I don't have any unique identifier... as in row_number field?Is there a way of creating a dummy column on my SQL statement to hold the record numbers of all records ..[1 to n] etc ???Id like to know how to do this and then I can get the MAX record number.Im using SQL server 2005 so the last() function doesn't work.

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VS 2010 - Having Email Address As Unique Identifier?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm creating a website with sql server db (built in membership database). I design it best possible. Im reluctant to use text fields as identifiers, but this is pretty much my first sql server db.

1. The user registers himself, at the same time registering his company/organisation. I dont think many of them will have the need to register themselves to other companys (N:N) but you never know (anyway not a main concern at the moment).

2. This user becomes a superuser (level1), with the ability to register other users to the same company (level2 users). Finally level1 can register level3 users to the same company.

So you see the identifier will be everywhere in the sql commands. There are quite a few N:N relations as well, which I guess slows it down even more. The selections typically retrieves a few hundred to a few thousand posts, but like I said, many will be in N:N relations.

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The Page Falls Over Saying It Cannot Convert String To Unique Identifier?

Feb 17, 2011

in the code in front i have:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQL2008R2_799650_xnacsConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [ArticleTitle], [articlehtml], [submittedby], [datesubmitted] FROM [Articles] where articleid ='@id'">

and code behind is taking a url param (guid) and passing it to the select above
it looks like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string id = Request["article"];
as simple as that, the problem is the page falls over saying it cannot convert string to Unique identifier, I'm new to but not c# so there are a few bits i'm trying to get my head round..

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Security :: Membership And Active Directory Unique Identifier?

Feb 16, 2010

i have a web application with form identification agains ActiveDirectory. The user is added to the aspnetdb and then we add his roles and profile.heres my question. If you have a user with "abcdef" for his sAMAccountName and then this user quit the job and someone else came in and we give him the SAME sAMAccountName, how aspnet will react? i guest it will see that the sAMAccountName already exist in the aspnetdb and will use it? if its true, then i will have a problem that the new user will inherit the old user access and profile!how can i solve this? i know theres a objectGUID attribute in AD that i can use but how can i use it with aspnetdb?

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SQL Server :: How To Create Unique Identifier To A Geometry Table

Mar 9, 2011

I need to insert geometry data to sqlserver 2008 with RowGuid UNIQUE IDENTIFIER as primary key.

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C# - How To Write A Stored Procedure That Generates A Unique Identifier

Mar 10, 2011

writing the stored procedure that autogenerate the number like...


It should happen for each entry we make through page. I mean for each time when the page loads it should create this unique number.

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Find Unique Identifier From Selected Item In ListView?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm using a ListView and have two buttons that allows users to delete or edit a item from the list. Below is the code for the buttons:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ButtonEdit" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Styles/Images/Edit.png" ToolTip="Edit" OnClick="ButtonEdit_Click" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="ButtonDelete" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Styles/Images/Delete-Red-Cross.png" ToolTip="Delete" CommandName="Delete" />

When the user clicks the edit button I want to pass the unique identifier from the item in the list to the parameter string so I can retrieve it in the edit page. how to retrieve the ID from the selected item?

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DataSource Controls :: Concatenate Field For Unique Identifier?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm using Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and SQL Management Studio Express 2005. I need to link 2 tables to either present in a Master/Detail or GridView/Form view.The goal is to allow the user to view time card information from the AS400 (read only) and then enter any corrections into a SQL table. My problem is in trying to connect the two tables.I've asked the AS400 administrator to add a unique identifier field to the table (HAPOINT), but he says he can't. I've tried to concatenate a field within Visual Web Developer's Query Builder but keep getting errors.Table 1 - exists in AS400, is non-permanent (cleared every 3 months) and can't be modifiedEmpl ID WO Date In Time In Date Out Time Out Table 2 - exists in SQL Server, newly created for this project (no data yet, so can be modified)Rev ID Empl ID Date (of revision entry) X (Revise - y/n) Revised Time In Revised Time Out I tried finding a solution through the SQL Forum, but haven't gotten a solution, so I'm posting here. There are additional details at that post: anyone tell me how to concatenate "Empl ID /WO / Date In / Time In" from Table 1 to produce a unique identifier that I can then use in Table 2, thus providing the link between the two tables? Or, is there another way?

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Web Forms :: Generate A Unique Identifier Or Reference Number Based On A Format?

Jan 22, 2010

I need to generate a Unique Reference number that has 7 digits.

It should be formatted in the following way:

1st: B (Ball), G (Gift), C (Cat)

2nd: represents year of booking A(2010), B(2011),C(2012), etc

3rd: represents the month of booking J(Jan),F(Feb),M(Mar),A(Apr),Y(May), U(Jun), L(Jul),G(Aug), S(Sep),O(Oct),N(Nov),D(Dec)

4th: days of booking A(1st) - Z(26th), 1(27th) - 5(31st)

5,6,7th: These are counters for the number issues each day. Each can be A-Z,0-9 giving a total of 46,656 combinations. So 0 is first, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A-Z, then 00 to 0Z, then 10 to 1Z, then 20 to 2Z, etc

Now , the 1st Digit is a Character that I generate based on a condition and that shouldn't be a problem.

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C# - Creating Unique Id For Textbox?

Aug 23, 2010

i like to have unique ids for textboxes and hidden filds .is there any property which will give unique id in ?

something like

<asp:textbox id="ctr001_1" runat="server" uniqueid="textbox" />

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Creating A Textbox In C# With Unique ID Programmatically?

Jan 25, 2010

what the best way to create text boxes in my loop here so that the IDs are unique instead of just "TextBox" for all of them. I need to add up the Price based on the Price per unit and the Quantity.

My items are loaded from a database so there could be any number of them, so I need to generate the fields on the fly. I was thinking maybe an array of fields could be used like in a form application, or is this not the right way to go?

Here is my code:


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Web Forms :: Creating A Unique Number And Insert Into The Db

Feb 4, 2011

I have an easy problem for the experts here...been a few years since my last development work. I have an appl that will track complaints. When an administrator logs in, they go to the main From there, they can create a new complaint record-here is where i'm stuck and am looking for a better way. When the admin loads the create.aspx page. i need a way go generate a unique number that i can insert into the db. What is the best way to generate the number...i don't care whether it's numerical or combo, just unique and durning postback the number does not change...the number will be given out as a reference back to the complaint... This seems pretty standard but I can't think of a way that will not duplicate numbers and am looking for best practice with low

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Web Forms :: Creating Unique Details Pages From Databound Hyperlinks?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm currently making a site that is supposed to generate search results from a separate assembly, with a gridview that has links to each robot. The links from the gridview are supposed to link to a unique robot details page, as well as display another gridview to all related robots from the set, like this:


how to display unique detail pages. So far, I only have a details page template, but I'm trying to figure out how I can display the data dynamically, depending on which robot was selected from the main search.

Here are my Default.aspx and Details.aspx mark-ups so far:

Default Pastebin
Details Pastebin

And the resulting Default and Details pages:


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Assign Validation Group To Asp.Button Dynamically On Client Side Using Javascript On The Base Of Item Selected In Drop Down List?

Jun 15, 2010

n a form I have multiple group of controls which are grouped using validation group property. I want to assign validation group to asp.Button dynamically on client side using javascript on the base of item selected in drop down list.

Here is JavaScript which I am using, but it is not working. It shows validation group undefined but actually a default group is defined.

<script type="text/JavaScript">
function NextClicked() {
var _ddlStatus = document.getElementById("<%=ddl.ClientID%>");
var _selectedIndex = _ddlStatus.selectedIndex;
var _btn = document.getElementById("<%=btnNext.ClientID%>");

alert(_btn.ValidationGroup); // here in messge it shows undefiend, yet I have defiend a group in button as default.

if (_selectedIndex == 1) {
_btn.ValidationGroup = "G1";
if (_selectedIndex == 2) {
_btn.ValidationGroup = "G2";

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Double Header GridView?

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to achieve something similar to this:


He has a drop down list and a textbox in the header of a GridView. I am able to do this if i create a new column and put the controls in the Header Template.

However I would like my column to span across the entire GridView.Columns.Count instead of having an unsightly single column.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Get Unique ID Of UserName / Is GUID Is The Unique Id Of Each User

Nov 23, 2010

How to get Unique ID of LDAP logged in User? Is GUID is the unique id of each user?

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.net - BITS Client Fails To Specify HTTP Range Header

Mar 8, 2010

Our system is designed to deploy to regions with unreliable and/or insufficient network connections. We build our own fault tolerating data replication services that uses BITS.

Due to some security and maintenance requirements, we implemented our own ASP.NET file download service on the server side, instead of just letting IIS serving up the files. When BITS client makes an HTTP download request with the specified range of the file, our ASP.NET page pulls the demanded file segment into memory and serve that up as the HTTP response. That is the theory. ;) This theory fails in artificial lab scenarios but I would not let the system deploy in real life scenarios unless we can overcome that.

Lab scenario: I have BITS client and the IIS on the same developer machine, so practically I have enormous network "bandwidth" and BITS is intelligent enough to detect that. As BITS client discovers the unlimited bandwidth, it gets more and more "greedy". At each HTTP request, BITS wants to grasp greater and greater file ranges (we are talking about downloading CD iso files, videos), demanding 20-40MB inside a single HTTP request, a size that I am not comfortable to pull into memory on the server side as one go. I can overcome that simply by giving less than demanded. It is OK.

However, BITS gets really "confident" and "arrogant" demanding files WITHOUT specifying the download range, i.e., it wants the entire file in a single request, and this is where things go wrong. I do not know how to answer that response in the case of a 600MB file. If I just provide the starting 1MB range of the file, BITS client keeps sending HTTP requests for the same file without download range to continue, it hammers its point that it wants the entire file in one go. Since I am reluctant to provide the entire file, BITS gives up after several trials and reports error.

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Web Forms :: GridView Getting Column Header Name On Client Click

May 29, 2012

how do i get the column header name when a user clicks on the header cell of gridview? either in javascript or on server side??

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Call Always Base Class Method Like Base.OnInit()?

Jun 29, 2010

I am new in asp .net.I am not able to undestand why we call base class method when we
override methods/events.Like automatically visual studio will put base.OnInit() if you are overriding OnInit.

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

same is the case of Finalize. In derived we call base.Finalize() Is there any need of calling these base class methods ?

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C# - How To Implement User Base Security Not Role Base

Apr 26, 2010

I have to implement User base security in my Web project using .Net3.5. Followings are some we need:

Roles can be Admin, Manage, Editor, Member etc User can have multiple roles Every roles has its own dynamic menus and restrictions/resources All menus and interface will populate dynamically from Database

I heard some where this kind of i.e user base security can be implemented using HashTable but I dont know how is it?

Today I came to know that for this kind of work Java people use Interceptor Design patterns. So, how could I do the same in C#?

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