C# - Insert GUID Into SQL Table?
Mar 26, 2011
I'm using ASP.Net/C# and I have a form that allows people to add information into a table and along with it I want to collect the Current Users GUID and insert it.
I have a field setup (UserID) as a unique identifier and I have the following code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser();
Guid temp = (Guid)(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey);
Guid @currentUserID = temp;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
SqlCommand cmd;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into Accom (UserID) values('" + @currentUserID + "')", con);
I basically want to link the variable to the Database how as the above gives errors.
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Feb 10, 2011
I'm creating a web project for one of my uni modules using Visual studio 2010. I'm using asp.net membership and have all of my sql-server tables set up correctly (I'm pretty sure).
I have a form that I have created myself that inserts into the database using sqlDataSource.insert(). I had some problems initially with not being able to insert any data into the table at all, but I have cleared that up.
My problem now is that I need to insert the currently logged in user's userID into one of the columns of the table. But every time I hit the submit button, I am told I cannot insert null values in the userID column.
I can retrieve the userID using this snippet:
This is the code behind for the page:
As you can see it is a bit of a mess, I've been frantically trying different variations, as I need to catch up a little with other uni modules.
Here is my SQLDataSource from the .aspx page, The controlparameters work fine for the other data I am inserting. maybe the <asp:parameter name="userID" /> is wrong?
I'm relatively new to vb, and I come from a html & css background.
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Apr 2, 2010
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I have a DetailsView below whose DefaultMode is Insert to add a new location, though I can't seem to capture the JobId (guid) from the querystring. I've tried the following code on the Datasource's Inserting event:
but on both occasions I get the same error: Foreign Key constraint broken on JobId field. It seems that the querystring is not being passed to the datasource for inclusion in the insert.
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Dec 14, 2010
I am workining in vb.net and sql. In DB have a uniqueidentifier field and want to insert in it,
When try to send data, some thing parameter: ByVal value as GUID
In the query : '"& Value &"' then errors occurs " Operator & not define or supporting and System.GUID "
If do like that : '"& CAST(Value as uniqueidentifier) &"' then Says CAST undefined same with Convert.
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<System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute _
(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Insert, True)> _
Public Function InsertUserInterests( _
ByVal strUserId As String, ByVal strCode As String) _
As Boolean
Dim userInter As New DS1.tblUserInterestsDataTable
Dim userInterRow As DS1.tblUserInterestsRow = userInter.NewtblUserInterestsRow
Dim ug As System.Guid = New Guid(strUserId)
userInterRow.UserId = ug ' This didn't go through I beleive
userInterRow.InterestCode = strCode
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = Adapter.Update(userInter)
Return rowsAffected = 1
End Function
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how can i select a record from A table and insert into B table using linq?
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Jun 13, 2010
Basically i deal with two tables.i have a table T1 of the following format:id company_name i need to read this data and create a table T2 as followsi wrote the following code. it worked fine for retrieving data and modification but fails to insert the modified data into the 2nd table.the error is, it does not recognise the value for @token
ArrayList dynarr=new ArrayList(); // global variable
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int row = 1; int i;
string strcmd = null;
string Connection = "Data Source=....";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection);
string str = "select company_name from T1 where ID=@ID";
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Aug 11, 2010
I am working on a web app for an online photo album. It is the last project in Scott Mitchell's book: "ASP.Net 2.0 in 24 hours".
I am creating a page where users can enter new photo images. The functionality for uploading an image will come later. I am working on just inserting a new row into the Pictures table with an optional category, a required title and a required description.
I am getting an error when I try to insert a new row.
Here is a screenshot of the page with a shot of the dropdown list.
The Categories are user-specific. I am getting the correct values retrieved.
There are two pretty simple database tables involved here.
NOTE: The CategoryID and PIctureID are both autoincrement integer columns.
The page uses a DetailsView that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Pictures table. (The DetailsView's Default Mode property is set to "Insert". The "Enable Inserting" checkbox is also checked.)
The dropdown list uses a dropdown control that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Categories table.
When the "Insert" button is clicked the CategoryID value associated with selected (Category) Name on the dropdown list will be used along with the Title and Description values to insert a row in to the Pictures table. (If no Category value is selected, then a null value will be used for the CategoryID. This is OK because the CategoryID column in the Pictures table allows nulls.)
My problem is that I am getting this error:
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Pictures' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
(FYI: I have the full version of both Visual Studio and SQL Server.)
Here is my source code for the page:
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Jun 9, 2010
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I want to do the following;
1. Student is logged into their account (session is authenticated)
2. StudentID is primary key for that table, it is a foreign key for table Advert
3. When student is logged in, they create advert
What I want is their student Id to be input into the advert table when this new advert is created. How is this possible?
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when i insert data in a table [DSR_OUT_PRO] data get enter in another table ie [trg_Insert_DSR_OUT_PRO] but 2 times..
Is it ok, or something is wrong..
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Dec 15, 2010
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I want to insert a routeID into tblHalteRoute and for every routeID multiple halteID's
TblRoute has the needed fields (routeID(1) & allHaltes[halteID1,halteID2,halteID3])
--> so Every route has multiple Haltes that I can access by parsing the allHaltes field and using the IDS.
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tblRoute.routeID(1), tblRoute.allHaltes(halteID1)
tblRoute.routeID(1), tblRoute.allHaltes(halteID2)
tblRoute.routeID(1), tblRoute.allHaltes(halteID3)
inserting these values into the tblHalteRoute .. I'm really not sure on where to look or how to start, I tried using SUBquerys with an Insert before a select, but no success.
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Jan 7, 2011
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How can we do this?
SQL For this? ..........
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Jan 5, 2011
I have two tables in a database and I want to select one value from one of that table. For that I want to pass one value and if that value stored in the table I want pick the id representing the value in the next table.
That means the operation is that first I select a row of data from first table by using a user control in that row there is a value (example "apple") and I want pass that value("apple") to the second table. In the second table the value ("apple") having a id (example "australian") and I want that the query search for that id ("australian") and show that in the text box.
Imagine that this is the two tables using a usercontrol I select first a row from first table and I want to pass that value "apple" to second table and find out the id of "australian" (that is equivalent id for apple in the second tabl ) from the second table and show that in a text box.
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Jul 26, 2010
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How can I reset this default size?
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Mar 1, 2011
I've a collection defined in .NET. The collection contains a few hundred items.
example of the object in collection:
Tag.Name = "Tag1"
Tag.ID = "2"
Tag.Location = "Home"
and so on (a few hundred items).
I've a stored procedure to insert that data into the datatable. The logic in the sp checks first if the tag name already exists in the table.
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Now I can use a loop to insert the data, but is there another way to do the same more efficient ?
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Feb 9, 2011
I have In my database 2 table
The 1st:
Userid and username
the 2sd:
ID and senderid and userID
and I have Relation between Userid in the (1st) and userID in the (2sd)
In tha ASP.net forma For registration I have
usern name (gust for test)
now I need:
when the user regist insert the username to the 1st tabel and the same userid insert int 2sd table
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Mar 18, 2010
The current solution i implemented is awful!
I use a for... loop for inserting records from an ADO.NET data-table into an SQL table.
I would like to insert at once the data-table into the SQL table, without iterating...
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Sep 3, 2013
I have a database table name user and post
format of user
userid - int
format of post
postid int
userid int
now how can i store the user id in the post table.
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Jul 23, 2010
Can anyone tell me how we can insert webusercontrol in Table?
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Aug 9, 2010
I am having datagrid in that I have one column that should have table. Now I want to know that how can I include table in datagrid. My table values may differ from each rows in datagrid.
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Sep 23, 2010
I want to insert a new record into a table. The table has relationships with other secondary tables, For example:
Table: Stores
Table StoreCategories (a store can have many of these)
I want to insert a new store, get its ID and insert some categories in one go.
How do I go about this?
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Apr 20, 2010
I would like to in a table/matrix in the table header but it is not allowed. Any solution that I can insert a table as a report header and display on each page?
View 3 Replies
May 11, 2010
I have a AdvWebGrid where the 7th coloumn is DynEdit where user will enter the value.Now I have to take the enetered value and insert into the Sql tablel. For example i have 7 records in the grid the user will enter some comments for the first three record and save.Now i have to insert/update the first three comments in the table.
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