Can't Insert A Guid (userID) Into Table!

Feb 10, 2011

I'm creating a web project for one of my uni modules using Visual studio 2010. I'm using membership and have all of my sql-server tables set up correctly (I'm pretty sure).

I have a form that I have created myself that inserts into the database using sqlDataSource.insert(). I had some problems initially with not being able to insert any data into the table at all, but I have cleared that up.

My problem now is that I need to insert the currently logged in user's userID into one of the columns of the table. But every time I hit the submit button, I am told I cannot insert null values in the userID column.

I can retrieve the userID using this snippet:


This is the code behind for the page:


As you can see it is a bit of a mess, I've been frantically trying different variations, as I need to catch up a little with other uni modules.

Here is my SQLDataSource from the .aspx page, The controlparameters work fine for the other data I am inserting. maybe the <asp:parameter name="userID" /> is wrong?


I'm relatively new to vb, and I come from a html & css background.

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Dec 12, 2010

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<System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute _
(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Insert, True)> _
Public Function InsertUserInterests( _
ByVal strUserId As String, ByVal strCode As String) _
As Boolean
Dim userInter As New DS1.tblUserInterestsDataTable
Dim userInterRow As DS1.tblUserInterestsRow = userInter.NewtblUserInterestsRow
Dim ug As System.Guid = New Guid(strUserId)
userInterRow.UserId = ug ' This didn't go through I beleive
userInterRow.InterestCode = strCode
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = Adapter.Update(userInter)
Return rowsAffected = 1
End Function

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C# - Insert GUID Into SQL Table?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm using ASP.Net/C# and I have a form that allows people to add information into a table and along with it I want to collect the Current Users GUID and insert it.

I have a field setup (UserID) as a unique identifier and I have the following code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser();
Guid temp = (Guid)(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey);
Guid @currentUserID = temp;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
SqlCommand cmd;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into Accom (UserID) values('" + @currentUserID + "')", con);

I basically want to link the variable to the Database how as the above gives errors.

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Security :: How To Automatically Insert UserId Into A Custom Table

Jun 27, 2010

I recently read Scott Mitchell's article series "Examining ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile". In Part 6 [URL] It says "to store additional, user-specific fields...If you are using the SqlMembershipProvider, this would mean creating an additional database table that had as a primary key the UserId value from the aspnet_Users table and columns for each of the additional user properties."

I created a table named Thread to store some specific users information and comments they make. I set the ThreadId as the primary key and the UserId as the foreign key to the UserId in aspnet_Users table. But when I run the application and use a user's account to submit a comment, there is an error in my Comments.aspx.vb page "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UserId', table 'ASPNETDB.dbo.Thread'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.The statement has been terminated."

How can I make the logged-on user's UserId inserted into the Thread table when storing the user's other data information?

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Why does it not work on the first run?

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Getting A Username From A UserID (guid) In Web Forms?

Mar 26, 2011

So I'm almost finished my project but I'm stuck. In my application's database I save some records that contain the currently logged in user's userID - and so when it comes to displaying these records, I've been just been outputting the userID whilst developing the rest of the application. Through googling I've found this line of code that will get the a username based on a userID:

Dim membershipUser As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(New Guid(userGUID))

Which works great if I can supply it with a GUID - but I'm struggling to see how I can use this line of code if for example I want to show the usernames for comments on an article which are contained in a repeater control.Maybe it would be simpler to just merge my application's database with the membership database (ASPNETDB.mdf) so I can just select the username in SQL instead - but I'm not even sure how to do that.

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Everything is working fine, but I noticed that the userid is in standard INT, not GUID. Is it possible to get around this? I want the userid as GUID.

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protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserDTO>()
.ForMember(d => d.FullName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName));

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Mar 31, 2011

I have a confusing question, I have a user table and it stores all the usual data for a user that you would expect but im trying to figure out how a user could add another user?

Sounds strange but each user in the User table has his own UI which is UserID how could I add another table where UserID can have a relationship with another UserID?

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Row Using Guid From Querystring?

Apr 2, 2010

I have a page with a gridview that is populated depending upon the value of the querystring passed to it - there is a one-to-many relationship between Jobs and Locations respectively (one job can have many locations), and the gridview is a list of Locations that are associated with a particular Job. So far so good.

I have a DetailsView below whose DefaultMode is Insert to add a new location, though I can't seem to capture the JobId (guid) from the querystring. I've tried the following code on the Datasource's Inserting event:


but on both occasions I get the same error: Foreign Key constraint broken on JobId field. It seems that the querystring is not being passed to the datasource for inclusion in the insert.

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When try to send data, some thing parameter: ByVal value as GUID

In the query : '"& Value &"' then errors occurs " Operator & not define or supporting and System.GUID "

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Feb 2, 2011

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here is the code I have behind file:


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Jun 6, 2010

i'm new to membership. i have a table named contact, with a field, userId that must get its data from the membership users table. so when a user is created i have to get the userId from membership users table. how can i do that?

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Oct 1, 2010

i'm using membership for logins/registeration. i have a bookings table with few fields, lets say first_name, last_name, product_name and userID.when the user submits 'buy' i want to get the userID from the membership user tablem that way i know whose made the booking. i'll have these two tables (bookings & user tables) linkedbut how do i get userID from the user table to pass to bookings table? i checked the membership class and it gives options like-Membership.GetUser(), Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(), Membership.GetAllUsers() etcothing for getting user id. user id is stored like this: c1c91682-449f-45dd-b20e-3dac5315bba4

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Nov 18, 2010

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As you can see I've experimented with the parameters for inserting the record, but that doesn't work (I get an error about ProviderKey not being a part of

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Aug 10, 2010

Perhaps this is a simpler VS9 question, but I want to link a SQLServer table with additional user data to the standard SQLServer membership table using the GUID userID as a foreign key. I go into design mode of my table, right-click on relationships, and click add in the dialog. but the left hand column shows me only the tables in my database. How do I get it to show the tables in the ASPNETDB.MDF database? I went through the tutorial (, but it seems to magically appear in there without explanation.

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C# - Trying To Select UserID, FirstName, SecondName, PicturePath(from Pictures Table)?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm trying to select UserID, FirstName, SecondName, PicturePath(from Pictures table) LIKE FirstName (string search = textbox.text)

OdbcCommand("SELECT UserID, FirstName, SecondName, p.PicturePath FROM User LEFT JOIN Pictures p ON p.UserID = u.UserID WHERE FirstName LIKE '%" + search + "%' ORDER BY UserID DESC", cn))

My syntax is way messed up. My table structure:

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Web Forms :: Table Profile Provider Writes UserID Twice In Query - Causes Error

May 21, 2010

I get this error while trying to run my project: "Column name 'UserID' appears more than once in the result column list." Indeed, the query generated in my SqlTableProfileProvider.vb is the following (text in brackets [] has been changed):

"IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [table] WHERE UserId = @UserId) BEGIN UPDATE [table] SET UserID=@Value0, LastUpdatedDate=@LastUpdatedDate WHERE UserId = '[Guid]'END ELSE BEGIN INSERT [table] (UserId, UserID, LastUpdatedDate ) VALUES ('[Guid]', @Value0,
@LastUpdatedDate) END"

I'll emphasize that the above statement is generated in SqlTableProfileProvider.vb, which was written by .Net people. While I have little control over its source, I've apparently given the fodder whereby the mistake can be generated. Any clues as to why UserID is being written twice in the statement?

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Feb 18, 2010

implementing an file upload control that uploads the binary data to the database table and associates it with the correct user/the current user who uploaded the data.

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I am trying to insert data into two table at the same time , but i'm successding in inserting data into only one table at a time on button click .


When i run the code, data gets inserted into table "implantDetails" only. Are multiple INSERT statments allowed?

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