C# - Linkbutton To Open Windows Explorer From Gridview?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a link in a Gridview that I want opened in Windows Explorer (or explorer.exe).

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1"runat="server" >


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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: How To Open Windows Explorer On Click Of Link Button

Jul 30, 2013

I have used a LinkButton as Text "D:NewFolder".I want when user click on the link the "NewFolder" folder will be open as windows explorer !

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Visual Studio :: Can't Drag Files From Windows Explorer Into Solution Explorer

Nov 7, 2010

Weird Sunday morning question: I routinely drag files into my projects from Windows Explorer. But I just created a new project and I get the slashed circle every time I try to drag in a file from Windows Explorer. I closed the project and opened another one just to confirm that I wasn't having a foggy Sunday morning problem but I _am_ able to drag files into the this other project. Trying to drag the same file into my new project won't work. What's up with this?!

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C# - Build A Html Table / Gridview Similar To Windows Explorer From A Database?

Jan 5, 2011

I've got a database that looks like this:

ID Name ParentID
1 1 0
2 1A 1
3 1B 1
4 1C 1
5 2 0
6 2A 5
7 2B 5
8 2B1 7
9 2B2 7
10 2B3 7

ParentID points to the ID field so that ID 2 is the child of ID 1.

Unfortunately, the order of the db elements is not guaranteed but what I'd like to do is have the information displayed sort of like in windows explorer with the children directly underneath the parents.

I've done something similar in the past with nested gridviews (ugh!), but it didn't point to itself and I knew how many children (additional db tables) there would be in advance. I'm basically trying to re-create that setup but make it much more flexible by making it point to itself.

Pseudo Coding I'd do something like:

Setup the html table and table headers Go through the DB from the top and search for the row with ParentID = 0 Add that row to the table Go through the db and find the row where ParentID = ID of Step 2)Add that row to the table Recursive magic go back to 4 Keep going deeper inception style ^^ Recursive magic go back to 2

I just have no idea how to even begin doing something like this!

This has nothing to do with my problem, but so you know where I'm going with this: after I get the table/gridview setup in the correct order, I plan on using jquery to hide all the non 0 parentID rows and make the rows clickable so that the child rows expand out underneath the parent row.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Select Open New Internet Explorer Window?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm wondering if there is a built in way to take a GridView select buttons and have them open an IE window or tab and link a FormView Control to that link.

Basically a Master-Details type of view, but in a new window instead of the same window.

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Internet Explorer - LinkButton Tooltip Gets Overriden By Image Alternate Text?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm using a lot of LinkButtons in my web application with text and images inside them. All LinkButtons are set with a ToolTip and all images inside the LinkButtons are set with an alternate text.

<asp:LinkButton CssClass="button button-input" ID="btnSearch" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" ToolTip="Search">
<img id="imgSearch" runat="server" src="../../../images/icons/magnifier-left.png" alt="search-something" width="12" height="12" />

The problem is that in Internet Explorer the alternate text of the image is shown instead of the ToolTip of the LinkButton. In Firefox this problem doesn't exists, it always show the ToolTip of the LinkButton.

This is the produced XHTML:

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('...','')" title="Search" id="..."><img width="12" height="12" alt="search-something" id="..." src="../../images/icons/magnifier-left.png"></a>

Is it possible to overcome this issue? Removing all alternate texts will resolve the issue but a better (more standard) way is always welcome!

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How To Use Windows Explorer Search Utility From Vb.net?

Mar 2, 2010

I would like to create a webpage that collects a users search criteria. Then when they click a button, send the parameters to the Windows Explorer Search utility and run it. Can this be done? If so, how? I am using asp.net to create my webpages.

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Task Run Only Windows Explorer Browser

May 31, 2010

my task run only in windows explorer brower.. that not working in mozilla firebox.

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C# - Open Internet Explorer From Google Chrome

Mar 29, 2011

I currently developing a ASP.NET web application.

The application is designed for Google Chrome. I would like to pop out IE when printing is involved because Chrome lack preview etc. at a button click the IE should open. Here's the code:

protected void btn_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://localhost/storeapp/printpage.aspx?orderno=" + Request.QueryString["orderno"].ToString() + "");

Here I have passed a particular orderno to the URL. But when I click nothing happens. I have set IE as default web browser. Why is this?

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Javascript - Session Behavior - Open A New Window From Internet Explorer

Feb 4, 2011

I have a requirement to open a new window from Internet Explorer, but the new window should be in new asp.net session. It should not share the same session of previous opened window or the parent window. How can it be possible? Any thoughts? I'm using window.open('mywindow.aspx') from parent page javascript to open new windows.

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C# - IIS Session Isolation / Internet Explorer Not Working In Windows Server 2003 Machine

Nov 10, 2010

I am using ShDocVW.InternetExplorer class to spawn a new internet explorer object and to do some form filling stuffs(for some sharepoint works).It works fine in my own machine which has Windows 7 as the OS. But when I deployed the same thing in windows server 2003 machine, it does not pop up the internet explorer window. When I check the Task Manager, I could see a new iexplore process, but with Session ID = 0 (but session ID = 1 in windows 7). So, I see this is something regarding IIS Session isolation.So, is it possible to assign a ShDocVW.InternetExplorer instance to kind of a new System.Diagnostics.Process and achieve this task? Or can we start a new ShDocVW.InternetExplorer instance with session ID = 1?

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MVC :: Open LinkButton Link In Media Player?

Feb 2, 2011

I am creating an ASP.NET MVC Web application. Among the options are a series of LinkButtons that refer to videos. I want the user to be able to click on the LinkButton and have the video play in MediaPlayer. I do not use Silverlight in the application, because I don't want the user to have to have Silverlight installed in order for it to work.

The "fly in the ointment" for this is that I DON'T want Media Player to remain open if they are doing other things. I want Media Player to open ONLY if they click on the LinkButton.

I thought about doing this by opening a separate Media Player window, but I had two problems with that:

- how can I make the separate MediaPlayer view open?

- how can I pass the URL of the video to MediaPlayer if it's a separate view?

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: Open A File In DataGrid Using Linkbutton?

Jun 24, 2010

I am having gridview in my UpdatePanel template to avoid postbacks. I used linkbutton in my one of file path column to open selected file. My file path column contain file names with various extensions like pdf,jpg,doc..etc in each row. Whenever i clicked the corresponding file name i want to open the file in separate window but don't let the user to save the same file.Because i am having another column,which has download button to save the file.

I kept the open link and download button in seperate two columns inorderto get the datetime to open and downloading to maintain logs into database. In order to achieve that i have to use RowCommand event of datagrid.

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Web Forms :: Open Linkbutton In Current Page?

May 7, 2015

I have linkbutton in mypage

when I click on link button it redirect to other page.

I want when I click on linkbutton it open page in current page...

some thing like:


in hyperlink...

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Web Forms :: Trying To Open A New Window From Button Or Linkbutton Event?

Sep 9, 2010

I have the following code and cant get it to work.. it will open a new window only on the 2nd click and if i comment out the response.redirect line.

What am i doing wrong;


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Forms Data Controls :: Right Click On LinkButton Open In New Window?

Oct 30, 2010

There is a textbox , button and gridview(contains linkbutton in template field) in my webpage. If the user enter some text in the textbox and press button means it will search the text in the interrnet and display the text in gridview (like[URL]if the users clicked the linkbutton in the gridview item i want to save the "clicked link" and "searched text" in the database.If the user clicks the linkbutton in the gridview, i captured the server side event of gridview_rowcommand and wrote the code to save the details in the database. But i cannot get the event of mouse rightclick event of "open in new tab" and "open in new window" option in server side and in javascript.how can i get the event of mouse rightclick "open in new tab" and "open in new window"?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use The Postbackurl In The Linkbutton To Open An Other Page With Querystrings Parameters

Aug 9, 2010

i have 2 dropdown list, menu and a gridview in my aspx page.

in the gridview a have add a linkbutton with select CommandeName.

i want to use the postbackurl in the linkbutton to open an other page with querystrings parameters.

this querystrings should contain: the selected item in Menu, the dropdownlist1 selected value, dropdownlist2 selectev value and the gridview selected value.

how do i add all the controls value to my postbackurl ?


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Javascript - Running Internet Explorer With "Run As" Fails To Open A New PDF Window?

Feb 11, 2011

First things first.This application is an ASP.NET application using windows authentication.

Situation:The user is logged onto their computer with something like Domain1John and is running Internet Explorer 7 as Domain2Mike using the "Run As" option.

Domain1 is the user's local domain. He is accessing the application over the Internet using the Domain2Mike credentials where Domain2 is the domain that IIS knows about.

I'm opening a new browser page with Javascript, and the window contains a PDF report; the problem is that it is not showing correctly. It shows a gray screen, without even the Adobe reader toolbar.

On the other hand, when IE is run as Domain1John everything works nicely.I think it has something with the local computer rights. I added Domain2Mike to the Administrator group on the local computer, but it still fails to open the new page correctly.

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Unable To Open Certain Sites From Internet Explorer 7.it Is Showing All Sites As Restricted?

Aug 17, 2010

i m not able to open certain sites from internet explorer 7.it is showing all sites as restricted .

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IE7 Internet Explorer Cannot Open The Internet Site, Operation Aborted

Jun 10, 2010

when i test this page http://www.catalogues4u.com.au/ViewCategory.aspx?catID=119 im getting the above error. to replicate this issue visit the above page in ie7 and you will get the prompt.

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Asp.net - Open-source CMS (Windows, .NET) Recommendation?

Nov 16, 2010

I am looking for an open source, Windows, .NET based, CMS. I have a few simple requirements:Must run in or be built on the .NET 4 framework Users must be able to automatically authenticate via IIS / integrated windows authentication Must be able to utilize custom pre-built (existing) user controls presented as widgets / web parts / etc. with a minimum of re-coding.I have looked through a handful of open source CMS projects with no luck so far. If anyone knows of a CMS that fits the bill I would really appreciate your insights.

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Osx - Open Up And Run An Asp.net Project Compiled In Windows On A Mac OS X?

Mar 4, 2010

i need to make some changes to an asp.net website developed by another person - he is on a windows machine, i am using a mac.i need to make some fairly minor changes to the asp, but obviously i can't without being able to at least run the project, and hopefully open it in some development environment (although i'm not adverse to doing it all with a text editor if that's 'easier').i have installed monodevelop, but can't see how to open the project, let alone run it!maybe it's easier to do this in parallels in a windows environment?

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Open A Connection Object In A Windows Service?

Nov 5, 2010

Using vb.net 2005

I am trying to open a connection object in a windows service but getting an error, what do i need to do:

what I have now:


on the Open line i'm getting a squiggly error saying "declaration expected" for the MyCon.Open.

do I need to import something?

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Web Forms :: How To Open A Windows Application In Website

Apr 3, 2010

Can i open a windows application project in asp.net website?If can then how?

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How To Open Print Friendly Page Windows

May 18, 2010

Our users can currently select a number of funds from a page and go to another page to see the funds compared on a chart. I now have to present the user with an option to produce a print-friendly fact sheet page for each fund in the chart.

The requirement is that each page will open in a new window (or tab), and be minimised so as not to be 'too intrusive' when they're opened. how I could go about this? This also means that the user will have to go to each window or tab to print the page.

They also want the print dialog box open in each of the new windows so the user doesn't have to open it. Is this possible, for the print dialog to open at the page load? I disagree that (up to) 10 new windows can ever be anything but intrusive! Ideally I could send these new pages directly to the print queue. Is this possible?

Otherwise, I could Generate a page dynamically for each fund, strip out the contents of the page body and add the content for that fund to a large single page print-friendly factsheet. Does anyone have experience in this kind of work?

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