Get The Value Of The Specified Index In A DropDownList?

May 28, 2010

I want to get the value of the specified index in a DropDownList

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Similar Messages:

VS 2010 - Dropdownlist Getting Index

Feb 13, 2013

I've made a small site which purpose is to allow people to add members to their clan. The page has a dropdown list with the names of all available clans.

The name of the clans and the clan password come from a text file which is read when loading the page (but not when there's a page postback) and adds the clans to the dropdownlist.

The clan name and clan password are also read into an array for later use.

When the user selects an item in the dropdownlist I want to get the index so I know which clan name to use and which password.

I tried getting the index by using the indexchanged event and also just the click event of a button but somehow this doesn't seem to be working properly.

When the user filled in all fields and hits the submit button I want to check if the password is correct and want to know the clanname. I'm trying to do this by using the array's with that data and setting the item of the array equal to the index of the selected item in the dropdownlist.

But when I press the button I keep getting a wrong password error even though it's correct. If I remove the password check and submit it then the form should create or append to a text file with the name of the clan. But when submitted the text files is .txt instead of clanname.txt.

Tried setting the dropdown to autopost back or without and get the same result.

My code is the following:

reading the data into the array + adding the clannames to the dropdownlist

vb Code:
Dim data() As String    Dim clanname(50) As String   
Dim clanpass(50) As String Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Me.Load        
Dim fileName As String = "C:/ClientSites/data/clans.txt"       

[Code] ....

The submit button code

vb Code:
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click        
naam = txtMemberName.Text.ToString        gamertag = txtGamerTag.Text.ToString       
platform = txtPlatform.Text.ToString         index = DropDownList1.SelectedIndex        
paswoord = clanpass(index)                    

[Code] ....

In short I load in data from a file into two arrays, clanpass and clanname. Populate the dropdown with the clannames. Then upon submitting I want to check the password against the password for the selected item by using it's index. I also want the name to write it to the correct text file.

View 8 Replies

Finding DropDownList Index By Text?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a populated DropDownList. How do I find the index whose Text value is "x"?

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Dropdownlist Selected Index Changed Using C#?

Oct 12, 2010

i have 2 drop down list..first for city and second for state i want to fill the state list when the city is selected...m using the code

protected void Ddl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
String sqlQuery="select SM.StateId,StateName From StateMast SM,CityMast CM where CM.StateId=SM.StateId AND CM.CItyId='"+ Convert.ToInt16(DdlCity.SelectedValue.ToString())+"'";
DdlState.DataSource = cls.Select(sqlQuery);
DdlState.DataTextField = "StateName";
DdlState.DataValueField = "StateId";

but nothing is happing on selecting city..i have set the autopostback of is a function which is returning data tablepublic DataTable Select(String sqlQuery)
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlQuery,con);
DataTable table = new DataTable();
return table;

View 2 Replies

How To Find The Index Of The Given String Value In Dropdownlist

Oct 18, 2010

Iam using a dropdown list ,in that am having 4 values ,the following are my values


and here i need to choose the a particular value as a selected index ,and i did that for a exact value and in my requirement i will pass only the values after that '-' .so that i need get the value to be selected and here am using the following code to select it is not working can any one help for this.


DropList.SelectedIndex = DropList.Items.IndexOf(DropList.Items.FindByValue("L1"));

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Web Forms :: Get The Value From A Dropdownlist Using A Index Number?

Apr 15, 2010

how to get the value from a dropdownlist using a index number.

for example i want to show in a label the the value of the item in dropdownlist whose index is 5

View 5 Replies

DropdownList Index Changed Automatically

Jul 29, 2012

i have 2 drop down list on my web page

-the first one bound to a sqldatasource and it's work fine

-the second one bound to a sqldatasource (with a parameter depends on the first drop down list selected value )and it's work fine too .

But when a user make a selection on the second drop down list, any post back on the page will return the second drop down list selected index equal to 0.I tried so hard (ON MSDN) to understand why this happen only on this drop down list.

View 4 Replies

Tab Index Stops Working After Selecting Value From DropDownList?

Feb 1, 2011

Im working on an ASP.Net web forms application, where I have a form and the Index is working correctly, until I select a value from one specific control, a dropdownlist. After that no matter what control I am on if I press TAB it will go to the URL/Address Bar, from there to the search bar and then again to the URL bar...

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Dropdownlist Not Changing To New Index Upon Postbacks In Page_load

Jun 7, 2010

i have a user control that includes a dropdown list its actually a page navigator when the user press next page iam setting the index of the selector to the value of a hidden textbox where textbox is filled from javascript function. ex txtbox initially is 1. then when next pressed it is 2 and so on but when doing postbacks i.e pressing next it is not changing the index although in the debuy its showing its setting to the new value. as if there is something that is reseting it to the initial value after the page loads if i put my method in the prerender method its working fine. but in the page_load method its not updating to the new index changed. i need to put it in the page_load method as i have to register some event handlers for the navigator.

View 5 Replies

C# - No Change For Index Of DropDownList In A Custom Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have Created A Custom Control which is a DropDownList with specified Items. I designed AutoPostback and SelectedCategoryId as Properties and SelectedIndexChanged as Event for My Custom Control. Here Is My ASCX file Behind Code:

private int _selectedCategoryId;
private bool _autoPostback = false;
public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged;
public void BindData()


But Always The Selected Index of CategoryDDL1 is 0(Like default). this means Only Zero Value will pass to the event to update textboxes Data. what is the wrong with my code? why the selected Index not Changing?

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VS 2008 DropDownList - Selected Index Changed

Jul 12, 2012

I am using SelectedIndexChanged in the DropDowList and it works fine and populates a GridView based upon a site selection.

Is there there a way I can reset the SelectedIndexChanged so if user wants to refresh the GridView they would open the drop down list and click on the same selection again?

View 5 Replies

VS 2008 / Unable To Get Selected-index Of DropDownList?

Jan 26, 2012

I am populating a DropDownList from a text file (class requirement).

The file is read in the Page_Load method and the DropDownList is populated then.

When I press the Submit button, throughout the process of the code it is supposed to get the SelectedIndex and use it to grab a value out of a List(Of ).

The thing is, nothing is ever passed through. I even setup an alert box and it passes right over the alert box and never even triggers it, but gives me an Index out of range error when it moves to the line right after the Alert.


Redacted to keep people from stealing classwork.

View 6 Replies

Data Controls :: Could Not Find Selected Index In DropdownList

Apr 28, 2014

<br />
<table align="center">


For Edit I want to select the OfficeName before Selecting a Department or any another way to do this

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Selected Index / Value In A DropDownList?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a problem in setting the selected index /value in a drop down list. The list is bound by a Linq query and I want to add an item at the top of the list and set it as the selected item.

THis is the code i am using

ListItem li = new ListItem("Select", "", true);
list.DataSource = (from ap in edc.Approvers
where ! ap.approverEmail.Equals("")
orderby ap.approverEmail
select new {ap.approverEmail}).Distinct();
list.DataTextField = "approverEmail";
list.DataValueField = "approverEmail";
list.Items.FindByText("Select").Selected = true;

The listItem li is the item i want to be first in the list and also selected. Adding this before the databind just loses the item.

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Preserve DropDownList Selected Index In User Control?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a user control that has some drop down lists. These DDLs are used by the user to filter their product search on my search page. A button is used to post the form and get the results of the product search. Those results are displayed on the results page, which also has the search filter user control on it. I'd like the results page to have the values of the DDLs be preserved from the search page. Example: user selected color of red and size of large on the search page. When the results page is displayed, I'd like the selected color to be red for the color DDL and the size to be large for the size DDL. How can I do this?

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Make Dropdownlist Box To Selected Index To 0

Sep 13, 2010

I have a dropdownlist1 control in footer template, but when i go to edit command for editing an existing row. at that time. the footer dropdownlist box showing exact index which is selected in edit template dropdownlist box.

dropdownlist1 is in footer template and dropdownlist2 is in edit item template.

same datagrtid i am using for adding new rows via footer template and editing existing rows via edititem template.

how to make dropdownlist1 which is in footer template to selectedindex "0", when i go to editcommand. tried using itemdatabound but not working.

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Set Dropdownlist Index Inside A Formview?

Jan 17, 2010

Ok i have a dropdownlist inside a formview.When i select to update the formview the dropdownlist will automatically go to the first item on the list.

Is it possible to keep the item that is currently selected before i go to the update formview page?

I can get the dropdownlist from the formview with Findcontrols but then?

P.S. My dropdownlist is declared inside the formview


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Web Forms :: Selected Index Change Event On Dropdownlist In Gridview

Aug 30, 2012

How to select next row of grid view on selected index change event on dropdownlist in gridview...

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Web Forms :: Move Specific Item In DropDownList To First Position Using Index?

Sep 30, 2013

i have on dropdown, i want to set specific selected item at top of dropdownlist box when binding items inside dropdowlistbox.

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Web Forms :: Populate DropDownList On Selected Index Changed Event Of Other

Feb 23, 2013

there is 3 drop down list control in in first dropdown load Districts when page load when we select or index changed in drop down1 items changed or loaded in drop down list2 according to the disrict.According to the item selected in drop downlist2 items changed or loaded in drop downlist3.

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Capture DropDownList Index Change Event Inside Of Grid View?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to capture the SelectedIndexChanged event for a drop down list I have put inside of a gridview control. It posts back fine, but does not go into my SelectedIndexChanged event handler. Here is my code


it is still not going into my myddl_SelectedIndexChanged() eventhandler.

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Web Forms :: Prevent The Firing Of Index Changed Event In A Dropdownlist When 'NO' Is Selected?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a simple query based on the index changed event of a dropdownlist in ASP.NET. The scenario is i have a dropdown list bearing a collection of items (say ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE) with the default value selected as 'ONE'. Now, when the client changes the index (say the client selects 'TWO'), a confirmation box is prompted asking 'Are you sure want to change the index?' with the buttons YES & NO. Now, the problem is, if YES button is clicked then its working fine as the index is changed. But when NO button is clicked in the confirmation box, I do not want the index to be changed to 'TWO' and it should be holding the previously selected value which was 'ONE'. How can I do this? For which event should I write the code, as I cant think of writing the code for the IndexChanged event because here the index change has already occured and since there is no 'IndexChanging' event in ASP.NET, where shall i write the code

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Data Controls :: Get Selected Index Of Dropdownlist Inside Gridview Using JavaScript

May 7, 2015

In ASP.NET, I can get the selected index of dropdownlist using:

var dropdown1 = document.getElementById('dropdown1');But I want the selected index of that dropdownlist, which is present INSIDE a GridView.How to get that using JavaScript?

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Data Controls :: Replace DropDownList Text With Value On Selected Index Changed

Jan 5, 2014

I want to create a drop down list, where user can view the code name and the name the code when they click on the drop down list.

But after they choose, only the code is appeared. This is my current coding as for now. 

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlcodetype" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">-</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>DK Deck</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>EG Engine</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>CT Catering</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>OT Others</asp:ListItem>

With this, both my name and the code name are appeared. 

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Data Controls :: Add ListItem At Zero Index As Select In DropDownList After Binding It From Database

May 7, 2015

i have drop down list bound in database and i want to make the first item in drop down list is <--select-->

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