C# - Regex Pattern / Looking For The X_X Numeric Patterns?

Dec 23, 2010

I will have the following possible strings:




The numbers could be different, but what I'm looking for are the X_X numeric patterns. However, I need to do a replace that will search for 2_3 and NOT return the 12_3 as a valid match.

The +/-'s are arthemtic symbols, and can be any valid value. They also ARENT required (in the example of the first) .. so, I might want to check a string that just has 12_3, and if I pass in 2_3, it would NOT return a match. Only if I passed in 12_3.

This is for a C# script.

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Regex Pattern / How To Use Multiple Instances

Mar 7, 2011

YARPQ - Yet Another Regex Pattern Question:

What I am trying to figure out is how to use a custom delimiter, single character or set of characters, to wrap a block of text inside a larger body of text and then pull that text out via regex. I have successfully done this with a single instance of wrapped text. If I have multiple instances, it blows up. Here is an example.

This would be my text block with the internally wrapped text:


When my current regex runs on this block, the greedy nature gives me a match starting with my first wrapped block delimeter and ending with my second wrapped block end delimeter. So my regex of @"#Delim(.*)#EndDelim" doesn't work in this instance. I am trying to figure out how to exclude the #EndDelim from my grouping. Simply using ([^#EndDelim]*) doesn't work as it tells regex to ignore the individual characters inside the brackets and not the actual word so this breaks if I have any of those characters inside my wrapped block of text.

I am probably making this harder than it needs to be. Does anyone know of a good solution or how to ignore entire words in regex?

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Finding Regex Pattern For Phone Number?

Dec 14, 2010

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State Management :: What Is The Regex Pattern Of Session Id

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asp.net 4.0

I wonder what the Regex pattern for session id is?

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//lblError.Text = "Please enter a valid ID";[code]....

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C# Search Oracle Table Column For Regex Pattern

Jan 20, 2010

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How To Use Regex To Find A Matching String Pattern And Delete It

Feb 4, 2011

I have a table Books with columns BookID, BookSummary, BookAuthor.

What I have stupidly done was to add a link to another url at the end of the BookSummary. Assuming the text is something like this:

This is a book about a love story in World War 2 in Europe. The book is written by Elliot James.

I have added

<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a> at the end of the text making the final content of BookSummary to be like:

This is a book about a love story in World War 2 in Europe. The book is written by Elliot James.

<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a>

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achieve this using Regex?

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C# - Regex Pattern For Checking If A String Starts With A Certain Substring?

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It looks like a regex would be better for this. Or is there a C# way I am missing here?

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Jan 10, 2011

1.what is the difference between design patterns vs architectural patterns ?

2. In which situations They are preffered?

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DataSource Controls :: Datatype Numeric Error - "Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Numeric To Data Type Numeric."?

Apr 18, 2010

i have set the type of a column in a table numeric(6,2) but when i insert a value above 9999,99 i get the error

"Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric."

Do you know whats wrong??

ofc thats all through visual studio for an asp site thats why im posting here

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DataSource Controls :: Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Numeric To Data Type Numeric

Feb 15, 2010

First of all im new to asp.net and am in the process of learning it.

Heres my problem, i am receiving this error when submitting the form: "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric"

And it halts at command.ExecuteNonQuery();

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Code Behind:


Stored Procedure:


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Pattern For Retrieving Complex Object Graphs With Repository Pattern With Entity Framework

Oct 13, 2010

We have an ASP.NET MVC site that uses Entity Framework abstractions with Repository and UnitOfWork patterns. What I'm wondering is how others have implemented navigation of complex object graphs with these patterns. Let me give an example from one of our controllers:


It's a registration process and pretty much everything hangs off the POCO class Person. In this case we're caching the person through the registration process. I've now started implementing the latter part of the registration process which requires access to data deeper in the object graph. Specifically DPA data which hangs off Legal inside Country.

The code above is just mapping out the model information into a simpler format for the ViewModel. My question is do you consider this fairly deep navigation of the graph good practice or would you abstract out the retrieval of the objects further down the graph into repositories?

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MVC :: AsyncController Gripes / Working Pattern For Converting A GET-POST-GET Pattern To Asny?

Feb 23, 2010

Does anyone have a working pattern for converting a GET-POST-GET pattern to asny?

I'm encountering the following issues:

1. You cannot mix Sync and Async action methods SubmitForm(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), SubmitFormCompleted() ... (because the resolver gets all confused ... it doesn't use the HTTP verb to decide who to target. BTW: I think that's poor design, or a bug)

2. Renaming the get method name to something else eg: SubmitFormConfirmation(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), SubmitFormCompleted() would be very awkward if it works ... because you have to doctor the <form markup to specify an action name.

3. You cannot give them all async names SubmitFormAsync(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), submitFormCompleted(), because the call just keeps malfunctioning. It sometime even behaves as if you are requesting a delete of something.

Can someone give an insight from an actually working sample.

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Best Design Pattern For Associating Subdomain With Area And PRG Pattern?

Aug 21, 2010

Now that the next version of ASP.NET MVC is being prototyped and previewed (ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 came out a couple of weeks ago), I wonder if we should call the attention of the Core Dev team (S Hanselman, Phil Haack and all) to this "feature."there a easy/non tacky way of associating subdomains &#8594; areas?Something like:
[URL]Also, whats the best accepted design pattern in implementing PRG pattern in ASP.NET MVC? I guess it should also get some official loving in MVC 3.

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Using RegEx With LINQ - Insert A Value Into The Regex?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm having a little trouble with using regex in linq. I want to be able to perform a search on values in my database. The goal is to insert a value into the regex and then use that to search a column in a table in my database for that term. I want it to work so that it gets all exact matches and also returns matches in which the search term is a substring of the term in the column.

I was trying to follow this tutorial on msdn, but it doesn't quite fit perfectly with my problem:




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Format A Numeric String Using A Numeric Composite Format?

Aug 9, 2010

I've just encountered an interesting problem in a standard BoundField in a GridView. The field is for EmployeeCode, which is purely numeric, but stored in a character column in the database. The DataFormatString="{0:00000}" attribute on the BoundField doesn't work, as I assume that format is only for numeric values.

To work around this, I had to use a TemplateField, and bind the text value using the attribute Text='<%# PadNumericString(Eval("EmployeeCode").ToString(), 5) %>'. Is there no simpler way of doing this?

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Patterns To Use When Building Complex Web UI?

Jun 24, 2010

I need to implement a wizardy, dynamic UI that uses complex validation of the style:

If A = 1, show controls B, C, D. B is required, C is not, and D is not required must be less than 30 if it is populated.

If A = 2, show controls B, D, E. B is not required, D is required but has no limits, and E is not required.

If B is not null, show controls B, D, E. B is not required, D is required but has no limits, and E is not required.

Historically, I have made my presentation layer as "dumb" as possible in that it is only responsible for capturing user input and binding it to the appropriate domain model. The domain model, in turn, contains the logic needed to validate it's state and that of any child objects, and then communicates any invalid state to the presentation layer via notifications. As such, this requirement for a highly "intelligent" UI represents a departure for me.

I think I have no choice but to construct 2 very similar class hierarchies:

one that will capture presentation business rules (i.e. what fields are visible) and control what renders in the View

one that will capture domain business rules (when field A = X, then field B should be not null and in the range of n to m) to disallow objects with an invalid state from being persisted

Sill I have far more questions than answers on my strategy moving forward. Is there a set of design patterns I can draw on to build such a dynamic UI? I do have the option of using ASP.NET MVC or WebForms, so whichever approach will produce cleaner, testable code is preferred.

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How To Understand The User Patterns

Feb 18, 2010

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Design Patterns & UML Diagrams?

Apr 27, 2010

what are design patterns and UML diagrams with best examples. How we should use in real time scenarios. Recurring iam facing these type of questions in project round.

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Architecture :: .NET Web-Application Architectures / Patterns?

Jul 9, 2010

Does anybody knows good, short and slim tutorials (not here ), which describe actual/modern web-application architectures / patterns (especially for ASP.NET based (classic and MVC) applications (maybe also with embedded Silverlight components) ? How would you you design today an ASP.NET application which uses different datasources (databases, services,...) ? Background: I has been away a couple of years writing web applications, and I want to start now again. So at the moment I am a little bit unsure, how to take off and find the right starting point.

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Web Forms :: Want To Use Design Patterns In .net Application?

May 17, 2010

I'm trying to build a small, web application. But I want to use desing patterns in it. So I have a question: which desing patterns do you use and why in asp.net applications?

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Reg: Regular Expression Patterns To Match For The Example

Nov 20, 2010

I want a regular expression patterns to match for the following example.


I need only the USER to be extracted from those.

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Auto-redirect URLs By Patterns In IIS 6?

Mar 9, 2011

I thought it should be a simple straight-forward matter but after struggling with it for too much time.

What I need is to redirect all requests for my web application that match the following pattern - "^(http://[^/]+/blogs/[^/.]+)/?$" to the path of "$1/Default.aspx".

(Using English rather than Regex: [URL]

The sub-directories in "blogs" do not physically exist, instead a 3rd party product deals with the requests to randomdir/Default.aspx", but when you go to "randomdir/" you get 404 not found, which is what I'm trying to fix.

I tried to use global.asax and also HttpHandler, but I couldn't get either of them to fire up on the requests to those 404 paths.

So, in short, what should I do to redirect paths of non-existing directories?

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C# - Constructs/patterns Do You Use For Accessing State?

Feb 4, 2010

Let's say you're building something simple, like a data entry/CRUD form for working on an entity called Customer. Maybe you pass the CustomerID in via Session state.I tend to write a lot of fairly boilerplate plumbing code around handling that Session variable in a particular way. The goals vary slightly but tend to be things like:

Avoid cluttering the main flow of the page with plumbing code

Handle the back button intelligently

Remove the variable from Session and persist it to ViewState ASAP

Code defensively for failure situations where the state doesn't get passed, or is lost

Do you have a best practice for handling this situation? Do you have classes in your stack that handle this perfectly every time? Do you just call the Session variables directly? Do you use encrypted QueryString and avoid Session variables in this situation entirely in order to make the back button work a little better?Lately I've been using Properties with Session variables. Here's a simple example that I just threw together, although please keep in mind that this example would not be very tolerant of the back button:

Private ReadOnly Property CustomerID() As Integer
If Me.ViewState(Constants.CustomerID) Is Nothing Then[code]....

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Which Of The Two Design Patterns Should I Implement In A 3-tier .Net Application

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to decide which of the two factory patterns I should use in my Asp.Net applications:

1 : All DAL providers derive from same abstract base class DepartmentsProvider, which defines public interface of the class ( all the necessary CRUD methods for which derived classes (providers ) provide a concrete implementation ). BLL layer instantiates correct provider by calling DepartmentsProvider.Instance:

public abstract class DepartmentsProvider
static private DepartmentsProvider _instance = null;
/// <summary>[code]....

In first case we implement new provider by deriving from DepartmentsProvider class, while in second case new provider is implemented by deriving from DBProviderFactory. What are pros and cons of each implementation?

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