C# - Shared Data In An Application?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a basic ASP.NET application which is used to request data which is stored on disk. This is loaded from files and sent as the response. I want to be able to store the data loaded from these files in memory to reduce the number of reads from disk.

All of the requests will be asking for the same data, so it makes sense to have a single cache of in-memory data which is accessible to all requests. What is the best way to create a single accessible object instance which I can use to store and access this cached data? I've looked into HttpApplication, but apparently a new instance of this is created for parallel requests and so it doesn't fit my needs.

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Private Shared Vs Public Shared Vs Protected Shared

Jan 5, 2010

let me know what does these access modifiers means.private shared vs public shared vs protected shared

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Security :: Trying To Run The Application From The Shared Location(not From The Local Machine)?

Aug 13, 2010

when I am trying to run the asp.net application from the shared location(not from the local machine), I have encountered a security exception as 'request for the permission of type 'system.web.aspnet hosting permission'. I have given the full trust rights to share folder.. but still I have got the same error..

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Web Forms :: Single Master Page Shared In Two Web Application?

Oct 20, 2010

Is it possible to have a single master page used in two web app?

Or would it be possible to get the virtual path pointing to different app though I don't think so?

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State Management :: Cache Settings On Shared Application Pool?

Sep 17, 2010

I have several web applications on a server using the same application pool. The worker process usually takes a lot of ram but usually only from one application. I can successfully limit the cache usage by setting "PrivateBytesLimit" in web.config file when the application uses it own dedicated application pool.

Does anyone know how this setting will be applied when using shared application pool? Is it per application, per worker process or per application pool? Also if it is not per application which setting from which application will be applied?

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Configuration :: Deploy VWDE 2010 Application To Shared Host?

Jun 19, 2010

I have a single contact.aspx application I want to use on a web host but am confused with the publish feature in VWDE 2010. I can't run any commands or packages and was hoping just to upload the .aspx and .cs files and have jit compile to run them.

Why does VWDE 2010 create a .dll and .pdb in the bin folder of my project? I thought the Express versions of VS didn't produce DLLs? On previous editions of VWDE all I needed to do was copy the .aspx and .aspx.cs pages to the host.

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Security :: Access The Network Shared Foldder From The Application Without Any Security?

Feb 17, 2010

i developed an asp.net(2.0) applicaions which contains the attachments of the clients . these attachments are saved in the shared folder and retrive the file when the user requests.if i maintain the application and the shared folders in the same system it will work properly.if i maintain the application in one server and the file folder in the other server i face a lot of security issus like1.Access Denied2.Couldnot find the part of the path......for this i made an common account for the application server and the file server and also set impersonation to true.Even the i got the couldnot find the part of the path error.i already gave the everyone with full control to the shared folder and i added the common account and gave it to full controlIs there is any alternate for the save and retrive the files to and from the shared folder.

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Create Shared Assembly And Use That Assembly In Web Application?

Jun 3, 2010

I just want to create Shared Assembly and use that assembly in our application.I am using VS 2005.

Step 1

I am trying to build a dll.

Create class library project <TestDllHell>.

Under that project add CalculationArea.cs file.


Then TestDllHell.dll add into GAC successfully.

Now I want to use it in my Website project so did the following steps but unable to view that dll in .Net Reference List Box.

•I go for Run regedit to edit the Windows Registry.

•Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFrameworkAssemblyFolders key.

•Right click on the AssemblyFolders key, then select New > Key. Enter the name of your assembly (without the .dll extension).

•Double click on the key's (Default) value. The Edit String dialog will appear. Enter the full path of the folder where your assembly resides. Note that all assemblies in that folder will appear in the Visual Studio list.

•IMPORTANT! You must exit and restart Visual Studio to see your assembly in the Add Reference dialog.

My question is that

How can I get that dll in my add reference assembly List .Net section?

And if I modify that dll(TestDllHell.dll) then again register in GAC then version will be different,So how can I told my client application that which dll you choose?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Call A Non Shared Function In A Shared Function

Nov 12, 2010

I want to call a non shared function in a shared function in which i am having a textbox control instance. Its giving no error but when i call this shared function from client callback it gives me no response

Any Idea except removing shared from the function.

Here is my code :

<WebMethod()> _
Public Shared Function myF() As String
Dim pg As New _Default
Return "{'Hello':'" & pg.setText & "'}"
End Function
Public Function setText() As String
Dim pg As New _Default
pg.TextBox1.Text = "This is a test"
Return pg.TextBox1.Text
End Function

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Could/Should Use Static Classes In C# For Shared Data?

May 7, 2010

I'm building an online system to be used by school groups. Only one school can log into the system at any one time, and from that school you'll get about 13 users. They then proceed into a educational application in which they have to co-operate to complete tasks, and from a code point of view, sharing variables all over the place.

I was thinking, if I set up a static class with static properties that hold the variables that are required to be shared, this could save me having to store/access the variables in/from a database, as long as the static variables are all properly initialized when the application starts and cleaned up at the end. Of course I would also have to put locks on the get and set methods to make the variables thread safe.

Something in the back of my mind is telling me this might be a terrible way of going about things, but I'm not sure exactly why, so if people could give me their thoughts for or against using a static class in this situation,

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass A Texbox.text To A Public Shared Function?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a gridview that is dynamically created and have finished all but one problem - I need for my code that is within a Public Shared Function to access a textbox string - In the below I need myinput to return the string so that my query's can use the variable - the below shows: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.

If I remove the "Shared" the error goes away however it crashes other parts. (if I hard code the text then all works as expected)


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Architecture :: Design An Application To Fetch Data From Different Application Databases

Nov 10, 2010

I need to develop an application, which will get records (orders) from one application and process them. The updates to this records (order updates) will be sent back to the source application for end customer reference. I'm planning to achieve this data synchronization at the database level using triggers and stored procedures to insert database between the 2 databases.

But, the issue is I have to deploy this application in 3 different customer sites and I have to change the database names (cannot use the same database name) in each deployment manually. Because of this deployment issue, I was thinking of handling this within the asp.net application where I can store the db name in the database and then build the query within the application, but I dont want to do it as building queries like that doesnt look very professional.

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Variable Use Instead Of Shared?

Mar 25, 2010

I have the following variable which creates problem when i use multiples instance of the same web form. how i could what variables other than shared i can use to achieve this purpose?

Public strRoleType As String = String.Empty
Protected Shared isAreaSelected As Integer = 0
Protected Shared isStoreSelected As Integer = 0
Protected Shared isHeadOfficeSelected As Integer = 0
Protected Shared isRegionSelected As Integer = 0

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Using Shared Dataset In Subreport?

Jun 4, 2010

am using SSRS with MS SQL Server 2008 R2, which has the new feature of supporting shared datasets.First, I created my shared dataset, and made sure that it worked correctly and had a good connection. That worked great.Second, I created a new report (Let's call it "ReportSub"), and I had it use my shared dataset. The report works great.Third, I created another report (Let's call is "ReportMain"), and I put a subreport object into the report and associated it with "ReportSub". Doesn't work. Instead, I get this error:

Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'ReportSub', located at: /ReportSub. Please check the log files for more information.Any ideas of what the problem may be? It will work if I use an embedded dataset, but I really need to use a shared dataset.

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How To Get The Unc Share Name Of A Given Folder (If Shared)

Oct 26, 2010

How To Get The Unc Share Name Of A Given Folder (If Shared)?

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How To Create Shared Views In MVC

Jan 20, 2011

In my Views folder I have a several folders such as Category, Origin, Price. They all have a Browse.aspx file and the code in this file displays a table of products. All controllers associated with these folders use the same ViewModel, but in each view I have a repetitive code. The code is:

Folder Category, file browse.aspx
Folder Origin, file browse.aspx

<% foreach ( var p in Model.Products) { %>
<li> <%: p.productname + " " + p.price + " " + p.origin.originname + " " + p.category.categoryname %> </li>
<% } %>

How can I create a shared view and use the shared view in all these views?

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MVC :: Put Partials Somewhere Else Except Shared Folder?

Oct 29, 2010

I have View which loads more than one partials.


It's convinient to me to divide menus for pieces. But number of partials keep growing and it is getting harder to find concrete partial in Shared folder. Can I store partials in view folder which uses this partial? Html.RenderPartial() doesn't have such parameter as Controller Name so I think that it's impossible. But if there are any solutions to solve this inconvinience?

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Using Shared Function In A Separate DLL

Jan 18, 2011

I have CMS and FAQ as 2 different modules/projects each uses a different DLL file. When those two modules was structured as the same application. I was using the following piece to get the FAQs categories as part of my menu


Now those two modules are separated. .. Can I use the following shared function which is already exist in the FAQ separate DLL to loop the categories? and how can I do it?


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Shared Hosting With Services?

Nov 23, 2010

I was curious if there is a shared hosting platform for asp.net web sites that would allow me to setup a service that would do something at predetermined intervals. Dedicated hosting is not an option due to budget constraints.

So far, it looks like my solution will have to be to set an object in the cache and use the expired callback.

Has any one used the above method? and how successful was it?

Is there a better option or method than this?

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Mvc And Webforms Shared Authentication?

Oct 7, 2010

I have few websites based on the WebForms and one based on MVC. All websites have the same settings for forms authentication in web config.

The problem is that once logged in to WebForms website, I have to re-login for MVC websites, but when I log out from MVC website, I am automatically logged out from WebForms websites.How can I pass information to the MVC website that user was successfully logged in when using WebForms.

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C# - Impersonation Not Shared With Com Object?

Aug 18, 2010

So I have an ASP DOT NET web service which needs to impersonate Windows Authenticated users. This web service calls into a Com Api to perform database operations.

It seems like the Impersonation does not persist into the Com Api. Is this because the Com DLL is loaded into its own memory space and treated as a separate process? Also what would be some ways to deal with this issue and persist the Impersonation into the Com Api Dll?

Moving the functionality of the Com Api into the dot net code is not an option at this point. Also the Com Api was written in C++.

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Looking For File Uploading In Shared Server

Jan 11, 2011

i ve deployed many applications with file uploading feature on dedicated server and never got any issue. but it is not working on shared sever :( .. i think Server.MapPath("~") is not working on shared server. as in shared sever i am unable to find those directories which must for uploading.

m using following code for creating directories

string RootLocation = Server.MapPath("~") + "\";

string siteUploads = RootLocation + "uploads" + "\";

Directory.CreateDirectory(siteUploads );

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Refer Shared Function In Its Own Class?

Mar 2, 2010

how to refer shared function in a class , this function itself inside same class

public class cls1

Public Shared Function getDBDate(ByVal pDate As Date) As String
Return Format(pDate, "yyyy-MM-dd")
End Function

Private Function GetDb_Format(ByVal pDateString) As String
Dim d As Date = Me.ParseDate(pDateString)
Return clsDate.getDBDate(d)

End Function

End Class

can i have any other way to use getDbDate function

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Asp.net - Is HttpModule Shared Among Working Threads

Apr 11, 2010

Do I have to lock access to instance members?

public class HttpModule : IHttpModule
Dictionary<int, int> foo;
void UseFoo(int a, int b)
foo[a] = b;

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Way Around Session Being Shared Across Multiple Tab Windows?

May 13, 2010

I'm storing some value in an asp.net session on the first page. On the next page, this session value is being read. However if multiple tabs are opened and there are multiple page 1->page 2 navigation going on, the value stored in session gets mixed up since the session is shared between the browser tabs.I'm wondering what are the options around this :Query String: Passing value between the pages using query string, I don't want to take this approach since there can be multiple anchor tags on page 1 linking to page 2 and I can not rewrite the URLs of each tag since they are dynamic.Cookies??? In-memory cookies are shared across browser tabs too, same as the session cookie, rite ?

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