C# - Subsonic 3.0 And "Link" Tables?

Jan 23, 2010

I have the following set-up.


One blog post can have many categorys and a category can be in many blog posts. (Hence the intermediate table.

How would I go about getting a list of all the blog-posts in one category.

I've tried this but cant seem to get it right (I get a IQueryable -> IEnumerable cast error)

public IEnumerable<BlogPost> FetchAllBlogs(int? CatId)
return from c in CategoryLink.All()
where c.CategoryID == CatId
select c.BlogPost;


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DAL.ForumThread item = DAL.ForumThread.FetchByID(id);

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ForumPostID | ThreadID | Description | UserID | CreatedOn| etc

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This all works great, but the problem is that I'm using serverside paging and want to add some additional select parameters too like showing only active records.

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public ActionResult ViewPriceItems(int? page)
var crm = 0;
page = GetPage(page);
// try and create items2
IQueryable<ViewPriceItemsModel> items2 = new IQueryable<ViewPriceItemsModel>();
// the data to be paged,but unmodified
var olditems = PriceItem.All().OrderBy(x => x.PriceItemID);
foreach (var item in olditems)
// set category as the name not the ID for easier reading
items2.Concat(new [] {new ViewPriceItemsModel {ID = item.PriceItemID,
Name = item.PriceItem_Name,
Category = PriceCategory.SingleOrDefault(
x => x.PriceCategoryID == item.PriceItem_PriceCategory_ID).PriceCategory_Name,
Display = item.PriceItems_DisplayMethod}});
crm = olditems.Count() / MaxResultsPerPage;
ViewData["numtpages"] = crm;
ViewData["curtpage"] = page + 1;
// return a paged result set
return View(new PagedList<ViewPriceItemsModel>(items2, page ?? 0, MaxResultsPerPage));

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public void Add(IDataProvider provider){

var key=KeyValue();
var newKey=_repo.Add(this,provider);
_repo.Add(this,provider); //NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code


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Dec 28, 2010

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Change The Title And Link Of The Last Link In Chain?

Jan 3, 2011

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Home > Accounts > User Account

where "User Account" refers to ~/UserAccount.aspx

I would like to overwrite the last node to show info about a current user, i.e.:

Home > Accounts > John White and "John White" refers to ~/UserAccount.aspx?id=111 ?

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