C# - Transferring Contents Of HTML List To Text?

Jan 6, 2011

How can this be done? The .InnerText Property (when used on the containing div element) is giving me the html only. Is it possible to iterate through all the li elements contained and extract their values?

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C# - Allowing User To Save Contents Of Html List To Text File?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm working on an application (ASP.NET, Webforms) that generates a list of outputs based on a user input. I want to allow the user to save the contents of said list as text file, or possibly as other filetypes such as .csv. What is the best way to approach this? Can it be done client-side with Javascript?

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MVC :: Transferring Home Page Rank From A Traditional HTML To An Mvc Website?

Jun 20, 2010

i have been recently requested from a client to upgrade his static html web site (hosted from another provider) to a new asp.net mvc web application (hosted from my provider). The current home page rank is 3/10 and i woul not like to lose it ehwn transferring the hosting DNS to another hosting provider company.

Is it possible to keep the home page rank? I am realy not interested in all the other pages.

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C# - Repeater / List Each Entries On A Page That The HTML Text Should Be Displayed Exactly And Editable?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a table similar to:


where each entry has some HTML text and an associated Name and ID.

What I want to do in ASP.net C# is to list each of these entries on a page in such a way that the HTML text should be displayed exactly how it is meant to be (e.g. <b>test</b> should show 'test' in bold) and each entry should be editable. When the Edit button is clicked on an entry, the HTML text should be replaced by a textbox with the text inside it so that you can edit it and save it.

For example:

FOOTER --EditButton--


Now I am not sure on what is the best way to do this. Should I use a repeater with an ItemTemplate for each entry? If I use a repeater, and an edit button is clicked, how do I know which edit button is clicked and how do I know which textbox to display the text etc?

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VS 2008 - Reading Contents Of A Text File Into Text Box On Form

Jul 13, 2011

I'm trying to read the contents of a text file into a text box on my form. When I run the following code, nothing happens.

VB.NET Code:
Protected Sub lbLogs_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lbLogs.SelectedIndexChanged       
For Each li As ListItem In lbLogs.Items           
If li.Selected Then                Using sw As New StreamReader(li.Value)                   
txtLog.Text = sw.ReadToEnd                     sw.Close()                End Using            End If        Next    End Sub

I populate the ListBox with ListItems and each ListItem's Value property holds the full path to the file. But, I removed all of that and just put txtLog.Text = "test" inside of the "is selected" block.

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How To View Contents Of List

Aug 3, 2010

When programming web pages with VB, what is the easiest way to view the contents in a list (to confirm some code is working)?

A textbox on the page?

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List Contents Of A Drive

Nov 9, 2011

I have been told 'they' want to be able to see the documents on Drive:H

Is this doable from within a web application project?

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Preserve List Contents On Postbacks?

Jun 1, 2010

On the page load event of my webpage i fill the list of with the contents of the structure

Structure MainStruct
Dim Ans1 As String
Dim Ans2 As String
End Structure

Dim Build As New List(Of MainStruct)

The problem i that on post-back the contents of the list-of get lost.So, how can i preserve the contents of the list-of in ASP.NET?

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AJAX :: How To Insert Html Editor Contents Into Sql

Jun 28, 2010

This is the codes that i used for my aspx.vb page.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

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Web Forms :: Checking HTML File For Contents?

Jul 15, 2010

I am using the following code to load user selected HTML files in a Literal control :


Its all working good. Now I want to check, if an html file contains any thing in its body tag (no tag, no text nothing) or not. How can I do that ?

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Reading Contents Of Word Document In Html Format

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using a FCKEditor. I added some word document files in the server. I need to read the content of the work document in HTML format and assign it to the FCKEditor.

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AJAX :: How To Clear The Contents Of HTML Editor In JavaScript

Jan 18, 2010

I have an HTML Editor in a modal popup triggered by a link on a detail page. The Editor can be used multile times in the same session. If a user adds content and then saves it all is ok. If he the selects to add more content the text from the previous attempt appears in the editor.

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Server-side Navigation Menu Based On Html Contents?

Jul 9, 2010

I need to do some styling to a bunch of webforms, containing articles formatted in a rather uniform way. I can change any source code I want.

What I need is a quick way to dynamically create a navigation menu (on the server side) for an ASP.NET webform, based on contents of a specified div.

For example, given the following HTML:

<div id="article">
<h2 id="first">Chapter 1</h2>
<p>Some text...</p>
<h2 id="second">Chapter 2</h2>
<p>Some other text</p>

I would like to insert something like this at the end (and render it at the server side, not in a script):

<div id="navigation">
<li><a href="#first">Chapter 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#second">Chapter 2</a></li>

NOTE: I know I could iterate through parent div's child controls in codebehind (although I would need to make them all "run at server", or even parse the InnerHtml property of the parent div), but if feels pretty weird.

Also, I am aware that if the article was being created from a data source, I would have the content already organized, but I would like to make as little changes needed in the existing pages.

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Textbox - How To Set Tool Tip For The Aspxtextboxes To Show Their Text Contents

May 10, 2010

i have been working with devexpress AspxTextbox, in asp.net and c#.net?

initially i was struggling to settext for aspx text boxes,but after that i got a tip that clientinstancename.settext() with custom js properties solve that issue.

now the problem is i have to set the tool tip for the aspxtextboxes to show their text contents ?

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VS 2010 - Display Contents Of A File Selected From ListBox Into Text Box

Jul 18, 2011

I need to display the contents of a file selected from a ListBox into a text box. When I populate the ListBoxItems, I set the Text property to the name of the file and its full path to the Value property.

When I click the item, the page refreshes because AutoPostBack is on, but nothing happens. I then tried this:

VB.NET Code:
Protected Sub lbLogs_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lbLogs.SelectedIndexChanged      Me.txtServiceTag.Text = Me.lbLogs.SelectedItem.TextEnd Sub

But it still didn't work.

View 18 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: REpeater How To Extract Html Tags And Show Contents

Feb 18, 2011

Repeater data rendering problem

im using Visual Web Developer Express2005 and language: VB

Example Image of my forum thread that im working:

i encircled in color red the part where i assign the 'content' as you can see above.here EXAMPLE of code in my repeater that populate a <td>(inserting data FROM my database) from my TableField('content')


the part that i encircled in the image above was the data on my tableField named--> 'content'.

The idea was to show not the whole content but to show Only some part of it. example is to show only the 1st 300chars or 100 words.

i tried this code which shows the fist 1-100 chars. [Code]....

Problem is the data i stored in the TableField('content') has other html tagsExample my Tablefield('content') has the following data.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-CA"><span style="font-size: x-small">All hands worked in the preparation..............

When i use the code .tostring.tosubstring(1, 100) it shows: <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-CA"><span style="font-size: x-small">All hands worked in the preparation..................

instead of starting at: All hands worked in the preparation.......Is there a way that i could extract first the html tags then use the
.string.tosubstring(1, 100) to make it work.I use the code below temporarily to generate the 'content' as showed in the image above. i limit the height of the lable to 100px which does the trick. but i know its not a good method thats why im trying to look for other methods.

<asp:Label runat="server" Height="100PX" Width="615px"><%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Content")%></asp:Label>


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AJAX :: Using Accordion With An HTML Definition List Or Unordered List?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to implement an html definition list in which each <dt> is the <header> in the accordion, and <content> is the <dd>. No matter how I write this out I can't get it to be valid markup because of the position of the <div>s inside the definition list where divs aren't allowed.

I also tried using a unordered list but had the same validation issues. I would really like to use the accordian, but not if I have to sacrifice valid semantic markup on my page.

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C# - Preview The Text Contents From HtmlEditor Control(ajax) On A4 Size Paper And Save It As .txt?

Oct 26, 2010

I am doing asp.net project using C#.I want to display the contents that are being typed in HtmlEditor control onto a A4 size as preview and i also want to save this content to a file(.doc or .txt).

How do i do it??

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Web Forms :: Catch The HTML Button Click Event On A Class File Including HTML Text Box Value

Sep 24, 2010

I want to catch the html button click event on a class file including html text box value..


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How To Extract The Contents Of The Pdf File And Show The Contents In Web Page

Feb 22, 2010

I have a pdf file, how can I extract the contents of the pdf file and show the contents in one of my web page

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Transferring XML File To Java Application?

Feb 18, 2010

I am getting patient detail and stored that details in the form of XML (.xml) file.

As soon as XML file is created then I need to transfer that file to Java application automatically. (From one server it need to Transfer to another)

Note : I am using ASP.NET (.Net FW 3.5)

How to do it?

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Getting Unexpected Error While Transferring Data?

Feb 19, 2010

I am transfering data from DB server to second DB server using one test page.

But i am getting following unexpected message ....

The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x205480 to COM context 0x2055f0 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations.

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C# - ASCX And ASPX Transferring Data From One To The Other?

Mar 24, 2011

I have this page, shown below. In the ASCX file, the data is generated using a DataGrid in which a user searches for fields and it displays results based on input criteria. This is using a stored procedure and parameters to perform this search. It then returns the results, populates a datagrid, now my question is how would I go about in my ASPX page having my disk icon allow a user to download a CSV of the data that has been returned in the ASCX page. I obviously need to run a command to generate the CSV file from the database, which I have all the code for, but my question really is how do I know what the user has searched for, or what results were returned I guess best put.

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Extract Plain Text From HTML Text?

Oct 20, 2010

I have used a rich textbox control,ckeditor in my case,When any formatting is done to the text the formatted text is populated in the datagrid.But I want to extract only the plain text in the grid and trim the length of data to 80 characters while populating.

The query for updating the answer is as follows


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AJAX :: Possible To View Contents Only By Using Ajax Html Control In Preview Mode

Mar 21, 2011

n my application i am using ajax html text editor control , its working fine . but the contents that is typed in html editor contains bullets and numbering and while i am filling this content to a label control then the nuembering(ordered list) and bullets are not shown , is any solution ?Is it possible to view contents only by using ajax html control in preview mode.

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