C# - Update PageTitle On Timer.Tick?

Jun 14, 2010

I've got a page with a Timer that is being used as a trigger on an UpdatePanel. The page also contains a TabContainer and several TabPanels. Look at this question for more information. Basically, I've got an UpdatePanel as the element in each TabPanel's ContentTemplate, and the UpdatePanel is triggered by the Timer.My page displays data by reading a database on each tick. I've got the following code running on each Timer.Tick in my codebehind:

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How To Retain The Field Values During Ajax Timer Tick Which Is Placed In Update

Jun 19, 2010

how can we retain the field values during ajax timer tick which is placed in update

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AJAX :: Button Click In Update Panel Repeater Only Fires On Timer Tick?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a bit of a strange problem and wondering if anyone can help.I have an update panel that has a timer set as the AsyncPostBackTrigger.
In the repeater I have a few buttons which have on click events.The on click of these buttons does not appear to fire until the timer has ticked. My code is as follows:


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Two Ajax Timer Cannot Tick Simultaneously?

Oct 24, 2010

I have two ajax time for my aspx web page but while the one is ticking , the other stops running. How can i make it both timer run together like the windows form?

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AJAX :: Timer Tick Event Fired Twice?

Jan 15, 2011

I am using ajax timer outside update panel Timer_tick event fired twice after every 5 secondsMy Issue is why it fires twice after 5 secondsI know the interval its my setting like (interval=5000)but why it fires twice together thats why my application get hanged???

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AJAX Timer Tick Fires Page_Init?

Apr 15, 2010

I am currently working on an ASP.NET project, where I am using C# as my default language. I have an .aspx page, where I have an AJAX Script Manager and an AJAX timer. When that page first initializes, it does a pretty costly operation (parses a .csv file), which I only need to do once. However, every time the Timer tick takes place, Page_Init is fired again. Is there any way to correct it?

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Web Forms :: Open New Window In Timer Tick Event?

May 26, 2010

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AJAX :: How To Maintain Focus When Timer Tick Event Is Fired

Dec 11, 2010

i have three textboxes in a page and one datagird and 1 timer control, i have 2 update panels.

i placed (all textboxes) in one update panel and i placed (data gird and timer control) in an other update panel, because i want to reset or clear all fields when cancel button is clicked so that update panel should be updated,and where timer control tick event is fired i rebind the gird or refresh the gird, i have done this and it works properly but problem is that when i am going to write some text in any textbox or i want to focus on any text box it should lost focus when timer control tick event is fired so how can i maintain focus, or even how can i get focus of current control and after firing of timer control tick event i should reassing focus of such control

my code is below


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Web Forms :: Timer Tick Event Doesn't Fire In Second User Control

Jan 22, 2011

I've run into a problem with one of my web sites and I am having trouble figuring out the problem and a good solution. This is my scenario: I have a user control that displays a slideshow with images and some text that changes every fifteen seconds. To do this, I have an update panel that contains a timer control with an interval of 15000. It calls a method called slideshowTimer_Tick in the codebehind. The web page that contains this user control is a relatively simple page; no update panels or timers, just divs.

The problem I have is that if I have two of these user controls on the page, the tick event only fires for the first control. It never fires for the second control, although the control is full initialized otherwise.

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C# - Button Click In Repeater In Updatepanel Not Triggered Until AsyncPostBackTrigger Timer Tick?

Dec 16, 2010

I have an update panel that has a timer set as the AsyncPostBackTrigger.In this Update Panel I have a repeater and in the repeater I have a few buttons which have on click events.The on click of these buttons does not appear to fire until the timer has tickedI have tried debugging and this is what seems to be happening, either way it takes ages for the button click to actually fire.

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AJAX :: Update The Chart Using An Update Panel And Timer In Javascript

May 17, 2010

i am attempting to use javascript to update the chart, because how i have setup now causes the chart to just disappear. Here is the code i have now: I am calling the chart to page using: on default.aspx


Code on the dataURL_Infrasturcture_Capacity.aspx page:


PROBLEM: So how would i update this using an update panel and timer. Currently when i do it the chart just disappears on update. I believethis is due to the fact that i am calling a dataURL. How would i get this to work javascript?

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Update Data constantly On The Client Using Asp.net Timer + Update Panel?

Oct 30, 2010

What is the best way to update data constantly on the client using asp.net Timer + Update Panel, or I need to use Reverse AJAX for that?

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C# - How To Change PageTitle From PartialView In Mvc

Mar 6, 2011

I want to change Page title from partial view. But following error shown

Using the Title property of Page requires a header control on the page. (e.g. <head runat="server" />).

My master page head section is here

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" />

My Default page is here

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server">
<%=ViewData["pagetitle"] %>

ViewData["pagetitle"] returns current page title for example Home, About, News List, News Detail. But i want to change current news information title instead of News Detail string. News Detail page contains partial view. Partial view know which news shown.

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AJAX :: Update The Page Using Timer?

Apr 3, 2010

have an application which runs in the offline environment and populates the MS SQL Server 2005 database. By one of our process we do the incremental update to online (web) database.Now the problem is that by clicking the button to update the online database it take 15 to 20 minutes to and the user have to wait until the complete postback process complete.The grid that contains the information (about the updation of database) will be refreshed after the complete postback but we want to refresh it as by a particular items (i.e. table of the database)How can i do it ??

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AJAX :: Update Panel And Timer-VB Code?

May 16, 2010

I am doing a countdown with a timer that runs every second. I have a scriptmanager, but how do I make it update behind the scenes so the user does not see it? I thought I could use an update panel, but I can't get it to work right.

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Web Forms :: Page Comes To The Forefront On Timer Update?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a popup window that is displayed from the main form. I use a timer to refresh the data in an update panel on the popup page. The users keep the page open but ypically go back to the main page which then covers the popup. The problem I'm having is every time the timer event occurs, the popup page jumps to the forefront. How can I perform the updates without the page coming into focus automatically?

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AJAX :: Timer Refreshing Another Update Panel?

Mar 21, 2011

I've a tab container with 4-5 tabs on a page. On the same page, I've three update panels - one outside tab container whilst the other two lie inside two tab panels separately. Update mode of all three update panels are set to Conditional. There is a timer in the first update panel (the one outside tab container). Whenever timer ticks, the other two update panels are also being refreshed. How can I stop this?

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Web Forms :: Timer Control - Can't Update Values Outside Of Panel

Nov 2, 2010

ASP.net VB timer control: in the code behind, when I change a value of a textbox on other control. It does not change if not in panel. Anyway to change a value if not in teh panel.

Sub UpdateTimer_Tick(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As EventArgs)Dim x
DateStampLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()
(L_ticks.Text= CInt(L_ticks.Text) + 1
If (cint(L_ticks.Text) = 10 Then L_start.Text
= DateTime.Now.ToString() ' reset value not in panel
l_diff.Text = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second,

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AJAX :: Timer And Update Panel Stops Working After Several Hours?

Nov 11, 2010

I have an Ajax timer that has an interval of 1 second and an update panel on my page. If I leave the page open and never close or refresh I notice that after 6 to 8 hours the timer stops firing. No error messages.......everything just stops. If I refresh the page everything starts working again. Are there any issues I am not aware of when running a page for a long time using the Ajax timer?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Update Panels And Timer Controls With Events?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to create multiple update panels to add to an accordion pane with timers with a _tick event to update the respective update panel on the page_load event.


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AJAX :: Put Timer On Update Panel Make Rating Control

Mar 3, 2010

when i using timer on update panel it current.rating values = null

Why ?

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How To Use A Timer / Update Panel And Repeater To Display One Record At A Time Using C#

Jul 1, 2010

I am querying the SQL database table and returning the result on the webform with a repeater, but I need to display one record at a time and refresh with an update panel and timer to iterate through the rows of the table one at a time at a fixed interval.

Is there another solution to be able to display one record at a time using c# in the webform, but then cycke through the other records one at a time using a timer control and updatepanel?

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AJAX :: Thread Was Being Aborted - Update Panel Triggered By Timer?

Feb 8, 2010

I have an ASPX page with several update panels. They all have their UpdateMode="Conditional".

Some panels are refreshed when the user clicks a button and other are refreshed regularly, with a timer.

The panel refreshed with a timer launches a database query and many validations on the data. Then display the result in a panel when errors have been found.

That all works fine except when the validation has to delete files on the disk. (.txt, .jpg, etc it depends). In that case, after the validation is made, I am always kicked out of my website because of the error (Thread was being aborted). So I loose all my session variables which means I am not logged off.

Anybody had that kind of problem ? Is it normal that deleting files AND directories on the server make me loose my session? Is there a way to prevent that ?

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AJAX :: Aspx Page Get Hanged With Update Panel And Timer?

Jan 14, 2011

my the help of "tick event" of timer i execute some functios.

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AJAX :: Webcam Streaming / Currently Using Image Control, Update Panel, Timer?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm having a problem where users with a slow connection aren't getting my image feed properly.i'm sending them new images every second to a picturebox inside an Ajax Update panel, using an Ajax Timer.so if their connection is really slow, one image doesnt load fully before the next one comes in, so they never get the whole picture...And for people with a faster connection, I would like to increase the update rate, and currently I see no way of dynamically setting the update rate.

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