AJAX :: How To Maintain Focus When Timer Tick Event Is Fired
Dec 11, 2010
i have three textboxes in a page and one datagird and 1 timer control, i have 2 update panels.
i placed (all textboxes) in one update panel and i placed (data gird and timer control) in an other update panel, because i want to reset or clear all fields when cancel button is clicked so that update panel should be updated,and where timer control tick event is fired i rebind the gird or refresh the gird, i have done this and it works properly but problem is that when i am going to write some text in any textbox or i want to focus on any text box it should lost focus when timer control tick event is fired so how can i maintain focus, or even how can i get focus of current control and after firing of timer control tick event i should reassing focus of such control
I am using ajax timer outside update panel Timer_tick event fired twice after every 5 secondsMy Issue is why it fires twice after 5 secondsI know the interval its my setting like (interval=5000)but why it fires twice together thats why my application get hanged???
I've run into a problem with one of my web sites and I am having trouble figuring out the problem and a good solution. This is my scenario: I have a user control that displays a slideshow with images and some text that changes every fifteen seconds. To do this, I have an update panel that contains a timer control with an interval of 15000. It calls a method called slideshowTimer_Tick in the codebehind. The web page that contains this user control is a relatively simple page; no update panels or timers, just divs.
The problem I have is that if I have two of these user controls on the page, the tick event only fires for the first control. It never fires for the second control, although the control is full initialized otherwise.
I have two ajax time for my aspx web page but while the one is ticking , the other stops running. How can i make it both timer run together like the windows form?
I am currently working on an ASP.NET project, where I am using C# as my default language. I have an .aspx page, where I have an AJAX Script Manager and an AJAX timer. When that page first initializes, it does a pretty costly operation (parses a .csv file), which I only need to do once. However, every time the Timer tick takes place, Page_Init is fired again. Is there any way to correct it?
I have a bit of a strange problem and wondering if anyone can help.I have an update panel that has a timer set as the AsyncPostBackTrigger. In the repeater I have a few buttons which have on click events.The on click of these buttons does not appear to fire until the timer has ticked. My code is as follows:
A breakpoint is set on FillForm() and this method is called two times but I can't explain myself why this happens. I have client side javascript code, when the form is being send, the onsubmit method is also called twice... Where do I have to search?! Is it a (known) bug? Think I could get it to work with this Thread: [URL] But why is the event fired within the onblur-event when it's fired anyway??
I've got a page with a Timer that is being used as a trigger on an UpdatePanel. The page also contains a TabContainer and several TabPanels. Look at this question for more information. Basically, I've got an UpdatePanel as the element in each TabPanel's ContentTemplate, and the UpdatePanel is triggered by the Timer.My page displays data by reading a database on each tick. I've got the following code running on each Timer.Tick in my codebehind:
I am developing a web part that uses AJAX Timer and Update Panel to perform some data check. There are two buttons outside the Update Panel on the web part that I also want to maintain during the Timer postback. I cannot put these two buttons in any UpdatePanel because they need to call Response.Write() to display some Excel data to users in their On_Click event. My current solution is using ViewState to maintain these two button in On_Load event. However, I am not sure if this is a correct solution (haven't tested it). Does any one know that during a Timer postback, if I disable/enable these two buttons using ViewState in On_Load, will it update the page properly with the two buttons disabled/enabled? Or will it ignore any control that are not in the UpdatePanel regardless where you maintain it? If my solution is not a good practice, can someone suggest other alternatives?
I have an updatepanel in my content page with a timer which re-renders the updatepanel every 5 seconds.I also have a textbox outside of this updatepanel in my masterpage.Whenever the timer ticks, focus is lost from my textbox. What possible reasons are there for this happening?
I have an update panel that has a timer set as the AsyncPostBackTrigger.In this Update Panel I have a repeater and in the repeater I have a few buttons which have on click events.The on click of these buttons does not appear to fire until the timer has tickedI have tried debugging and this is what seems to be happening, either way it takes ages for the button click to actually fire.
On the home page of my site I have an UpdatePanel with a Timer which ticks every couple of seconds. Un-related to that I have a user login forum (username / password) If you are typing your username into the textbox while the timer ticks, it takes focus off the textbox.
i have a WSS 3.0 Webpart that contains an UpdatePanel with a customized SPGridView. I want to provide instant filtering of data by adding a textbox below the column header when the column shall be filterable. There is a jQuery based solution for this on the net, but it's totally client side and doesn't work with paging, so i tried it on my own.
In the CreateChildControls of my SPGridViewExt class i have :
I've also overridden the DoFilterPostBackEventProcessing method to create a "[ColumnName] LIKE '%[textbox.value]%'" filterExpression for my datasource which also creates the LIKEFILTER_COLUMN and LIKEFILTER_VALUE ViewState Items so i can identify the textbox that should refocus on after the postback. The filtering itself works great, but whatever i try, i am not able to set the focus to the textbox after entering the first letter.
All these four methods don't work. The registerstartupscript call doesn't even render the script when i search the page source after postback. I also tried to add a HiddenField to my webpart and set it's value to the control id of the textbox in onfocus, then register a startupscript in OnLoad that focuses the control if the HiddenField has a value, but to no avail.
VS2010 ( Vb.net ).I have a masterpage that contains a gridview, giving stats and information on client files sent to us. This gridview is updated by means of a timer control every 10 seconds. In my grid I have an image field, to display either a tick .. if everything is ok or a cross for any problems.When the timer control timer event forces a gridview databind every 10 seconds.When the page first loads, i get the default red Cross in the gridview imagefield, however when the timer loops forces a 'databind' I lose the redCross and it is replaced with the default image control ( as if no url is set ) . Then I get a server 404 error.I am using the OnDataBound event to fire my vb sub. I have commented out evertything just to get a solid starting point but im still getting errors.
I did some research and found two lines of code that would make the page postback. But, the method is not being called for the button. how to fire the onclick event with using ModalPopupExtender.
On my webform I have an AsyncFileUpload control. At first it is set not to be visible until two textboxes are filled. On the textbox_textchanged events the uploadcontrol is made visible. At that time the UploadedFileError event is fired.... why? The control is empty, so there is nothing to upload, but apparently it still tries to.How can I fix this?
I have AjaxCOntrol tool kit Tab control on the page.When I set the ActiveTabIndex proferty programatically in button click event ..like
tabContainer1.ActiveTabIndex = 1;
Then the serverside event 'onactivetabchanged' is not fired.I set the 'AutoPostBack' property to True.When I click on the tab, then it will fire the 'onactivetabchanged' event properly, But when set programatically it woun't fire.
my AnimationExtender target to one checkboxlist, what im doing is while SelectedIndexChanged event of checkboxlist i have bind some items to controls within AnimationExtender, now the problem is when i click Checkboxlist then immediately AnimationExter will show a window and Checkboxlist event not fired, when i close the window after that only it'll fired SelectedIndexChagned event.
What i expect when i click the Checkbox list then first have to fire SelectedIndexChangedEvent and call the AnimationExtender, how to do this?
I am trying to build a user control with a AsyncFileUpload and a lable to put a meesage in it for the users. inside the user control I did a method to deal with file upload comlete but the event never fired.
I am sure that the file is uploaded becuse the client javascript event fired and all other AsyncFileUpload events are fired.