C# - What's Control DesignMode Property And How To Use It

Mar 31, 2010

what is DesignMode property? When it is useful? I don't understand it from msdn definition [URL]Some example?

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Visual Studio :: Move ContentPlaceHolder In DesignMode?

Feb 10, 2011

How can I move my contentplaceholder to the upper righthand side? My source code is below.

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>Triage Control Center</title>
<link href="TriageStyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<form id="MasterPageForm" runat="server">
<div id="master_header">
<div id="master_headertop">
<asp:HyperLink ID="HomePageLink" runat="server"
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<div id="master_page">
<div id="master_menu">
<div class="sidebar">
<div class="sidebarheader">CLS Applications</div>
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<asp:Repeater ID="SamplesLinks" runat="server"
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EnableViewState="false" /><br />
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="SamplesSiteMap"
runat="server" SiteMapProvider="SamplesSiteMap"
ShowStartingNode="false" />
<div id="master_contentplaceholder">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server" />
<div id="master_contentfooter">Copyright © 2010
Test. All rights reserved.</div>

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Web Forms :: FindControl And Text Property / Use To Cast The Control And Set The Text Property

Jun 24, 2010

my web application i use FindControl to retrieve a Control By Name (it returns an System.Web.UI object). The control can be of various type and I don't want to treat them differently: I'd like to set the Text property to a defined string. I hope there's a class that I may use to cast the control and set the Text property.

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Web Forms :: SqlDataSource Control Parameter Property Name For File Upload Control

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using SqlDataSource to update image stored in the database. Everything is working fine using the code below but I don't know how to access the Property Name to get the content type of the image. How can I have the pass the File upload's content type to the parameter @imgType?


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting CheckBox Control Text Property In A Repeater Control

Mar 17, 2011

I have a checkbox in a repeater control. How to get the User,Administrator,Security Admin as the checkbox Names ?

private string[] AvailableRoles = { "User", "Administrator", "Security Admin" };

Repeater_Roles.DataSource = AvailableRoles; Repeater_Roles.DataBind();

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Web Forms :: Binding A Value To A Control's Property Before OnInit Is Called For The Control

Jun 5, 2010

I just began to look into custom server controls a couple days ago, and while I'm happy with my progress overall, I'm stuck on an issue.



EDIT 2: It seems that the problem now is that I cannot set a parameter with a databound value before the control is initialized

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Invisible Web Control Default Property In Custom Control?

May 19, 2010

I am developing one custom control. I dont want default web control property should be in my custom control.For example.[Code]....

When you put this control in the page, you will see default web control property such as Font,Border,Width,Height.... I want to show only those properties that I define in my class.Suppose, I have three property defined in class then only three properties will be visible for control, other default web control proeprty should be hide or invisible.

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Extract Value From Control In ControlToValidate Property In A CustomValidator Control?

Feb 2, 2011

How do get the value in the JavaScript function identified in ClientValidationFunction property that was entered in the control that was identified in the ControlToValidate property of a asp:CustomValidator control?

function MyValidateFunction(sender, args) {
//want to get value of MyControl

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How To Map A User Control Property To A Server Control Within It

Jun 2, 2010

I have a user control with a WebDateTimeEdit server control on it (essentially a TextBox). I'd like to be able to set some of the server control's properties by way of the user control's markup or programatically. for example I have this defined on my user control:


this blows up because WebDateTimeEdit1 is null.

is there any way I can make this happen? also can do I do this

myControl2 .Font.Size = FontUnit.Point(8);

where the Font property is read only on the server control?

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Web Forms :: Accessing A Public Property Of A Nested User Control In A Master Page From A Pages' User Control?

Sep 10, 2010

I've got a web site that has a master page and that master page (mpMaster that has a user control ucControl1) which has a sub user control (ucControl2), this user control has a property which accepts a value. Now, I have a page that uses the master page
and on this page I have another user control (ucPageControl), I need to find a way of setting the value in ucControl2 from ucPageControl. Is this possible at all?

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C# - Invoke A Control To Set A Property?

Mar 23, 2010

ASP.net can't update page from event handler

and it's been answered! My only problem is I don't really understand the solution. How does one Invoke the control when setting the property.

I have a label control but there doesn't seem to be an Invoke property/method on it.

I tried this...

PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Label1);
PropertyDescriptor myProperty = properties.Find("Text", false);
myProperty.SetValue(Label1, "my value");

but that seemed to be the same as

label1.text = "my value"

which didn't work

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Add 'Current' Property To Asp Control

May 14, 2010

I have some control. I add one instance of this control to every Page in OnInit event and I want to access this control in other places in this way: Sample.Current

public class Sample : Control
public static Sample Current

Can you tell me what is the best way to do this property implementation?

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C# - Set A Int Property Of A Control On ASCX?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an ASCX that contains

<my:Foo ID="Bar" runat="server" Value='' />

I want to set Value with textbox1.Text, but Value is an Int32. I am looking for something like this:

<my:Foo ID="Bar" runat="server" Value='<%= Int32.Parse(textbox1.Text) %>' />

But I getParser Error Message: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Int32' from its string representation '<%= Int32.Parse(textbox1.Text) %>' for the 'Value' property.Is there a way to do this on the ASCX file? Do I have to implement a TypeConverter for this property?

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C# - Get Control's Property Value From String In .net?

Jul 31, 2010

I need to loop through all controls on ASP.NET webpage. In configuration file I have a list of control types and their properties which will I handle in some way. Now, I am interested in following: how can I get that needed property, when all I have are strings, ie names of types of controls and names of their respective properties.Here is example: In config file I have strings:

controltype = "label" propertyname = "Text"
controltype = "Image" propertyname = "ToolTip".

so I have something like this in my code:

List<Control> controls = GiveMeControls();
foreach(Control control in controls)
{ [code]....

how to develop getPropertyValueFromProperty()?

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Setting A Property Value To A Form Control's Value?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a class called paycheckProperties where I have a property called GrossHoursWorked set like this:


In the form's codebehind I am first declaring an instance of this class:


then trying to set the value of the property to the value of a form control like this:


I'm not doing somethign correctly though because I'm getting an object reference is not set to an instance of an object error. What am I doing wrong?

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User Control - Must Supply Property?

May 28, 2010

i built a user control and i want to make one of its properties as a must, that's mean if you not supply this control when you create the control the project won't be compile, just like if you omit the runat="server" property.

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How To A Property Of A Control Inside A Template

Feb 18, 2011

I need to Bind "JobRefNo" to the query string.Below binding gives an error.what is the correct way?

<asp:LinkButton ID="MoreLinkButton" PostBackUrl="/real/Coordinator/Home.aspx?JobRefNo="'<%# Bind("JobRefNo") %>' runat="server">Go To Job...</asp:LinkButton>

Link Button is inside a DataList control.Error says "Call to Bind must be assigned to a property of a control inside a template"

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Web Forms :: How To Get Property Value From The User Control

Oct 28, 2010

I have a user control that has the following property

public string ReportID

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Can Declaratively Set The Style Property Of A Web Control

Jan 11, 2010

I've noticed that on aspx page IntelliSense doesn't display the Style property of a web control, even thought the control does have a Style property. Does that mean we shouldn't declaratively set the Style property:

<asp:TextBox ID="UserName" Style="color:Green; padding:0px; margin:0px;" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

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Web Forms :: Get The Height Property Of Control?

Jan 17, 2011

In a Windows App this is considerably easy to get the property value of height or width. However in ASP.Net App it seems rather challenging to get the value. Something like...

Debug.Print(TextBox1.Height) this does not work because cannot be converted to string

Debug.Print(TextBox1.Height.Value) it ends up at 0.0 even though it is really set to 25px

Debug.print(Unit.Pixel(TextBox1.Height).ToString) doesn't work either

What I'm doing is some dynamic comparisons for control properties:


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Label Control With Text Property

Dec 8, 2010

I placed label control and text = press. Now i want to set the underline only for p character like press to access this label...

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Font Property For Label Control

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to learn ASP.NET 3.5 from a book using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express. I've come across a curiosity. The book had me create a Label control and wanted me to change some of the Font properties. I went to the Properties window and saw a heading for Font with a plus sign next to it. I click on the plus sign and the sub-properties for font appear. So far, so good.

When I did the next exercise in the book, it had me create a new Web page with another Label control, and it wanted me to change the Font property again. But, this time when I went to the Properties window, I did not see a Font heading with a plus sign. I simply saw all of the Font sub-properties.

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Treeview Control And Tag Property For Each Node?

Jan 21, 2011

if tree node does not have tag property like windows treeview control then i just want to know how could i attach the tag property with each tree node.

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Add Description To An User Control Property In Vb.net?

Jul 10, 2010

I created one web user control with property named "ReadonlyField" with boolean datatype. I am able to use in my web pages and now i wanted to add a description to that property so that i dont need to explain each time to my team member what is that property's intention.

I got following snippet in c# but didnt find any equivalent in vb.net and also not sure whether it will work or not.

[Description("My Description")]
public int MyIntProperty
get {..}
set {..}

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Accessing Property Value Of A Custom Control By Another Custom Control In Design-time

Oct 18, 2010

I created an Extender which has a custom property that drills down a list XML elements from an xml file, where users can select xml elements during design-time. This works perfectly fine. However, my code only has a hardcoded xml filename (source of the xml elements list) and I need to change this by maxing the xml file user-specified.

What I did is that I created another control (panel) which has a custom property that when clicked (through the ellipsis), it will allow a developer to select the xml file which is supposed to be the source xml file that the Extenders shall use. The filedialog from custom panel's property works perfectly fine.

However, my problem now is that when I drag-drop my Extender, I cannot find a way to get the property value of the custom Panel Control which contains the xml filename. I tried creating a static variable which I thought the custom controls can share but VS2010 is breaking.

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