C# - What Is The Most Popular Website Written

Oct 31, 2010

I am trying to justify writing a website in asp.net that has the potential to be as large as wikipedia. Are there any large websites content driven websites that have been written asp.net?

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But I'll still need all the parameters in the original URLs

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C# Cookies Not Being Written To?

Sep 23, 2010

On my content page I have the code (in page_load):

if (Master.pageAction == "remove")
int removeProductID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
int removeOptionID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["optID"]);
Master.myBasket.removeFromBasket(removeProductID, removeOptionID);
The function remove from basket is defined as:
// Removes item from a basket
public void removeFromBasket(int itemsID, int optionsID)
Page myPage = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;

And it calls:

// Sets cookie date
public void setCookieString(string cookiesData)
Page myPage = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;
HttpCookie basketCookie = new HttpCookie("basket");
basketCookie["items"] = cookiesData;
basketCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7d);

I use the setcookiestring function on other pages and it works fine, but this function (removing from the basket) isn't setting the cookie! It is writing "done" to the top of the page, so the functions are executing.

No warnings, no errors, it's just not updating the cookie.

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Calling Soap Web Service (written In PHP)?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to call a webservice, written in PHP from ASP.Net. I have added Web Reference using "Add Web Reference". The url is: http://mikikard.com/public/webservice?wsdl

In Add Web Reference Window, I can see the list of functions. But, When I try to build the Website, It gives the following Error:

Unable to import binding 'SoaptestBinding' from namespace 'http://mikikard.com/public/webservice'.

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Vb.net - Run A 3.5 Site With Some Pages Written In Classic?

Jan 24, 2011

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Intercept What's Being Written To HttpResponse.OutputStream

Feb 17, 2010

I am working on a tool which audits access to existing web application. Existing app does not have any hooks in place, but my plan is to inject an IHttpModule by modifying web.config and log whatever I need to log during EndRequest event.

What I'm struggling with right now is: I cannot intercept what is application writing to an output stream. I need to know what output does the application send to the client. Originally, I hoped I could run a code in BeginRequest to replace HttpContext.Response.OutputStream with a stream of my own, which would be flushed to original stream during EndRequest, but the stream only has a get accessor, so I cannot replace it.

I could of course use reflection to assign to private member of HttpContext.

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Web Forms :: Doubt About C# And VB.net / Put A New Page Written?

Apr 10, 2010

I've a project of a web application that all the code is in vb.net. If I want to put a new page written in C# is that possible ?

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C# - DataTable Snippet Written Correctly?

Jan 4, 2011

public static DataTable GetDataTable(SqlCommand sqlCmd)
DataTable tblMyTable = new DataTable();
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
//1. Create connection
mSqlConnection = new SqlConnection(mStrConnection);
//2. Open connection
mSqlCommand = new SqlCommand();
mSqlCommand = sqlCmd;
//3. Assign Connection
mSqlCommand.Connection = mSqlConnection;
//4. Create/Set DataAdapter
mSqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
mSqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = mSqlCommand;
//5. Populate DataSet
mSqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "DataSet");
tblMyTable = myDataSet.Tables[0];
catch (Exception ex)
//6. Clear objects
if ((mSqlDataAdapter != null))
if ((mSqlCommand != null))
if ((mSqlConnection != null))
//7. Return DataSet
return tblMyTable;

I use the above code to return records from database. The above snippet would run in web application which expected to have around 5000 visitors daily. The records returned reach 20,000 or
over. The returned records are viewed (read-only) in paged GridView.

Would it be better to use DataReader instead of DataTable?

NOTE: two columns in the GridView are hyperlinked.

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Send Trackback Through Script Written In C#?

Dec 2, 2010

are i can send trackback through script written in c#. show me the code or way that i can use them to sending a trackback

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Is There A VB.NET Function To Convert Number To A Written Format (ex. 2 To Two)

May 25, 2010

My title says it all, I am looking to see if there is any built in class/function that basically takes a number and gives back the number in letters such as 10 to ten.

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AJAX :: The File Name And Size Are Written Under The AsyncFileUpload?

Nov 8, 2010

I have downloaded a AsyncFileUpload example, I edited the uploadError javascript and now it is working perfectly:


It works perfectly how I wanted it, like this: I upload a file, if it's an Image I get the Lime AsyncFileUpload background, and the file name and size are written under the AsyncFileUpload, if it's not an Image, I get the error label shown, with red AsyncFileUpload background, and if I upload another file, it keeps working the same thing every single time, but only shows the last uploaded image name at the end of an image upload, not all of the images.I tried to merge it with my website, and ended with this code:


but in my website its just working the first time only, then rest times I'm getting the uploadError() function working instantly when I click upload, even if i have selected an image or anything else.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Some Value From Confirm Message Written In Cs Page

Apr 30, 2010

im working with an web application where i need to call a java script confirm message like (r u sure u want to proceed) in the text changed event of a text which is present in item template of a grid view.if the answer is yes i want to do some calculations if no then

protected void txtQuandity_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Test", "Quantity();", true);
In java script--
<script type="text/javascript">
function Quantity()

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Check The Spelling Written In Text Box Is Correct Or Not In C#?

Sep 14, 2010

how i check the spelling written in text box is correct or not. in c# i am using a file which contains some words. and this file is used to check the spelling written in text box.

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How To Save And Get Data From Database As Written In Textbox?

Sep 7, 2010

i have a multiline textbox. for example when i write to text box something like this," it is an example for my question " i'am getting the textbox.text and save it to databese, but when i get the same value from databese and show it on page it seems like this, "it is an example for my question", without skipping line, consecutive.

how can i save and get from database as written in textbox?

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Convert Euro Figures Into Written Text?

Jan 6, 2011

anyone experience with converting a number (eg 524,50€) into

vijfhonderdvierentwintig euro vijftig

or into

vijf twee vier komma vijf nul

.. i need this in dutch version.

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WCF / ASMX :: Trying To Add A Web Reference To A Webservice That Is Apparently Written In Php?

Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to add a web reference to a webservice that is apparently written in php. The problem is that it is causing the following error:-

Custom tool error: Unable to import WebService/Schema. Cannot find definition for

http://www.agenericservicename.com/ADS:ADSBinding. Service Description with namespace
http://www.agenericservicename.com/ADS is missing.

The developers at the other end are telling me that .net has problems connecting to non-.net services in this way, but I was under the impression that a webservice was a webservice regardless of the technology used to build it.What is going on?

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AJAX :: EnablePartialRendering Causes JSON Not To Be Written To The Browser

Jan 29, 2010

Am using UpdatePanel on a .aspx page with a User Control. This user control is AJAX enabled and is using UpdatePanel and ScriptManager on the aspx side. When I have EnablePartialRendering set to true i.e. <asp:ScriptManager runat="server" id="someId" EnablePartialRendering="true" >

and use ScriptManager.RegisterClientScript to write JSON from server side (C# code) - it is not written to the browser i.e. it shows empty square brackets when I view source in Browser i.e. var SomeVar = [] As soon as I change EnablePartialRendering ="false" and refresh the page JSON starting showing up in the browser i.e. var SomeVar = [{"id","1"}{"id",2}]

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C# - How To Read Cookie That Written In Login Method

Aug 28, 2010

If the login code int [URL]we will found that they create cookie as below

new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket)

I want in another code to read this cookie and check it .. how can i do although i don't know the name of the cookie ?

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