C# - Concatenate Two Nodes When Using The HTML Agility Pack In App's?

Oct 29, 2010

I am using the agility pack to do some screens scraping and my code so far to get titles is:

foreach (HtmlNode title in root.SelectNodes("//html//body//div//div//div[3]//div//div//div//div[3]//ul//li[1]//h4"))
string titleString = "<div class="show">" + title.InnerText + "</div>";

Before the title I want a timestamp related to the title and it has the node /html/body/div/div/div[3]/div/div/div/div[3]/ul/li[1]/ul/li/span. How can I get this value next to the title? So something like: string titleString = "<div class="show">" + time.InnerText + " - " + title.InnerText + "</div>";

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C# - Html Agility Pack Question In Parsing?

Jun 24, 2010

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string testString = "6/21 <span style='font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial'>Just got 78th street</span></span>";

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C# - Html Agility Pack - Get Specific Node

Feb 7, 2011

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<td align="right" width="186">Text1</td>
<td align="center" width="51">? - ?</td>
<td width="186">Text2</td>`

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HtmlNodeCollection cols = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[@width='186']");<br />
foreach (HtmlNode col in cols)<br />
if (col.InnerText == "Text1")
Label1.Text = col.InnerText;

The reason why i have the if-condition is because there are more td's in the page. And i need to specifically pick out the one who got "Text1" in it. But the problem is how i can parse out the text "? - ?" There are more text in the document also having the text "? - ?" but i need to pick out specifically the one between my two other nodes. The result should be Text1 ? - ? Text2 etc. I guess it has something to do with nextchild or sibling etcetera?

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<p class="someclass">
<font size="3">
<font face="Times New Roman">[code]....

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HTML Agility Pack Removes Break Tag Close?

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Dim doc As New HtmlDocument()
Dim title As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title")
title.InnerHtml = title.InnerHtml & "CEU Classes"
Dim topContent As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = doc.GetElementbyId("topContent")
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doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = True
doc.Save(outputFileName, Encoding.UTF8)

More info:

It was removing my closing image tags, after I added doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = True, it quite doing that.

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Nov 12, 2010

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Oct 20, 2010

convert the code below to LINQ, converting my project to a wseb version usimg LINQ To SQL. The project contains 10 textboxes to possibly select from, but I'm only providing the first two textboxes to simplify my question.

If Not ((TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) And (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " where "
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + "IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NSC IN (" + TextBox1.Text & ")"
End If
If (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + "isnull(IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN) = FALSE"
End If
If Not (TextBox2.Text = String.Empty) Then
If astrixState = 0 Then
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
ElseIf (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If astrixState = 1 Then
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " OR IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
If astrixState = 2 Then
If Not (TextBox1.Text = String.Empty) Then
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + "AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN NOT IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
mySQL_Statement = mySQL_Statement + " AND IDENTIFICATION_DATA.NIIN NOT IN (" + TextBox2.Text & ")"
End If
End If
End If

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MVC :: Concatenate SQL Results?

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Jul 30, 2010

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Evaluate Expression To Add Not To Concatenate?

Oct 10, 2010

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str="insert into franchise (xx,yyy,xxxxx) values (" + rblxx.SelectedIndex + 1 .............

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ADO.NET :: Concatenate Linq To String?

Sep 24, 2010

Below is sample linqtosql, is there possible to concate linq in select statement.becuz i wan to return vary number of column



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Concatenate Two Session Values In Web Application?

May 10, 2010

concatnate two session values. I need to concatnate

Session["probmgremail"].ToString();and Session["TextBox2"].ToString();

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The session values are email address.

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DataSource Controls :: Concatenate TableName With Int?

Jun 7, 2010

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In this line, I wanted to assign the table to the datatable of dtCA1 and dtCA2.

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