C# - Agility Pack | How To Parse A Web Page. That Is Taking Post Parameters
Nov 12, 2010
I want to parse and page that takes POST parameters. like this is my scenario. i have to parse some search results. but the search parameter are sent in post body to that page. To parse the search result i have to send parameters to that page in POST. how i can do that with agility pack ?
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Oct 29, 2010
I am using the agility pack to do some screens scraping and my code so far to get titles is:
foreach (HtmlNode title in root.SelectNodes("//html//body//div//div//div[3]//div//div//div//div[3]//ul//li[1]//h4"))
string titleString = "<div class="show">" + title.InnerText + "</div>";
Before the title I want a timestamp related to the title and it has the node /html/body/div/div/div[3]/div/div/div/div[3]/ul/li[1]/ul/li/span. How can I get this value next to the title? So something like: string titleString = "<div class="show">" + time.InnerText + " - " + title.InnerText + "</div>";
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Jun 24, 2010
I have this simple string:
string testString = "6/21 <span style='font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial'><span style='font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial'>Just got 78th street</span></span>";
how do i use the html agility pack to parse out just the text.
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Feb 7, 2011
i have a problem with my application. I need to pick out a specific text between two nodes. The html page looks like this
<td align="right" width="186">Text1</td>
<td align="center" width="51">? - ?</td>
<td width="186">Text2</td>`
I can pick out Text1 and Text2 with:
HtmlNodeCollection cols = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[@width='186']");<br />
foreach (HtmlNode col in cols)<br />
if (col.InnerText == "Text1")
Label1.Text = col.InnerText;
The reason why i have the if-condition is because there are more td's in the page. And i need to specifically pick out the one who got "Text1" in it. But the problem is how i can parse out the text "? - ?" There are more text in the document also having the text "? - ?" but i need to pick out specifically the one between my two other nodes. The result should be Text1 ? - ? Text2 etc. I guess it has something to do with nextchild or sibling etcetera?
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Apr 4, 2011
I am creating an HTML document using HTML agility pack. I load a template file then append content to it. All of this works, but when I view the output file it has removed the closing tag from my <br/> tags to look like this <br>. What is causing this?
Dim doc As New HtmlDocument()
Dim title As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title")
title.InnerHtml = title.InnerHtml & "CEU Classes"
Dim topContent As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = doc.GetElementbyId("topContent")
topContent.InnerHtml = html.ToString
doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = True
doc.Save(outputFileName, Encoding.UTF8)
More info:
It was removing my closing image tags, after I added doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = True, it quite doing that.
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Jul 30, 2010
How can I loop through table and row that have an attribute id or name to get inner text in deep down in each td cell? I work on asp.net, c#, and the newest html agility package.
An html file have several tables. One of them has an attribute id=main-part. In that identified table, there are many rows. Some of those rows have same attribute name=display. In those named rows, there are many columns which I have to extract text from. Something like this:
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Mar 21, 2011
I am attempting to replace this god awful collection of regular expressions that is currently used to clean up blocks of poorly formed HTML and stumbled upon the HTML Agility Pack for C#. It looks very powerful but yet, I couldn't find an example of how I want to use the pack which, in my mind, would be a desired functionality included in it. I am sure I am an idiot and cannot find a suitable method in the documentation. I had the following html:
<p class="someclass">
<font size="3">
<font face="Times New Roman">[code]....
When I utilize the HtmlNode.Remove() method it removes the node plus all it's children. Is there a way to remove the node preserving the children?
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Jan 10, 2011
Hope this is the right forum to ask. I am trying to write a simple mobile application with two form fields that POST to a webservice that queries an SQL database and comes back with an XML file that needs to be parsed and displayed
properly in a browser.
So what I have is a webservice .asmx file that is working properly and an HTML form that POST two variables to the webservice file. The result is the generated XML. I simply just need to know the simplest way to display parts of that data as output within the
design of the form page.
Here is the HTML form: http://www.bt4u.org/
And here is the web service: http://www.bt4u.org/BT4U/BT4U_WebService.asmx
If you enter in the following respectively you will see the XML file:
there is some sort of class that stores the XML in an array or some such thing that can then be manipulated
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Nov 22, 2015
I have a big form in which i have almost 10 update panels. some are having updatemode = conditional and others are always. Now by default when that page is opened i only show one dropdownlist.When that project dropdownlist (from which i populate the rest of the elements in my page) value is changed by user it takes long time to load the other elements. Also the other gridview which is also surrounded by update panel and mode in conditional takes long time to show edititemtemplate controls in edit mode.
I am unable to trace the reason behing delay. Few days ago it was working fine and fast but now it is slow.
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Dec 8, 2010
what is means of both and difference between both.
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Jan 13, 2010
I am making some application in asp.net 1.1 in that I am displaying data in datagrid from database. In data grid first column is of check box and radio button and in the last column we have text box now thing is that when i click on check box crosponding textbox we fill some figure and at the end we press calculate button to get total. After getting total we have to press continue button to go next step
But suppose if some body remove that check the we should press calculate button or chnage some figure in the text box then we should press calculate button again to recalculate. for that i kept autopost back on check box oncheckedchanged event and text box ontextchanged event and hide continue button so user will click calcutae button abd then continue button will re-apper
Problem it that it taking too much refresh and taking long time. So was lloking for some ajax method to use in my application.
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Oct 20, 2010
I'd Like to be able to have my web service accept multiple POST parameters, some of which will be XML. Is this possible? The code below will generate a server error:
WebResponse resp = (WebResponse)req.GetResponse();
string programId = "1";
string statusMessages = statusMessagesXML.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);
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Nov 9, 2010
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Aug 30, 2010
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public ActionResult AddCustomers(int batchId)
var viewModel = new AddCustomersViewModel() { BatchId = batchId, //other view
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Dec 15, 2010
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Apr 27, 2016
I am currently using this example [URL]. I am getting errors adding an additional parameter to the data portion.
I want to add this
var value = $("#Hidden1").val();
to this
type: 'POST',
url: '/Sortable.asmx/UpdateItemsOrder',
data: '{itemOrder: '' + order + ''}',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
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Jan 7, 2011
I am only start learning MVC 2.I have class
[Code].... I wrote HttpPost in controller
my page has next code:
Why InvoiceFinalViewModel view, List<Product> products parameters came with null and zero value in post ?
How correct bind arrays in MVC ?
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Sep 24, 2010
After upgrading our project to the .net 4.0 framework (from 3.5), we facing some problems with ajax calls with html in the parameters. As soon as the user enters some html in a text area the ajax call isn't executed anymore. If the user enters plain text only, there is no problem.
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Mar 6, 2010
I have web application where i want to show pdf files in web page. in my page there are 5 pdf files i have to show at a time.it's taking much time to load page. and also user has to wait until all files are loaded in page.is there any free components to show pdf files.
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Jan 29, 2010
In my Asp.net MVC app, I have two methods on a controller, one for when the user first arrives on the view and then one when they submit the form on said view.
public ActionResult Foo() {}
public ActionResult Foo(string id, Account accountToFoo) {}
In the second action, there's a custom model binder that's assembling the account object that I'm acting on, though that's really not important. This all works fine in testing locally on a server.We try to be pretty good about writing unit tests to test all our different views are properly getting routed to, including those that are HTTP POST. To do so, we've been using mvccontrib's test helper.
Testing gets have been super simple
ShouldMapTo<AccountController>(c => c.Foo("myusername"));
My question is in testing POST routes, how do I write the lambda that I would use to verify the post is receiving accurate values, similar to the GET test above?
For a POST, it looks something like:
ShouldMapTo<AccountController>(a => something_something);
It's the something_something portion of my lambda that I'm having trouble with. Using arbitrary values doesn't work ("a => a.Foo(0, new Account()"). How would I specify the expected values as part of the test?EDIT I was hoping there was something akin to the way Moq has lambdas for statements such as foo.Setup(s => s.Foo(It.IsAny(), It.Is(i => i > 32)) and so on. Even I have to explicitly supply the values, that's workable--I just can't seem to grok the desired structure to pass those explicit values.
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Dec 16, 2010
Where I live the local transport service has this page where you can read about delays and disturbances in the traffic. I would like to parse this page so I can store this data and make a nice report of it.
The problem is that to be able to get the information you need to submit a form by making some choices and clicking a button. You can't just visit the page.
How can I get the information "behind" the form from code so that I can parse it?
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Sep 27, 2010
I'd like to know one (or more) ways to parse the HTML page output. I'd like to detect some patterns on the HTML that will be send to the client and log some info if present.
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Aug 9, 2010
I want to take some Data from 1 page to other. Like Username and User Type etc.I wrote the following code which compare that the given Username and Password is correct, what to do next to get the other informations from table and take them to other page(default.aspx)
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection
Dim DbCmd As OleDbCommand
Dim SqlCmd As String
Dim MyDbPath As String
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Sep 1, 2010
Am working currently on a project with Dundas chart and to populate 3 similar charts on the dashboard page, there are more than three thousand rows returned from the database for each chart. These rows now retrieved are just test data and while launching the application there would be enormous amount of data being retrieved. It takes ample of time for the page to load on every postback. Is there any way to load the page more quicker inspite of huge data being populated.
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Mar 2, 2011
is there an easy way (preferably without having to import libraries) to take a screenshot of an ASP.NET web page (better yet an aspx control) in c# and saving it as an image?
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