C# - Convert WinForm To WebForm / Show Database Grid On Screen?

Nov 26, 2010

i have C# Winform program and i need to convert it to Webform. can i get any simple sample for how to show database grid on screen,

add new, update and delete ?

i try to show table on screen like this:

SQL = "SELECT * FROM MEN order by Lname";
dsView = new DataSet();
adp = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Conn);
adp.Fill(dsView, "MEN");
GridView1.DataSource = dsView.Tables["MEN"].DefaultView;

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System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission Winform In Webform?

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JQuery Application Running From CD - Convert In A WinForm App

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Telerik Grid - Export To CSV More Columns Than Displayed On Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

Problem: How to display more columns in a Telerik grid than are displayed in the rendered grid?

eg I'd like to only display on the screen the Surname, but on dump to csv would like firstname too.

I've tried visible = false, and display = false on the GridBoundColumns, but then they don't come out on the csv.

<telerik:RadGrid ID="grdAuctions" runat="server" AllowAutomaticDeletes="True" AllowAutomaticUpdates="True"
AllowPaging="False" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="odsAuctionSales"
GridLines="None" EnableEmbeddedSkins="False" OnItemDataBound="grdAuctionSales_ItemDataBound">
<ExportSettings HideStructureColumns="true" />


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Linq To Xml Datasource For Grid View Is Not Working - The Grid Show No Rows

Jun 30, 2010

I'm getting some Xml back from a service. I would like it to be the datasource of a grid view on my aspx page. Here is a sample of the Xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
<ArrayOfTripTollCompleteDC xmlns:xsi=[URL]"
<DMSLaneModeID xsi:nil="true" />

and here is my code that parses the xml and tries to bind the grid. What am I missing here?

var retVal = service.GetTripDetailsByTripID(tripId);
var xmlTrips = XDocument.Parse(retVal);
var tripTolls =
from t in xmlTrips.Elements("TripTollCompleteDC")
select new {
TripTollId = (int)t.Element("TripTollId")
, DMSLaneModeID = (int?)t.Element("DMSLaneModeID")
, HOVOnly = (bool)t.Element("HOVOnly")
, CreateDateTime = (DateTime)t.Element("CreateDateTime")
, ConfigVTMSDelaySeconds = (int)t.Element("ConfigVTMSDelaySeconds")
grdTripDetails.DataSource = tripTolls;

I realize these are anonymous types. Is that a problem? I have verified the service is returning the Xml as stated above. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction? Just for completeness, here is the grid markup <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="grdTripDetails" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Grid With All Orders And In Grid One Column With Last State Of Order?

Feb 2, 2011

I have an entity "Order", which contains a set of states. Every state has date and name.

I want show grid with all orders and in grid one column with last state of order. But I dont understand how to do it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Webform Grid Control With Varying Columns

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to create a recipe system that will pull material amounts from an already built inventory database upon request for testing purposes of the different recipe runs. What is throwing me for a loop is that each time a user will request a recipe comparison they will have a different number of recipe trial runs for comparison purposes. In order to do this I'm guessing you will need to generate a gridview-like control with a dynamic number of columns which would be specified on a web form page prior to arriving at the recipe formulation page which will contain the control for the recipe formulation. As a result the user will have different columns and rows on this formulation page, with the rows being a static number of 30 (30 being maximum amount of ingredients to include in each recipe). The columns will contain the recipes to be compared, i.e. ProductRun1, ProductRun2, ProductRun3, where the number of ProductRunX will be determined by user input. So the user when they come to this aspx page will be presented with a blank editable grid of X columns by 30 rows deep. The left-most column will contain the ingredient names in a drop down box for users to select to input into their recipe and the rest of the columns will be editable fields where the user can type in the amount of each material to be used. The setup will look roughly like this:

| ProductRun1 | ProductRun2 | ProductRun3 |
ProductRun4 | ... |


Material1 | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | ...|


Material2 | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | ...|


Material3 | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | ...|




Material30 | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | ...|


So my question is how would I go about tackling something like this and what controls would I use. All of the forum posts around the internet show the GridView control being tied to data in a database already and not having the ability to have a fully blank and editable table upon the page loading so that it can accept user input. Another wrench into the situation is that the column numbers can vary. What control would be used in this situation or would it be better to use just a repeater of textboxes to build this type of control? Another thing is once the control is built how can you pull the data from such a control with the intentions of entering it inside a sql server database?

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Show Distinct Selection In Webform?

Feb 21, 2010

If I use a regular distinct selector with MySQL and show the results in a repeater I can show the the data in the webform with the following code.

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "posted") %>

But If I use this code:

"SELECT DISTINCT mid(posted,6,1) ORDER BY posted DESC"

I get the following error trying to use the code above.

DataBinding: 'System.Data.Common.DataRecordInternal' does not contain a property with the name 'posted'.

So how do I get the data I've collected with the "DISTINCT mid"-selector to appear in the webform?

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MVC :: Is It Possible To Show A Page In IFrame Of Webform

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to do a workaround for an application that can only display webforms. So I want a default webform page with an iFrame in it. I would like the iFrame to display an MVC page. Is this possible?

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Vb.net - How To Show The Gmap In Webform On Buttonclick

Jan 6, 2011

how to show the gmap in asp.net webform on buttonclick when i enter destinations in textbox1 and textbox2

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Web Forms :: Panel Show On Top Of The Screen?

Sep 27, 2010

In one of my content page I have a panel display some help information when the focus is on particular textbox control. I have attributes to for focus and blur events.

I have added the panel at the bottom of the code which is initially hidden.

My requirements/problems are:

1. When the page loads though the panel is not visible but it taking empty space.

2. I would like to panel to show up on top of the screen with a scroll bar. If possible

I would like to have a slide open effects if possible. If not with panel I can use a div as well.

Why is it taking empty space.

How can I show at the top.

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How To Show The Real Time Path In A Webform

Jun 2, 2010

I am developing a real time tracking system , we are using cisco apis for retrieving the current location and they store this value in a location server(cisco hardware) ie from that server we will get the x and y positions. Using this x and y posituions i need to show the path of the object. i need to continuouly connect this with location server and retrieve the x and y and needto show the path . How this will be possible. Currently we are uising timer and refreshing it with 5 seconds. Is there any other way so that we need to show the path as soon aspossible likle an ant moving along the surfacce.

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AJAX :: Show Popup Window In Middle Of Screen

Mar 29, 2011

I have a modal popup extender in my page. I use the master page, because of some layout reasons
we commented default Doctype in masterpage. (

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]"
project is developed using VS2008, .NET3.5 .

I sepcified X="10" and Y="120" for modalpopup this works fine. but the problem is when the user scroll down the page he wont be able to see the modalpopup ( it always shows in the corresponding X,Y position). If i remove X,Y values horizontally it showing fine but vertically we are able to see only half of the popup window. how can we always show the popup window in the middle of the screen(eventhough user scrolls the page). I am using latest ajaxcontroltoolkit (3.5).

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AJAX :: Show Dialog Box With Freeze Background Screen?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm using .NET framework 4.0 and Ajax control toolkit 4, how can i simply just showing a dialog box but the webpage at the back is freezing and grey color.Hope you can understand what I mean.

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MVC :: Model.IsValid Returning False - Certain Fields Don't Show Up On The Screen

Feb 24, 2011

Model is coming up as Invalid Scenario is I have a custom ViewModel and certain fields don't show up on the screen (like Id & some computed fields etc..) so when the data gets posted back the Model.IsValid() comes to false Q Do I have to pre init these fields when I do create

ActionResult CreateOrder(int customerID)
var order=new OrderViewModel();
//shall I init the fields which are not being keyed in by the user?

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Nov 28, 2010

How to show a web page in full screen mode without statusbar and addressbar in all browsers and it should not show the taskbar also.

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