Convert A WinForm To A WebForm In .NET?

Dec 7, 2010

I didn't think it was possible but I was just talking to a co-worker who said she had done it before. Is she pulling my chain?

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SQL = "SELECT * FROM MEN order by Lname";
dsView = new DataSet();
adp = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Conn);
adp.Fill(dsView, "MEN");
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The base class includes the field 'ctrlSign', but its type (WebSignatureCapture.SignatureControl) is not compatible with the type of control (ASP.signaturecapture_signaturecontrol_ctlsignature_ascx).

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May 25, 2010

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Jan 23, 2011



The OriginalSource property of the object identifies the original object that received/initiated the event. Consider a custom control (called CustomControl1 in this example) that is composed of a TextBlock. When a MouseDown event is raised on the TextBlock, the OriginalSource property will be the TextBlock, but in CustomControl1's handler, the Source will be changed to the CustomControl1 object so that other elements along the event's route will know that CustomControl1 received a MouseDown.

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Nov 8, 2010

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Simulate Virtual Users Interacting With Winform Or ASP Application?

Mar 10, 2011

Microsoft release a product named - Visual Studio Load Test Virtual User Pack 2010 to do that. However, it cost USD$4,799. So,is it other free or commercial tool can do simulate jobs? At now, my solution is :

Winform :
3 x virtualbox + WinXP with some macro software.

3 x virtualbox + WinXP + Firefox and iMacro

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C# - Parameter Is Not Valid Exception When Saving Image In Winform?

Nov 22, 2010

I am getting a parameter is not valid exception..While saving the image

Here is my code to save the image

if (!File.Exists(pictureBox1.Tag.ToString()))
Image image = pictureBox1.Image;
image.Save(pictureBox1.Tag.ToString(), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
string delStr = pictureBox1.Tag.ToString();
Image image = pictureBox1.Image;
image.Save(delStr, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(delStr);

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SQL Reporting :: Display SSRS Report Based On Winform Parameters?

Jan 25, 2011

I need to display report in winform based on winform parameters.

I'm ve in SSRS report via URL, I deployed in Reportviewer in winform . Now I need to display that report based on my win form parameters i.e., I'm ve in textbox and button.

I ve to enter related item in textbox and when I press the button the report should be viewed based on this values. Remember I'm calling report via URL.

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Winform Control Hosted In IE, FileIO Security Exception / How To Solve This Error Message

Nov 4, 2010

I see a message on:

winform control hosted in IE, FileIO security exception.

I have got the same problem, which I cannot figure out what is the solution for weeks.

I have Windows 7 (Home premium edition), framework 3.5 (how can I check that, if gacutil is correct version, if it metters, anyway ...)

I am writting on C#.

Also on assemblyInfo.cs :


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C# - Can Convert To The String But Can't Convert Back

Jul 30, 2010

I have a string I need to convert back to a date. I can call .ToString("yyyyMMdd") and get the string i want. My question is how can I convert that back into a date? I'm trying something like the following with no luck.

DateTime d;
var formatInfo = new DateTimeFormatInfo {ShortDatePattern = "yyyyMMdd"};
if (DateTime.TryParse(details.DetectionTime.Date, formatInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out d))
lit.Text = d.ToShortTimeString(); //would like 07/30/2010 as the text

I've never used DateTimeFormatInfo before if that isn't obvious. Can someone point me in the right direction. I know I could probably use substring and create a new DateTime(y, m, d) etc... I'm just wondering since c# interpreted .ToString() correctly, if it can't derive a date from the very same string it output.

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