C# - Dynamic Grid View Loses Binding When Post Back Occurs

Sep 8, 2010

dynamic grid view loses binding when post back occurs ?

I have a dynamic grid View with template fields and bound fields as columns

for the first page load all binding looks fine.values are populated in all columns

when I trigger an event such as selected index changed in Drop downlist present in the column header(inside template field ) the binding are lost and the event is never catched.

how to retain controls when post back occurs and how to resolve this problem ?

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Mar 31, 2010

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Public Class GridViewTemplate

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C# - Post Back Occurs JavaScript Listbox Items Lost?

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AJAX :: How To Do Update Panel And Dynamic Controls And Post Back

Sep 29, 2010

I have a page that is mostly dynamically built in the page load of my VB.net code behind page.

The issue is that I made a change to the page and added a button that redirects to a secondary page. When the button is clicked there is a very noticeable lag until the button click event fires because the page is being rebuilt every time.

I had not wrapped the code in the load event in the If not ispostback.... because I have dynamic controls that the user interacts with and I need the page to be rebuilt when the user clicks them.

The dynamic controls are clickable table cells. I did some looking and I found that the RegisterPostBackControl. I thought this would be perfect but, it does not although I maybe using it incorrectly.

Here is the code flow.


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AJAX :: Dynamic Image Buttons In GridView Not Doing Partial Post Back?

Sep 9, 2010

watch here:

- Create a gridview with AllowPaging and AllowSorting = true
- On page load, I bind it to datasource (in my case a webservice)
- On gridview's rowcreated event, I dynamically add image buttons on the header of the grid for sorting (up/down arrows). On header I have column name and the image. I removed the Column name default sorting link. So user can now only click the image button for sorting.
- Call sorting method

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I have my gridview within UpdatePanel and Triggeres is set on gridview sill it doesn't work.


Code Behind:


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Binding Datatable To Grid View?

Jan 4, 2010

I have the following code

Imports System.Data
Partial Class Students_AddWishes
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public dt As New DataTable
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
dt.Columns.Add("ID", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
dt.Columns.Add("univirsity", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
dt.Columns.Add("major", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"))
End Sub
Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim row1 As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
row1("ID") = dt.Rows.Count + 1
row1("univirsity") = ddlUnivs.SelectedValue
row1("major") = ddlMajors.SelectedValue
GridView1.DataSource = dt
End Sub
End Class

the problem is it shows only one row or record. How to make it shows many records?

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Binding View Model From A Form Post With Inner Complex Types?

Apr 15, 2010


What I want to achieve is the ID of the property: item.Item.ID to be bound to the ID from the (route)URL. However I can't get it to work. I tried using [Bind()] attribute.

I fixed it now using a hidden field in the form like so:

<%= Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Item.ID)%>

However this feels a bit icky. I'd like to know if there is a better cleaner way of doing this?

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Jul 14, 2010

Being new to ASP.NET I have run into trouble building my own Whack-a-mole program. I think my problem comes from using Buttons, which by themselves send post backs to the server, making the software unusable. The looks are in place, making new buttons show up in the grid, in different places by random. However, when a button is pushed - the score doesn't change (which I feel is strange).

Not so strange is that the Button doesn't work since it sends post back to the server - reloading the UpdatePanel. I think I should use a different controller like the CheckBox and style it hard using CSS (which isn't a problem). Is this the correct way to go, or should I make use of JavaScript AJAX instead?

Note to self: This technique shouldn't be used in a public application since it put too much unwanted pressure on the web server.


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Nov 17, 2010

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C# - Get Business Object Back From Grid View?

Jun 22, 2010

What exactly is the e.Row.DataItem return.. MSDN says.. returns An Object that represents the underlying data object to which the GridViewRow object is bound.

Here is my DataGrid...

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" OnRowDataBound="GridView1_RowDataBound">
<asp:BoundField DataField="PracticeCode" HeaderText="PracticeCode"


Note : There could be other ways to accomplish this, but I'm looking especially why my p1 is null... and is there any way to get the Patient Object back from GridView after binding.

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Accessing And Binding Events To Grid View Using Jquery?

Mar 23, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Post Back From Dropdown In Details View?

Feb 14, 2010

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Dropdown 1
Dropdown 2 --> Based on drop down one
Dropdown 3 --> Based on drop down two

I am curious of how to handle the autopostback to update 2 and 3 since they are part of the detailsview, there isn't a selected_index_changed event.

I am ok with adding items to them on page load, just not for cascading of them...

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Not Visible After Binding?

Mar 23, 2011

the code is like,

namespace DataControlsSample.App_Code.PL
public partial class GridView : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


the data table is getting rows ,as i had chked ,,,but grid view is not getting displayed ..wat could be the problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Different Records To Grid View?

Dec 8, 2010

I have an gridview consisting pager Templet. In pager templet, add first, previous,next and last Buttons to control records. PageSize is 3. First I am binding first 3 records from the list (Consisting 9 records) to the GridView.

My question is:

<1> Is it possible to bind the next 3 records(record4, record5,record6) to GridView when click on next Button?

<2> Similally, Is it possible to bind records for other buttons?

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Jan 10, 2011

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here is the code


I have tried simply relying on the ViewState ... then also attempted using FindControl(). Neither works, it comes up as a null reference ... any input on what is going here?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Grid View With Empty Records?

Mar 11, 2010

as we all know

Dataset ds=new DataSet();

when the dataset has no reccrds then the grid view will not displayed.

I need to show the grid with 10 rows with no details means empty records.

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I am developing an application in C# and Sql Server.

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Nov 23, 2010

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Feb 17, 2010

I have no clue what I'm doing wrong here, but I wanted to create a grid view based on a return from a tableadapter.



Also, maybe I should be going about this another way as I wanted to add a drop down to each record and a link to each record.On pointers on how I should do this would be great too.

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Create A Dynamic Grid View And A Drop Down Box In Its Header?

Sep 7, 2010

how to create a dynamic grid view and a drop down box in its header ?

where should this be called like in page load ?

where should the events be handled ?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide The Column In Grid View When Binding From Code Behing Page

Feb 26, 2010

I have a grid view which I am binding it through my .cs file code:

I need to hide a column, From the Below code I am able to hide the column but not the header and footer design.

So how can I hide my column when I dont have any columns in my gridview (I mean in .ASPX page)



.cs Code:

protected void Row_Grid(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Cells[9].Visible = false;

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Creation Of Grid View?

Mar 29, 2010

I have gridview control where i have added two templates one template is the dropdown box another one is the text box.

I have common controls (Edit,update,cancel)

In the form i have one button .

On click on the button one new row is created in the grid view

Now how do i fetch the data entered in the dropdown box and the textbox.

How to reload the updated data to the dropdownbox,textbox.

On edit(twice) click it is switching to Update and cancel mode

On Cancel(twice) click it is switching to Edit mode.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Craete Dynamic Columns In Grid View

Jan 28, 2011

I am working on the dynamic grid view(create dynamic columns).I need some thing like that given bellow in the fig:

columns1,2,3 are dynamic and the modules under the columns are also dynamic. to create grid like that.


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