C# - Have A Gridview, Bound To A DataSource With The Query?

Dec 24, 2010

i think this maybe an easy one...I have a Gridview, bound to a dataSource with this query:select userid, name, phone from usersI need to change the content of the Name cell to a link, like so:<a href="http://www.domain.com/page.aspx?userid=12345">User's Name</a>
so OnRowDataBound i'm doing this:

e.Row.Cells[1].Text = "<a href="http://www.domain.com/page.aspx?userid=" + e.Row.Cell[0].Text + "">" + e.Row.Cells[1].Text + "</a>";

It all works fine this way. My problem is that i don't want to display the UserId column in the Gridview, but when i attribute it (asp attribute or server-side) Visible="false" to the BoundField UserId, i can't capture it's value to build the Name Cell.

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.net - Partial Class Properties Not Accessable Through LINQ Query Bound To GridView?

Aug 30, 2010

I have added a partial class to one generated by the Entity Framework. I wanted to add a calculated field that I could bind to my GridView. However, when I try to access the new property, I get an error message that this is a limitation to Entity Framework.Are there any work arounds to accomplish this?

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C# - Get Rowdata As Bound To The Gridview Datasource?

Jan 5, 2011

My GridView is bound to a certain DataSource. Each row only shows 4 of the 8 possible items. Lets say we have name, adress, phone, fax, email, country, province and age. The GridView would only show name, email, country and age, but I want to access the province and adress bound to a row.

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VS 2010 - LinkButton CommandArguments Changing In Gridview Bound To Datasource

Jun 23, 2011

I have a Gridview that displays some data I am pulling from a SQL Server database. The stored procedure that runs the query accepts a table valued parameter. I am unable to find a way to pass this structure to an asp:SQLDatasource so I have been manually creating the datatable and then binding my Gridview to it. The DataType I am using in the code-behind to pass into the stored procedure is a System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured type.

Each Gridview row has an asp:LinkButton with a CommandArgument value that looks like

<%# Eval("PartNumber").ToString() + "|" + Eval("ID").ToString() %>

Each LinkButton calls back to a function in my code behind that accepts the CommandArgs, does some work, and redirects the user to another page.

Since I am manually binding the Gridview to the Datasource when the number of records exceeds my paging size and the user changes pages or sorts the Gridview, the CommandArgument value changes to the wrong row and I get bad data back from the CommandArgument. how to pass a System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured type into an asp:SQLDataSource but if that is not possible how I can work around this?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Export The Current DataSet Bound To A Gridview To Excel

Mar 12, 2011

I have a GridView populated by an ObjectDataSource. I also have several DropDownLists filtering the ObjectDataSource. I found a link providing a way to export a DataSet (or DataTable) to Excel here:


ow I can ensure that filters applied to the ObjectDataSource when the method is called are applied. In short, how can I ensure what the UI is displaying is what the file will include when exported?

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Web Forms :: SQL Query On Bound Field?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a gridview that displays the results of a SELECT * from a SqlDataSource. Works great. However one of the fields is a Unique ID linking to another table.

Instead of displaying this Unique ID I would like to do a seperate SQL query like, SELECT name from CONTACTS where UID=UID, and display the name of the item that has the matching Unique ID in the boundField, or another field.

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C# - GridView Paging Using Linq Query As Datasource?

Aug 27, 2010

I am looking for a way to do paging with a GridView when i set the datasource at run time using a linq query. here is my code:

ETDataContext etdc = new ETDataContext();
var accts = from a in etdc.ACCOUNTs
orderby a.account_id
select new
Account = a.account_id,
aType = a.SERVICEs.FirstOrDefault().SERVICE_TYPE.service_type_desc,
name = a.SERVICEs.FirstOrDefault().service_name,


But that works well when you use a datatable but not with linq. If I add a rebind in the event, it has to requery 7000 records which can be a little slow. Does anyone know how to fix the paging when using linq like this?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Query In Gridview Selectcommand Without The Code Behind

Dec 1, 2010

how to query the system date in selectcommand in gridview without using the codebehind. using c# .net

my code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM tablename where date_today = <SYSTEMDATE>" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName

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Jun 21, 2010

I have tried to query a table with an xml column by using XQuery and I can't get the Select to work.

All my knowledge/understanding of the subject comes from this MSDN article:


so I am probably overlooking something minor:

I tried this query Select col1, Phone.Query('element CellPhone {I am not sure about what goes here} I tried {data('Phone/cellPhone} from aTable Where Phone.Exist('/Phone/cellPhone/text()[contains.,"412-8977"]') = 1 This syntax is definitely not fun.

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DataSource Controls :: Error When Testing Query During Configuring Sql Data Source For Gridview?

Oct 18, 2010

I got the following error message:

There was an error executing the query. Please check the syntax of hte the command and if present, the types and values of the parameters and ensure they are correct. Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

But when I run the query through Management Studio, I can get the result.

There are no parameters for this query either.

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Repeater Datasource Bound To A Function

Apr 28, 2010

In the code behind I have a function that returns a List(Of SomeClass):

rptRepeater.DataSource = SomeFunction(SomeVariable)
<%#Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Parameter1")%>

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource And Parameters Query / Trying To Accomplish Is Building Dynamic Query

Aug 22, 2010

1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like

SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.

Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).

2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query

(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).

If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Query Not Working When Using Query Builder To Configure Table Adapter

Jan 15, 2010


This query works perfectly on the query analyser.

But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.

What could I be getting wrong in this case.

NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.

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May 17, 2010

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Mar 10, 2010

select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid

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DataSource Controls :: Accessing FK From A Query Via Entity Query

Jan 21, 2010

I've got a query such as

Dim MediaQuery =
From m
In dB.DOWNLOADS _Where m.ID = id _Select

which returns a record from the database. One of the fields in the record is a FK to another table. I need to read this value to be able to set a dropdown based on the ID but I can't work out how to access it. For a standard record I can just do the following txtTitle.Text = MediaQuery.FirstOrDefault().TITLE

However with the foreign key it doesn't work like that. I've tried drpGroup.SelectedIndex = MediaQuery.FirstOrDefault().DOWNLOAD_GROUPS.ID where DOWNLOAD_GROUPS is the FK field but it returns Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If you're simply wanting to read some values from a single db record in the entitiy framework and one is a foreign key how should I go about getting the value?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Alter Dataset Once Bound To A Datarelations

Jun 22, 2010

I have the following code that I wasnt to alter the Dataset before it is bound to the dropdown list.


What I would like to do is ALTER the dataset for the Parent (dropdown list - ddlRT). I need to format and disable certain topics. I have a script I create before I added the datarelations.

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource Can Bound To Text Boxes?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a sqlDataSource to populate a grdiview ( simple ) . When I set the sql control to a stored proc that has 4 parameters and person a select * from table ignoring the paramaters it doesn't work. No rweturned results.

<asp:TextBox ID="vendorid" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="productid" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="productdescription" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A One Row Gridview When Gridview Is Bound To Empty Dataset

Jan 13, 2010

If the gridview binds to empty dataset, I need to still show a gridview so that users can ADD more using the textfields in the bottom of the footer template. Since the gridview is empty it won't bind not allowing rendering of the <footer template> I guess I should create a empty dataset if the gridview is empty. How do I check for this and can this be done in GridviewRowEventArgs

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How To Access The Bound DataSource Item In The ListView's DataBound Event

Sep 22, 2010

I know the question has already been posted here but we didn't get to an real solution.I have bound my ListView to an SqlDataSource and I want to write some text in a control present in the view created in the LayoutTemplate depending on some properties of the rows returned.Obviously, I'm using the ItemDataBound event to feed my items but this is not the point.

The spontaneous solution was to bind the ListView.DataBound event and access the raw datasource (a DataTable?) and do the required calculations.I inspected the Items property and, despite it was not empty, the related DataItem property was null.The only work-around I can come to is to execute the calculations in the ItemDataBound event and accumulate the result in some private fields. But it's really ugly to see and makes harder to get some of the required values.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bound A Label To A Datasource And Its Field

Mar 21, 2011

How do I bound a Label to a datasource and its field?I got set up the datasource to a gridview, but don't know how to bind a label to the same datasource.

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Oracle Error When Selecting From Gridview That Is Bound To Another Gridview?

Oct 23, 2010

I've been working on a webform to pull data from an oracle database v10. I can create a gridview1 with Selection enabled and it will populate with data without a problem. However when I create a second gridview and bind with a control to the first gridview, I get the following error at runtime when I click on one of the Selects.

Exception Details:
Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: ORA-00936: missing expressionVS 2010.

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DataSource Controls :: FormView Bound To LinqDataSource Shows Data But Won't Update Database

Feb 10, 2011

I have a FormView bound to LinqDataSource, that is intended to allow editing of a single product's details, that is selected from a GridView. The LDS has a Where parameter set to point to the GridView control (i.e. a ControlParameter).

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DataSource Controls :: Sorting A ListView Bound To LinqDataSource Based On Child Object?

Jul 22, 2010

This was a pretty disappointing moment - when databinding, using Eval("Contact.LastName") would work. It nicely evaluates the related Linq object's member LastName. If the "Contact" object is null, no error is thrown... instead the field is simply null.

However, the same does not hold for sorting - if there exists a null entry (this object does not have a Contact) then the LinqDataSource throws a NullReferenceException. This means that, if you ever have nulls on your foreign-key objects, you can't use sorting headers in the ListView.

This makes the feature moderately useless - I have to roll my own properties for every single field I'd ever want to sort on. That's insane.

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How To Keep Bound Data And Add New Row To Gridview

Apr 19, 2010

this is my my code snip


I put a textbox and a button to page when user click Button , I want to insert a new row to datagrid assume

TextBox.Text = Vivi

when user click Button

first : I use TextBox.Text to DataBase retrieve data for this No (ex: select Name, Tel from student where No = '" TextBox.Text + "'")

and then I want to add this datarow to my DataGrid

I hope I can get result like this


How to open a new row to existing GridView? and still keep original data?

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