C# - How To Create A Dynamic HTML Table And Assign Value To Table

Jul 27, 2010

I want to create a dynamic HTML table in C# and assign value.

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Web Forms :: Use Html To Create Table(<table></table>) In Code Behind C#?

Jan 13, 2010

how can i use html to create table(<table></table>) in code behind c#?

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C# - Placeholder Containing Dynamic Table Is Empty Unless Create Table Twice?

Jun 4, 2010

I am dynamically creating a table that contains a textbox in each cell. The table is put in a placeholder control. Everything displays perfectly. The problem is when I go to retrieve the values entered in the cells. I have the code to generate the table in a separate method called CreateTable(). In order for my program to find a table in the placeholder when I go to save, I have to run CreateTable() in a postback event AND in the PageLoad event. If I call CreateTable() in only one of those places and I try to save, it says the placeholder is empty and, therefore, I cannot save the textbox contents. I've tried calling CreateTable() from InitLoad but that doesn't work because it needs to reference values from three static controls: 1 dropdown, 1 listbox, and 1 calendar control, which I don't believe have had their viewstate rendered yet.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Table With Controls / Create Table Showing Bookings?

Mar 29, 2011

I´m looking for some advice on how to create an table showing bookings, a table containing mon-sun on the horizontal axis and times at the vertical. The admin is able to edit each days bookable times (first bookable time, last bookable time) - The slottime is constant.

What I want is let the admin click on eacha cell to remove it/add it when removed. And other features as well, like create an booking for a customer.

What would be the easiest way to achive this, at the moment I use dynamic links since I cant get asp:buttons to work and the code to create an dynamic asp:table row by row and this produces some ugly code.

So any advice on how to achive such an "schedule".

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Assign Table In HTML Page In Application

Dec 23, 2015

I need to show the order summary at the end of the transaction in my application.Here i need to design a htm page in my application and i need to dynamically assign the table in the html page in my application.

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MVC :: Deleting A Row From Dynamic Html Table Using Jquery?

Nov 10, 2010

I have saved few data from the view to database and added it to dynamically created html table using jquery in my asp.net mvc application. The script is given below.


I need to delete the row when "delete" is clicked. I have the following script inside call.

$("#AttributeList").delegate('a.delete', 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); alert("delete"); $(this).closest('tr').remove(); alert("removed"); });

This script is throwing errorMicrosoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method
How can i solve this? Is there any other way to remove the row when "delete" is clicked.

View 5 Replies

MVC :: Edit A Row From Dynamic Html Table Using Jquery?

Nov 10, 2010

I have saved few data from the view to database and added it to dynamically created html table using jquery in my asp.net mvc application. The script is given below.


I need to edit a row inline <a> "edit" is clicked. how can i achieve it?

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Dynamic Table Row Creation In Html / Javascript?

Feb 1, 2010

I have html table with 1 row to fill in job details for a position.Now If a user wants to fill in job details for another position,on clicking a link, a new row should be created dynamically each time the user clicks the link.

I'm using frontpage.

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Create Dynamic Table In C#?

Feb 14, 2011

I have to show several values in the page. Values are come from different store procedure.

I would like to show the values on the Table format. The table rows are not fixed. How I can so that?

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C# - Best Way To Create Dynamic Table With Left Column Header?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm creating dynamic table which having more than 20 rows and number of columns can be change according to user input. first column is header and other columns need to bind using data returning from web services. And there are few rows which can editable. when user click on submit button need to validate the changed cells and process the data.I have created ASP.net table and added rows and cells one by one. but this is not reusable way of doing, is there any alternative to create editable dynamic table with left column as header?

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Dynamic Table?

May 18, 2010

i need to create dynamic table in VS2005 using c# in the following format. ( table can be created using asp or datagrid )in the column name D, the last month should be the current month and also it should show the prev 11 months and if the current month changes, it should automatically update the column name's in the table i.efor example , if the currnt month is Dec 2009 it should show from jan 2009 (first column) to Dec 2009 (as the last column)if the current month changes to jan 2010 it should show from Feb 2009(first column) to jan2010 (as the last column)

column d
column c
Column e


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SQL Server :: Create And Insert Into A Dynamic Table At Runtime?

Aug 30, 2010

Below I have a bunch of SQL statements that creates a table at runtime and the "pic" column is a dynamic column and the code creates the number of "pic" columns depending on the count of the uploader control. the problem comes when I try to insert into that table and I am trying to say for every "pic" declare variable @pic....

it works well for just one file in the uploader but for multiple files i get the following error

The name "pic1" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.

Directory.CreateDirectory(MapPath(".") & "port" & clientname.Text & "")
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=xxxxxxxxx.hostedresource.com; Initial Catalog=mrpoteat; User ID=xxxxxxx; Password=xxxxxxxxx;")
Dim strCommandText As String = ""


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Web Forms :: How To Create Edit Delete Dynamic Table - C#

May 6, 2012

i am using VS 2008 (asp.net with c#) and SQL Server 2005....

subject table: 
create table subject
(subid varchar(10),


so i want to display each subjects with its marks in column wise.....


Subjects are not fixed for each semester (in subject table) thats why i want to create/edit/delete table dynamically within asp.net web form....

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Web Forms :: Generate A Dynamic Table And Add Rows To A Table Control?

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to generate a dynamic table andd add rows to a ASP.Net table control on my UI. My problem is as I add a new row from MyTable, in to another table the table I am copying from, will loose one row. Here is the code:

myTable = new


am just reading one row in every loop and add that row in to another table object, why is 'myTable' loosing loosing one row in each loop?

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How Create A HTML Table From A Xml Document In .NET/C#

Jan 25, 2011

I am querying a web service and get returned a SOAP message. I want to create a html table and select what node should be in what column and so on. I have been googling a bit but wonder if anyone of you know a good guide on how to do this properly?

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Create HTML Table From A List In C#?

Jan 26, 2011

I am trying to get some values from a List and then create a html table with this data but I can't get it to work properly.

I have:

HtmlTable table = new HtmlTable();
HtmlTableRow row;
HtmlTableCell cell;
foreach(var item in Name)
row = new HtmlTableRow();
foreach(var familyName in item.familyName)
cell = new HtmlTableCell();
cell.InnerText = item.familyName.ToString();
foreach (var givenName in item.givenName)
cell = new HtmlTableCell();
cell.InnerText = item.givenName.ToString();

When I step through the debugger I can see that row.Cells.Add(cell) contains the family name in the first loop and given name in the second loop but then something seems to be wrong and I can't get the table to show up on the page with this data.

When I check the table.rows.add(row) it says that "base {System.SystemException} = {"'HtmlTableRow' does not support the InnerText property."}"

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C# - How To Create A Pivot Table With Dynamic Column Using Linq Tree Expression

Feb 8, 2011

i'm writing an asp.net C# web application; i have an in-memory datatable named 'table1' having three columns 'country', 'productId' and 'productQuantity'; i want to pivot that table in order to obtain a new table (suppose 'table2') having the first column 'country' as a fixed column and a dynamic number and names of columns 'product_1', 'product_2', ..., 'product_n' according to the total number of products existing in 'table1'; the first column 'country' must contain the country name; the dynamic generated columns 'product_1', 'product_2', ..., 'product_n' must contain the productQuantity that has been selled for each specific product in the specified country

i'm using Linq query expressions to write the code; the problem is that i cannot hard-code the names neither the values of the products; i cannot predict how much products exist in the datatable;

for now, i'm testing the results using the following expression :


i'm giving an example on how 'table1' looks like and how 'table2' must look like :

view example image of the two tables table1 and table2

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ADO.NET :: Linq Query To Create HTML Table

Dec 26, 2010

I have a basic Linq query and what I need to do is query the DB then display the data in HTML.Typically I would bind this to a control but in this instance I need to actually generate the HTML in the code behind page.The Linq query is very basic something like this with Northwind:[Code]....

Instead of binding that to a gridview how can I write out the html... I'm sure I can use stringbuilder or smilar to create the html but I'm not sure how to get he data in the tables... foreach datarow in?

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Create HTML Table From Server Side?

Mar 24, 2011

I have stored my tags in the SQL Server database,


Now I want to create a list like below in the aspx page, created from the database. I have done the work of keeping all the tags and tagURL from the database in a dataset. But I have no idea how to create dynamic HTML list or asp.net list from database.

I have to create list like this:


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C# - How To Format HTML Table With Inline Styles To Look Like A Rendered Excel Table

Sep 8, 2010

I'm currently stuck settings border in a html table. (I use inline stiles for a better rendering in e-mail-clients) I have this piece of code:


That will be rendered as this:

I want the table to be rendered like Excel would render a table with inner and outer border.

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Web Forms :: How To Dynamically Create And Populate HTML Table

Dec 10, 2010

I've created a static table, which looks just as I would expect it to, but I want to reduce my work in the future, as I'll need to create more rows and columns to store extra data that's added to my application.

So rather than creating new rows and columns whenever I need to, I'd like to automate the task by pulling the data from the database and populating a table that's dynamically created based on how much data is pulled.

e.g. if there are 10 rows of items in the database, create 10 columns and 10 rows, if a further 5 things get added next week, I want to add another 5 rows and 5 columns etc

Is this where "Dynamic Data" would play a role? If so, it's completely new to me, my needs are just for a single table on a page, not something that needs to be done en'masse all over the website, if that makes a difference?

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How To Save Html Table Data To SQL Server 2008 Table Value

Jul 21, 2010

[URL]above url contain a html table.I want to save this table value on XML and also want to save this table value on database MS2008.How to save html table values on database

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JQuery :: Getting Table Row Value / Inner Text From Html Table In Repeater

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to get the row value/inner text from a table I have inside a repeater list. I am using jquery/tableDnD to drag and drop the row at which time I update the row number with the new position. Ultimately I would like to insert these new values into a table but I am having a problem accessing the client changed data using a c# procedure.


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C# - Highlighting HTML Table When A Link In The Table Is Clicked?

Apr 1, 2011

have a lengthy asp.net page. A HTML table in the page has a link. when the link is clicked the page refreshes and takes me to the top part of the page. Instead, i want to see the part of the page that has the link. It should automatically scroll down to that part once the page refreshes. How is that possible.

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SQL Server :: Create A Temporary Table As Existing Table With Some Condition Checking?

Jan 18, 2011

i am trying to create a temporary table as like an existing table.

create table #tmp AS ( select Table1.* from Table1 where Table1.column name in (select Table2.column name from Table2 where conditions) )

But it is showing Error...

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