C# - Merge The Following 4 SPs To Make It One Or May Be 2?

Dec 11, 2010

ALTER PROC [Schema1].[SetDefaultBAdd]
@UserAddDetailID bigint,


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Architecture :: Make Application Work With Ms Word Mail Merge?

Nov 9, 2010

I am planning to create HR Management System using asp.net & sql server 2005. In this application we need to manage different kinds of Employee Documents like Offer letter,Salary certificate etc.. Now,What we need is we will store templates for these documents(ms word,excel) in the application and needs to genereate these documets corresponding to the selected employee like mail merge.

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Merge To Generic List?

Apr 7, 2010

I have two generic list with Hotel class object. Both List contains hotel ID. I want to retrieve common hotel id from both Hotel List and assign to new HotelList.I have done following code for that but any other sort way to implement this kind of functionality.


Note: I dont want to use Linq because I am working on framwork 2.0

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JQuery :: How To Merge A Table Row

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Feb 20000

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VB Web Application Project Can't Add / Merge With C#

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But How can I merge 7pictures to use this code?

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The actual structure would be:


One idea would be changing the design differences at runtime depending of the origin website, but we dont like much this because performance, abstraction in designing them and url confusion...

Another one is sharing the cs (both aspx inheriting and using the same cs) file but we never have done or seen it done in any website before so we wonder if its a good approach...

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Merge Aspnetdb Database With Another One?

Jan 21, 2010

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SQL Reporting :: How To Merge Two Tables

Apr 1, 2011

I have two Select Queries and I want the result to be one table having 5 columns as Id, ClientId, Height, EyeColor, HairColor.


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Merge Two Datasource To Gridview?

Jan 24, 2011

what is the best way of doing?, i have one table that returns one set of data and another table that returns another set of data, so in my gridview i want to display

id,name = dataset1
registration_id, registration_name = dataset2

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id | name | reg_id | reg_name |

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On Click Merge Three Or Four Documents Into One .pdf?

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ADO.NET :: Merge Two XML Sections In One Datatable?

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I have the following Problem

I have a XML File like this:


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How To Merge Two Dataset In A Crystal Report

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SQL Server :: How To Merge Multiple Data Set Into One Set

Sep 15, 2010

i want to merge Multiple Data set into one set or my query give me one Dataset. following query give me multiple datatable but i want one.


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Web Forms :: How To Send Some Merge Emails

Feb 8, 2010

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I need to get some information from a excell archive and put it into a email body and finally send these emails to their own destination.

How can I do this ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Merge Two Datatable

Feb 12, 2010

I did a merge on 2 datatable. The result is as per After Merged below, but I expected to the result to be the Expected result.

Before merge


After Merge


Expected result


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C# - Word Mail Merge From Web Application

Aug 12, 2010

What is the best way to do this. I dont have access to the database since it is firewalled. It needs to be done throught the web interface. I can generate a csv file and plug it into the word document, but it seems cumbersome to me. Is there any better way to do this?

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C# - Word Mail Merge For Server

Sep 9, 2010

Need to do a mail merge for ASP.NET application. Considered just programatically using word directly but this has liscening implications and is not recommended [URL] So was looking into openXML / Word Automation Services. But not sure if can easily achieve a mail merge via this?

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C# - String Replacements For Word Merge

Mar 31, 2011

using asp.net 4 we do a lot of Word merges at work. rather than using the complicated conditional statements of Word i want to embed my own syntax. something like:

Dear Mr. { select lastname from users where userid = 7 },
Your invoice for this quarter is: ${ select amount from invoices where userid = 7 }.......

ideally, i'd like this to get turned into: string.Format("Dear Mr. {0}, Your invoice for this quarter is: ${1}", sqlEval[0], sqlEval[1]);

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Finding Tool To Merge 3 CSS Files?

Jan 25, 2010

Merging huge CSS files is huge pain,

I tried some of the tools but they end up merging line by line rather than on the basis or CSS rules.

Now i thought i should right one good program to do following,

1. read CSS file convert in XML

2. sort it on the basis of CSS rule

Now write one more program to consume 3 XML files find different classes and merge the files nicely based on CSS rules.

How ever that turned out to be good amount of work and i hope there must be someone who must have faced this problem before me and solved it clean way.

I would to know the tool for this however i would also love to know how to design/code for this kind of tool? Am i thinking on right track ?

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C# - How To Add Row/Column And Merge Row At The Runtime On GridView

Mar 8, 2011

I am working on ASP.NET3.5. I have to present mention Dataset on GridView under the given format at the run time.


EMP_ID EMP_NAME 2011-01-01_FLAG 2011-01-01_INDATE 2011-01-01_INTIME 2011-01-01_INSTATUS 2011-01-01_OUTDATE 2011-01-01_OUTTIME 2011-01-01_OUTSTATUS
1 Mr Netra Thapa ATTN 2011-01-03 09:01:59 EI 2011-01-03 18:0:15
2 Mr Luja Manadhar ATTN 2011-01-03 10:15:00 LI 2011-01-03 17:0:15 EO
4 Mr Prakash Gobhaju ATTN 2011-01-03 09:00:15 NULL 2011-01-03 18:30:15 EO

I Have to present This Data using DataGird on the bellow format

Employee Id Employee Name 01-01-2011
In Time Out Time Remarks
1 Mr Netra Thapa 09:01:59 18:0:15 Earlry In
2 Mr Luja Manadhar 10:15:00 17:0:15 Late In , Early Out
3 Mr Kushal Joshi Absent
4 Mr Prakash Gobhaju 09:00:15 18:30:15 Late Out

How is it possible ?

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MVC 2 - Merge All Outputs To A Single Assembly?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a Web Deployment Project in my solution. The solution consists of the MVC2 App and another Class Library.

In the Web Deployment Project properties I have the Merge all outputs to a single assembly option ticked and I have given it a name.

When I look in the bin folder I have all my reference DLL's from my MVC app, a DLL with the name of my MVC project and then a DLL by then name I gave it when choosing the Merge all outputs to a single assembly option.

I imagined this option would create 1 DLL not all DLL's plus another one.

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Entity Framework 4 Merge Changes Between Two Entities?

Feb 8, 2011

I use the ObjectDataSource in an ASP.NET Application.

Using the ASPxGridView. When Updating it goes back to the Data Access Layer and tries to update the Entity, now as I can see while having some properites (Columns, Visible = false) when the entity arrives in the update method the visible = false columns have no values.

I don't want to show all the columns...what if I need 3 of the 30 columns? So I thought I would get the original entity from the context and merge the differences from the updated entity.

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ADO.NET :: How To Merge The Target Dataset While Empty

Mar 27, 2011

the below output is my dataset


i want to merge all the dataset table in one dataset is working fine . if it is empty dataset means it rejects that datatable but i want to show the col name with empty values for that i want this below format


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ADO.NET :: Merge Data From Two Different Databases With The Same Schema?

Sep 3, 2010

I am writing an iPhone web app for tracking business mileage. The app uses AJAX and HTML 5 manifest caching to enable offline use. The data is stored on the server in a SQL Server database with the following schema:

When there is no network available, the app stores new data in a local database with the same schema using SQLite on the iPhone. Once a connection is aquired, the app automatically uploads the new data to the main database for permanent storage.

Now, here's the question: I have data from two databases with the same schema. How do I merge the new data into the main database using LINQ? The primary key IDs in the new data must be discarded and regenerated by the main database so that there are no ID conflicts, but the two relationships must be maintained properly.

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