C# - Ninja Technique To Update A Whole Lotta Of Values From Repeater To Database?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a repeater with about 100 rows, and 4 columns in each row. something like this table:

Username HasIpod HasGymMembership HasCar
User1 chcekbox checkbox checkbox
User2 chcekbox checkbox checkbox
User3 chcekbox checkbox checkbox
User4 chcekbox checkbox checkbox

well, you get the idea.The admin can tick/untick any box anytime and click on a "Save" button at the end of page and thats when I need to update the database. I need to add a row in one of the table if a certain checkbox is checked, delete it if its unchecked.I can just loop through the repeater and VERY EASILY do it with each row. but my concern is that, at the worst case, this will use about 100 rows X 3 = 300 database accesses. Thats bad right?I thought of concatenating all values into a form of csv.. something like:user1id,1,0,1;user1id,0,1,1just a list of userid, its values separated with , and the next user's values separated with ; and in the database I can just use a split function and a bunch of while loop and update accordingly.but It just doesnt satisfy me for some reason. Is there a better way to deal with a such a situation? I am sure this is not a unique case, what do you guys do in a scenario?

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Data Controls :: Update Dynamic TextBox Values In Database Using Repeater

May 5, 2012

Here is my .aspx page

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <tr bgcolor="maroon"> <th>
Subject Id  </th> <th>                           
Subject Name  </th> <th> 
Obtained Marks </th> </tr> 
</HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate>

[Code] ..... 

c# - code behind

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
if (!IsPostBack) {
}  }  private void PopulateRepeater()  { 

[Code] .....

Current repeater looks as...

Subject_Id              Subject_Name           Marks

s1(lable)                 subject1(lable)           56(textbox)

> Now, I want to make Updation with repeater (in same application).

I want to update Marks(into textboxes only, sub_id and name fatched from database dynamically) in each row of repeater.... how is it possible ??

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Forms Data Controls :: Database Values Into Repeater?

Jun 7, 2010

Just dipping my toe with doing simple VB.NET stuff. Have used classic ASP, so im used to being able to place any field from a recordset whereever i want to putit , and i have just tried to recreate this event.Its got me a bit lost.. now i have read up and understand why it doesnt work - cant use DataItem in a HeaderTemplate - i get that, but how would you do something where you have complete control of the way the table is being set up? and you can use the contents of the container whereever you want, however you want?I just want to be able to get the values from database table, and put them into an html table, in a specific way.



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Assign Values To GridView's Cells And Update To Database

Nov 23, 2010

I have a gridview in a page, and some Texboxes along with a button(for issuing a command) in the same page. The TextBoxs were inputted values and the values could be assigned to the selected row of the gridview, some fields are the same values along the rows, and the values are inputted in the TextBoxes for using several times without change.

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Forms Data Controls :: Extracting Edited Values From GridView, To Update/insert To Database?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm coding my first VB web application, which allows a user to input an order number and pull up invoice and shipping data linkd to that order number.

I have the first bit down and working, where the existing data in the database is displayed in the GridViews. One of the GridViews is set up to allow data editing, and I have syntax set to make the row editable, but I'm struggling with getting the "Update" link/functionality to work. I want to assign the values in each cell to an object (ie. 'dgInvNumber' for Invoice Number), but everything I've tried (been doing a ton of Google searching for help, but no luck yet) keeps giving me an "Object reference not set
to an instance of an object" error when I click the Update link for the row of data being edited.

At this point, I don't know what syntax to use to get the edited values out of the GridView row and assigned to objects for each cell (I have a total of 10 cells that can be edited in a row).

For background info, the GridView is set up with Bound Fields. I'm using Visual Studio 2005. Alot of places I've looked talk about TextBox controls and using FindControl. Also seen some places talk about DataBoundLiteral Controls. I tried the latter with no luck (still getting error). For TextBox controls, I don't understand how to use that part, since it mentions referencing the TextBox controls declared in the EditItemTemplates of the TemplateField column fields in the GridView control. But I didn't set up anything in the EditItemTemplates (that I know of).

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<asp:Label ID="LabelUnitPrice" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("productprice") %>'></asp:Label>

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Javascript - Make Code Works If Used Inside Update Panel And Checkbox Values Will Be Disabled According To Database Field?

Jan 28, 2011

This code works fine if i use this inside ssercontrol > panel and i have a checkboxes in table when no checkbox is checked its works fine .... but if i disabled and checked any of the textbox then this doesn't work .... in usercontrol why ? i didnt understand ..

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function checkboxChecked(){
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<allInputs.length; i++) {
var chk = allInputs[i];
if(chk.type == "checkbox" && !chk.disabled && chk.checked) {

return true;
alert("OOps! You haven't selected all available checkboxes");
return false;

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Jan 3, 2010

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SqlDataReader reader=cmd.ExecuteReader();

How the does the gridview populate all records?.As the reader is capable of reading one row per read,I thought only the last row is available for GridView to display.

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VS 2008 - How To Add Values Together From Dataset (with A Repeater)

Jan 4, 2010

I've figured out how to use a repeater field, now what I want to achieve is a "total" figure for the column, and this figure needs to appear the footer.

Back in ASP 3.0, I would simply create a variable, and on every step as I looped through the recordset, I would add the current to the variable, including its original value. At the end, I'd have the total. Apparently I can't figure out how to do the same thing in ASP.NET.

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Data Controls :: Insert Values Of Multiple CheckBox Values To Database

May 7, 2015

i showed two column (Electronics,Photoshop) but i have six. i want to update their checked or unchecked condition in database (0,1) how do i do?

<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Text="Electronics" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" Text="Photoshop" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox3" runat="server" Text="VideoEditing" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox4" runat="server" Text="Gaming" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox5" runat="server" Text="Coding" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox6" runat="server" Text="Miscellaneous" />

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Feb 27, 2011

In my new ASP.NET EF4 project, I find myself having to do a lot of maneuvering around null entities. For example, I may have a Project Entity with a related User Entity exposed through an Assignee property. Suppose I need to send an email to someone indicating who the Assignee is, I need to say:string x = "The Assignee is: " + TheProject.Assignee.Name;but I'll get an exception if there is no Assignee as the property is null (I want nulls by design) and I can't fetch the .Name property on that null.

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Display All The Items In Session And Their Values In A Repeater?

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how to display all the items in session in a repeater

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Values From Repeater?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a repeater with a label and textbox in the item template. How can I access the values from the label and the textbox after the user enters information into the textboxes.

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AJAX :: Update A Gridview Into A Repeater

May 3, 2010

I have an issue with update a gridview into a Repeater. So, my problem in the following:

- When I update an item (from other controls on this page) or create a new item - my gridview is not updated.
- But If I delete an item from the gridview - it deletes ok.

Why it's only updated when I delete an item? Btw, I tried to bind the repeater and the gridview myself but it didn't help.

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