Finding Mvc Highlighting Current Page Link Technique?

Sep 4, 2010

I need to highlight active link in the menu. My menu is in the master page by the way. I'm looking for the best way to implement this?

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Highlighting The Current Step In A Multi Step Form Page

Jul 23, 2010

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RenderAction Not Finding Action Method In Current Controller In Current Area?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC 2 (RTM) project that uses areas. The Index action of the Home controller of one area needs to use RenderAction to generate a sub-section of the page. The action called is also defined in the same Home controller. So the call should just be:

<% Html.RenderAction("List") %>

However, I get an exception:A public action method 'List' was not found on controller 'RareBridge.Web.Areas.Events.Controllers.HomeController'.

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I've also tried providing the controller name and area to the RenderAction method, but the same exception occurs. What is going on here?

BTW: I am using Autofac as my IoC container

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C# - Highlighting HTML Table When A Link In The Table Is Clicked?

Apr 1, 2011

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Highlighting The Selected Jquery Tab Using Master Page?

Jan 18, 2010

I am using jquery tabs(First,Second,Third) in multiple pages (First.aspx, second.aspx,Third.aspx) in my website and in each page i am writing the ul,li code.For example in the First.aspx page I am writing the following code inside the 'ul' tag

<li class="current"><a href="#First">First tab</a></li>
<li><a href="Second.aspx">Second tab</a></li>
<li><a href="Third.aspx">Third tab</a></li>

Similarly in the second.aspx,Third.aspx pages i am using the Class="current" to highlight the selected tab.Recently we have planned to move to Master pages.So the master page should contain the ul,li code for the tabs.But the problem is that I do not understand how to apply the class="current" to the selected tab,in the case of the master page.

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Jan 3, 2011

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<a href="/my/new/link.aspx?Return=<% Request.URL.ToString %>" >Link</a>

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Jan 14, 2011

I have Master Page and ascx user controls in my application.

how would I use the Cross-Page technique using the @ PreviousPageType directive.

useful links or samples to achieve this.

I am trying to use the Page class that exposes a property named PreviousPage from my User Control.

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Nov 19, 2010

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Only One text box data shows Not 2nd One.Can any one help me with this by checking my code?

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Web Forms :: Master Pages Navigation, Current Link?

Jan 12, 2011

I've been rewriting my page into a master page for a bit now, problem I have is that I want the current page I'm in to be highlighted in the link.If you go to my website now and click on any menu item, it will let you know what current page you're on by staying underlined/highlighted.How can I accomplish this dynamic change in a master page -without having to recreate the menu in every page- with content holders?

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Jan 14, 2011

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Web Forms :: Find Current URL Of Page During Code Behind Submission (NOT Current Web App URL)

Aug 18, 2010

I am looking for a way to figure out the current URL that the page is currently on (NOT what the page currently is, but where the CODE is at). ie. My web app is located at: [URL] my code is: String page = [URL]

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String page = [URL];
String response = GetResponse(page);
//code to check the behind URL to see if [URL] is the URL OR IF [URL] is the current URL

understand I know how to find the URL of the current page the web app is on. I need to find the current page that threw the exception during the execution of the code behind.

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I program in vb

I was wondering if someone can direct me to a good quality tutorial on the process of registering and sending an activation link to the user's email address. I can't seem to find any useful tutorials online!

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Extender And Link Button In Item Template Of GridView - Finding Alternative

Jun 25, 2010

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So Is there any alternative to achieve the same functionality.

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Oct 17, 2010

I am building in error-logging into my site, and want to be able to get hold of the current page name that the error occurred in, as well as the specific subroutine or function, to then pass to a VB.NET function. Is there anyway to get hold of this information without hard-coding the names manually? For example,

Dim strCurrentPageName = ???
Dim strCurrentRoutine = ???

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Mar 2, 2011

Here is my requirement -

1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.

2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.

If I write the loadcontrol code in link_click event, the control is not recognized at all in the button_click event. When I shift it to page_init and execute only during not postback, the user control loads with default values.

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Web Forms :: How To Use Link Button And Get Link Of A Page And Make The Button To Redirect To That Page

Mar 12, 2011

In my gridview i am returning values from database in which 'filelocation' is containing location of pages over my server and i want to use coustom linkbutton in templete field to raise a event and set session variable and then redirect to that page .

My question is how to get value fron 'filelocation' coloum in gried view when a linkbutton in clicked and onclick is fired and also set session value at taht point.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Execute WebService Asmx Link From Default.aspx Page Link Using HTTPRequest And HTTPResponse

Nov 3, 2010

I have spent a couple of days on this one. I have an ASP.NET website that has Linkbuttons on

the Default.aspx page.. I added a WebService to the Website because later on the WebService will

subscribe to a Provider(Feed) of News, Sports and Weather and things like that. So when a Linkbutton

on the Default.aspx page is clicked it will connect to the link in the WebService which will load the News,

Sports or Weather onto the Default.aspx web page.

The problem is I can't get the LinkButton to execute the Link in the WebService. The link will call the page up

to where you see all of the Web References. But then if you want to execute one of those references you

have to click its link and the Invoke button that will follow. My questioh is how can the link on my Default.aspx

page execute the link in the WebService. Now I changed the LinkButton into an <a href> but I still can't execute

the link in the WebServices. I always use as the link when testing and I wasn't sure about the return type

so I put "void" for an HTTPRequest, so below is the link from the Default.aspx web page and below that is he asmx file:


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.net DataReader Execution Technique

Jan 3, 2010

I heard that DataReader works on forward only readonly fashion and at a time it willread a single record.Suppose when i execute the below code

SqlDataReader reader=cmd.ExecuteReader();

How the does the gridview populate all records?.As the reader is capable of reading one row per read,I thought only the last row is available for GridView to display.

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Controls That Replicate Following Databinding Technique

Apr 20, 2010

Nifty and free controls that replicate the following databinding technique? [URL]

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