VS 2008 - How To Add Values Together From Dataset (with A Repeater)

Jan 4, 2010

I've figured out how to use a repeater field, now what I want to achieve is a "total" figure for the column, and this figure needs to appear the footer.

Back in ASP 3.0, I would simply create a variable, and on every step as I looped through the recordset, I would add the current to the variable, including its original value. At the end, I'd have the total. Apparently I can't figure out how to do the same thing in ASP.NET.

This is what I'm doing (which doesn't work):


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VS 2008 - Uploading Excel Data To Dataset, Then DataSet To SQL Server?

Jan 18, 2010

What I am thinking is this? Is it possible for me to upload the data from an excel file to dataset of my application first, so that the user can view the data in a gridview to review it first, before the user strike the save button, to save it in the database. So, that in case there is a problem, the gridview will high light all the data with an error. So the user can easily pull out the excel and correct the data before saving it in the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: C# Set Values Of Repeater Control Values In Code Behind?

Apr 2, 2010

I have a repeater that I have bound to a sql reader via my code behind page.

However I can't figure out how to populate the controls in my repeater in my code behind code.

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<asp:Label ID="LabelUnitPrice" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("productprice") %>'></asp:Label>

I would rather specify fields in my code behind than embedding them in the .aspx page.

I also have a subtotal label control in my repeater that I would like to populate its text property by mutiplying two of the database values e.g productprice * unitprice shown in my repeater.

I need to do this in code behind, looping through the repeater. Any idea of how I can do this in C#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Make A Dataset And Put Into A Grid Or Repeater With The Records

Mar 25, 2010

I have an xml file with this structure:


I need to make a dataset and put into a grid or repeater with the records that have <show>1</show>. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Binary Dataset In Repeater With Image Control?

Jul 19, 2010

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How To Add Values Of Dataset Tables To Typed Dataset Tables

Mar 4, 2011

I am getting Resultset from SQL server2005.It contains 4 tables.

Dataset ds=new Dataset();

ds=BLogiclayer1.TestMethod1(a,b,c,d);. This normal Dataset ds contains Resultset. ( I am working with RDLC reports. I added a Typed dataset to my project. I am using Typed Dataset as report dataset.) I want to add normal Dataset all the table values to Typed Dataset table as rows i. e. only one table in Typed dataset.I am trying like below.

//Typed Dataset name that I have added is salesdata.

salesdata sd=new salesdata();

for(int i=0;i<ds.Tables.Count ; i++)[code]....

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ADO.NET :: Trying To Connect Dataset To An Sql Server 2008?

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i dont know what it is i have converted entire asp.net 2.0 with sql server 2005, to asp.net 3.0 n sql server 2008 already configured dataset works fine, it is just that iam unable to add stored procedures to new datasets

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Bind Dataset To Repeater/'System.Char' Does Not Contain A Property With The Name 'hotelname'

Dec 19, 2010

i have a page for search.and there is abutton when user click on it.result get in dataset.


i have repeater in itemtemplate of repeater i put table and there is lable that i want show hotelname on it.but it has error.my code is:


the error is:DataBinding: 'System.Char' does not contain a property with the name 'hotelname'.

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VS 2008 - How To Format DateTime To Date Only In DataSet

Apr 6, 2010

how can i format the dataset column of datetime to date only? i only wan to show the date only without any specific format. example, 1/25/2010 12:00:00 AM to 1/25/2010, without doing a .ToString('M/d/yyyy'). because im following the culture set in the web.config.

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VS 2008 - Export Dataset To Excel Attachment

Jul 12, 2012

I need to give users of my asp.net/vb.net web application the ability to click a button which will then send them an e-mail with the contents of a SQL query attached as an Excel e-mail attachment.

I can manage all of this apart from getting the contents of a VB dataset object into an Excel file on my server.

I know how to export a gridview to Excel at the client end, but my boss has been adamant that he wants the button to send an e-mail with the results attached - I have no need to display a gridview at all.

How to export the contents of a datareader or dataset directly into an Excel file at the server side?

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C# - Removing Same Values From A Dataset

Jul 20, 2010

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Arrange The Values In Dataset?

Mar 1, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Retrieve Values From A Dataset VB.net?

Feb 21, 2011

how to retrieve a value from a typed dataset. I am trying to retrieve a value from a row within a row return from a tabale adapter method. Example:

Dim transAPI As New PN_TransactionBLL()
Dim trans As PN.RetrieveGEmailDataTable = transAPI.getGEmail(itemtId)

The tabeadapter method retrieves 1 row of data and I would like to pull the values retrived such as "trans.rowproperty"(if thats the correct syntax) where "rowproperty" would contain the actual value returned.

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VS 2008 MSReports - Can't Find DataSet To Create Report

Jun 29, 2011

I'm use to programming in vb.net and doing MsReports.I will add a DataSet with a datatable and then I will add a report.I will populate the report screen with the columns from my dataset which will be available in my toolbar on the left-hand side of my screen. It is a basic drag and drop action.I followed my usual steps in asp.net, but when I try to draw the report, I can't find my dataset.

Why is this?The dataset is named: "dsReport.xsd".The toolmenu where I should see this dataset is labeled: "Website Data Sources"

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Sep 14, 2010

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Jan 26, 2011

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VS 2008 - How To Make DataSet As A Source For Microsoft Chat Control

Jan 24, 2013

I have a simple .aspx page. I am using VS 2008. I have a microsoft chart control on the page. In the page_load event, I would like to to populate the chart control. I wrote the following code. I can see the data in the dataset. But for some reason, the data is not seen in the chart control.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSet adataset;
string Sql = "select count " + '|'+'|' + "unit as Tenor, value from qrm.advancecurve order by days asc";
Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("ConnectionString_OracleQRM");

[Code] .....

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get The Deleted Values In The Dataset

Apr 16, 2010

i am using dataset,i retrived the values from the database and i deleted from the data set .is it possible to get values back?

how can i get those values?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get First And Last Row Values From Gridview Or Dataset

Feb 25, 2010


string studentno = "select regno from stu_ref where batch='" + dropbatch.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
SqlDataAdapter dastudent = new SqlDataAdapter(studentno, cn1);
DataSet dsstudent = new DataSet();[code]....

form the above coding i will get all values form the table stu_ref of regno of student now i need to get the first and the last regno from the table

for eg TextBox1=103301

the total no of student=78

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SQL Server :: Partial Retrieval Of Dataset Values?

Aug 5, 2010

I have to know how to achieve the following senario in an web application,I have a search functionality, where i will give some parameteres which are used as input to my select query in sql database.

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DataSource Controls :: Getting Values To The Dataset From Dataadapter?

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public static DataSet GetSubCategories(int category_id)

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Linq To DataSet - Handling Null Values?

Jan 30, 2010

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I stole the following Extension Method from StackOverflow:


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Dataset Loaded With Values / Search For A Specific Row And Value?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a database table that has the following: SettingName, Value

So I have loaded (select * from settings) into a dataset

Now I want to know how can I get for example the settingname "Price" and get the value of it?

Here is some sample data in the table

SettingName, Value

Price, $10

Amount, 50

Options, OFF

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C# - Compare Two Datasets And Place Values In A New Dataset

Jan 6, 2011

I m working on ASP.NET using C#, i need to compare the data from two DataSets with a "ID" which is in both the DataSets and then add all the matching rows to a New dataset.

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