C# - Set Javascript Breakpoints In Vs2008 Or Vs2010

Feb 12, 2010

im itrying to debug javascript using vs2010

but i can't set breakpoints?

how can i do this?


i just noticed something, every time i try to call a function, no matter what function, in javascript, somehow jquery and ms ajax framework javascript captures it and checks if the document is ready (document.onready or other) and never returns the control back to the function im calling! why on earth is it doing this? i've never asked for it to!

all i have is references to these libraries, script/link references as you do on the top of your master page.

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Can Have Crystal Report Runtime For VS2008 And VS2010 At Same Box

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Visual Studio :: Can't Insert Breakpoints In JavaScript

Aug 5, 2010

When I try to set breakpoints in a JavaScript code file, I get the warning, "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."

This is a fairly large project that was working normally under VS 2008. I just installed VS 2010 Pro Academic, and this is one of the new problems that have appeared. It's running under Win 7 64-bit, IE 8, and both of the IE "disable script debugging" options are turned off. Debugging is enabled in the web.config file. The JavaScript code in question is being executed normally, and inserting "debugger" in the code works as expected. While running under debugging, you can open the corresponding script document from the Solution Explorer, Script Documents, and insert breakpoints just fine. Attaching to the IE process (from the Debug menu) doesn't seem to make any difference.

Basically, everything I can think of looks normal, and yet I can't insert breakpoints into the original source code with VS 2010. The problem is reproducible on more than one JavaScript source file. I rebooted and consults The Great Google, all to no avail.

This is a real headache for development. Has anyone else discovered a fix for this?

(UPDATE: I spent a few hours and created a new project, and copied all of the files from the original to the new one. Now, I can set breakpoints n the new project, but still can't in the original. Something's different between the two, but it isn't clear what it could be.)

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Script is unchecked.

There are some JavaScript errors that I just don't care about and it is driving me insane having to deal with them.

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VS 2005 Added Around 3-4 Breakpoints But None Get Hit

Jul 20, 2010

I tried to follow sample code to perform db update from this thread but none of them work in my case.

That is 1 sample.

1 Code:


Both sample do not return error or anything and the web form just refresh when I hit update button.

One thing strange more the code dont pause in breakpoints. I added around 3-4 breakpoints but none of them get hit.

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how to get the breakpoints to work were completely different than all the others, and I'd like to know if anyone has an idea of how to enable debugging of the unit tests that are included in Visual Studio 2008.

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Use Breakpoints?

Mar 17, 2010

I have my project in VS2005, its is working fine last few years, But now durning development i face problem regarding breakpoints, here Im unable to get stoppage at breakpoints, I have change setting of security in Internet options add localhost as trusted site, but still its remain the same.

I also try Attach to process.... option from the debug, here webDev.WebServer process of running site is disable. Now Im totally unable to debug my project.

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Jan 5, 2011

I dragged-and-dropped a few image buttons on my VB.net page. I put a break point on the AddButton Sub routine.

When I run debug and click the button it never picks up on the break point. What's up? Is there something about image buttons that I'm not aware of?

Example of one image button and click button sub:



Update: I've just now noticed that whenever I put a breakpoint anywhere in this project and run debug, it never executes the breakpoint at all. Do I need reinstall Visual Studio?

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I had a dropshadow extender attached to a gridview. I was getting an error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors. Parameter name: element So I removed the extender and I have a break point on: If Not Page.IsPostBack Then And it never stops there anymore. Page comes up though. I have restarted VS and rebooted. The app consists of a WebSite and WCF.

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Visual Studio :: Breakpoints Stopped Working During Debugging?

Sep 3, 2010

I had the strangest bug yesterday while trying to debug in vs.net 2005....

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Until I tried to start inserting breakpoints into my code. The application ignored them. In addition, I noticed my little green visual studio "Start Debugging" arrow (which is normally greyed out while in debug mode) was green. It was as if visual studio completely detached itself from my website I was trying to debug.

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Visual Studio :: Encountered:No Syntax HighlightingNo Breakpoints?

Sep 1, 2010

We've currently migrated our Classic ASP web to ASP.NET. Our greatest hope lies in using the Visual Studio for debugging. But this hope was destroyed devastatingly.There are lot of issues we encountered:No syntax highlightingNo breakpoints (message: "This is not a valid location for a breakpoint.")No Intellisense
We cannot find the reasons. But we think VS can't resolve our include links correctly. (In our case we remove all inludes and the page was highlighted again.)That's why we have a lot of questions:Can VS2008 handle includes (<!-- #include file="myinclude.inc" -->) at all?Are there any constraints we need to know? Maximal lines to include? Including<% .. %> or <script language="vb" runat="server"> .. </script>?
What settings have to be made?

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C# - Visual Studio 2010: Breakpoints Don't Work After Rebuild

Jan 25, 2011

I'm working on a VS2010 Solution containing an ASP.NET Website Project and 8 c# class libraries. All projects are set to compile under .NET 3.5

When I set a breakpoint somewhere in the class libraries, the debugger breaks correctly and everything is fine. If I then stop debugging, modify code in the class library, and start debugging again (which of course rebuilds the libraries which were modified) the debugger ignores the breakpoints.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm lost and it's extremely frustrating to not be able to debug after making even a single line change and rebuilding.

Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

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MVC :: RedirectToAction Params And Breakpoints / Value Of 'projectID_DDL' Is Null When The Redirect Occurs?

Jul 12, 2010

I have an ActionResult method that loads a user-selected project. When the user makes a selection from a select html element, the id is passed in and loads the project. This works fine. The user can also submit the form, which saves certain information and then calls a RedirectToAction that passes the project id back into the load method. This is where the problem occurs. Here's the relevant code:


The problem is that the value of 'projectID_DDL' is null when the redirect occurs. I'm aware that during a form post that variable is automatically mapped to the name of the html element, so my first question is if that precludes referring to the parameter name as anything else, even in code. In regular methods, it doesn't matter what you call the variable, provided it's the correct type for the parameter it corresponds to, but ActionResult methods might differ. My second question is about break points. In order to test that the value of 'projectID_DDL' is what I passed in, I set a break point. It was never hit. I even tried adding a line before the return View statement, thinking perhaps that the return View statement threw the exception, and so its breakpoint wasn't being hit. This didn't work, either.

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Visual Studio 2008 Debugging Zombie Breakpoints Come Back After Being Deleted?

Jun 30, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 while debugging an ASP.Net website I set a breakpoint in the codebehind page. I refresh the page or submit to call the method, the breakpoint is hit. Then I delete the breakpoint and continue execution. I make a change to the codebehind page and save it. I submit or refresh again and the deleted breakpoint is back! It is hit again, and I delete it again. I have tried delete, disable, nothing works it keeps coming back if I make a change to the page. It is extremely annoying and unproductive. The only way I have found to make the breakpoint permanently go away is to use the Debug menu Delete all breakpoints item, which is obviously less than ideal. I have been able to reproduce this on other developers machines also. What is going on here? Is this by design? Is it a bug in VS? How do I keep these zombie breakpoints from resurrecting?

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Visual Studio :: Breakpoints Not Working In 2008: "No Symbols Have Been Loaded For This Document?

Oct 13, 2010

nfortunately, I can't get my breakpoints to work when in debug mode in Visual Studio 2008 (ASP.NET 3.5, Windows 7, IIS7). The website compiles and opens in debug mode, but the breakpoints themselves generate the following error message:"The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."There are some recommended solutions online, but for various reasons, either they haven't applied or I haven't been able to make them work. I've been trying to find the solution for about 12 hours now, and I'm getting desperate.(Note 1: This problem is specific to this website. I do have other websites that I open in VS2008 where the breakpoints work fine.)(Note 2: There is only one website/project associated with this problem. This website does not have multiple projects.)

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WebService Debug Synchronization - Breakpoints Give Message "source Code Is Different From Original Version"

Oct 26, 2010

I'm fairly new to web service development, and I am really confused about how ASP.Net Development Server synchronizes with code during debug mode. When I make changes to my service, I cannot figure out how to propigate those changes so that my client can "see" them (I've been able to synchronize through a stumbling series of publishing the service, viewing the service in browser, etc... but I have a feeling there's a more reliable system than my random ritual). Here are the symptoms I'm seeing: After I've made a change to the code behind my service (Service1.svc.cs), started the application through the debugger and attached the debugger to the WebDev.WebServer.exe process as well, my latest changes are not executed, and my breakpoints are not hit (they have the message that "The source code is different from the original version." What really baffles me, though, is that when the ASP.Net Development Server notification pops up in my system tray, its physical path points to my project folder, so I don't understand how it could be looking at anything but my current code files.

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