How To Completely Disable JavaScript Errors Using VS2008 And IE

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to prevent VS from breaking on JS errors.

I have the following settings:

In IE, under Tools->Internet Settings->Advanced (tab)->Browsing
Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer) is checked.
Disable script debugging (Other) is checked.

In VS, under Debug->Exceptions->Common Language Runtime Exceptions JScript Exceptions (thrown and user-unhandled) are unchecked.

In VS, under Tools->Options->Debugging->Just-In-Time
Script is unchecked.

There are some JavaScript errors that I just don't care about and it is driving me insane having to deal with them.

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<TinyMCE installPath= "script/tiny_mce" mode ="src"
<add Key ="relative_urls" value ="false" />


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Heres the Code of the WebUserControl:


When the page Opens a JS Error occours in some ASP generated JS Code


d contains the ID TextBox2 but somehow the TextBox2 object doesent exists on executing this line resulting in null referenc error. If i put All the Code of my WebUserControl into the ASP Page it works fine

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Microsoft JScript runtime error: '(function name)' is undefined

Here is the code snippet:

function CheckUpload() {
var flag = validatePage();
var Checktext = $("#HyperLinkUploadFile").val();
if (Checktext != '' && flag)
flag = true;
return flag;
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnNotifyOA" runat="server" Text="Recommend Award and Notify OA & AO"
ValidationGroup="Notify" OnClick="btnNotifyOA_Click" OnClientClick="return CheckUpload();" />

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function doSomething()
var myVal = document.getElementById('myValidatorClientID');
ValidatorEnable(myVal, false);

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<script id="twitter" src="">

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Is there any other method than Window.history.forward()?

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Mar 31, 2010

It's about 100px from the top of the window. As the user scrolls the first 100 pixels, I want the panel to be static until the panel reaches the top of the window. Then I want the AlwaysVisibleControl behavior to kick in keep the panel visible as the user continues scrolling. This is the javascript I have set up to do it:

function window.onscroll() {
var tblTop_vscroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var avceTopBehavior = $find('avceTopBehavior'); //BehaviorID of panel
if (avceTopBehavior != null) {


This isn't working. Am I misunderstanding what dispose() and initialize() are supposed to do? Is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

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Document.getElementByID is null or not an object

HTML Code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function SetButtonStatus(txtText, btnButton) {
if (txtText.value.length >= 6)
document.getElementById(btnButton).disabled = false;

[Code] .....

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JavaScript - Disable Anchor Tag If Href Is Empty?

Mar 2, 2011

I have an ASP.NET Menu which generates many anchor tags when rendered.

My requirements were

to prevent postback if href or an anchor tag is "" or "#". to make the cursor not to show the hand First I checked the markup of one of the generated anchor tags


When I hovered on the empty link, the cursor is showing the default one instead of hand, that means my anchor is recognized. But when I clicked the anchor, postback occurred!

Tried replacing anchor.unbind('click'); with anchor.kill('click');
Tried replacing e.preventDefault(); by appending e.stopPropogation and even return false;
Tried replacing anchor.bind('click', function(e){ with {

Nothing seems to work. What could be wrong with my code?

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