C# - Setting HttpCacheability.Public Also Cache The Page On The Server?

Mar 24, 2010

I have these lines in my global.asax (basically because of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2469348/can-i-add-my-caching-lines-to-global-asax)

The thing I want to now understand is whether this code purely adds the HTTP headers to the page or does it also make .Net cache this page on the server for 300 seconds?


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Custom Server Controls :: How To Programmatically Cache A Server Control And Add A Cache Dependency?

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What is the proper way to programmatically cache a server control, without using the PartialCaching attribute, and adding a cache key dependency?

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Setting No Cache - Submission?

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Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now
Response.Expires = 0
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Response.Buffer = True

[Code] ....

Then in page load of submission I check to see this session exists and if so I forward to summary.

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Architecture :: Distributed Caching / Keeping Cache In Sync Between Multiple Webservers Or Even Better Farm Cache Management To Another Server?

Feb 26, 2010

I've got a web application that runs of a state server. It looks like soon it may need to distributed and there will be two web servers behind a load balancer.

This works great for session state but my next challenge is Cache

My application leverages heavily of cache. I understand ASP.Net 4.0 will be offering more here but nothing much has been said about the how too.

There are two challenges that I face

1). Each webserver will have its own copy of cache whereas it would be more efficient to put this to a third server the same as session state is put to state server.

2). The real challenge is keeping cache in sync if a simple dataset derived from the database is changed my code dumps that cache item and reloads the cache. That's all well on one webserver but webserver number two wont know to drop that particular cache item and reload it. This could cause some unexpected problems in the application.

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Does anyone know how I could achieve the goal of keeping Cache in sync between multiple webservers or even better farm Cache management to another server?

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Feb 25, 2011

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Which would be best for a medium number of users with potentially large number of records to manage (say 30K) Is it better to cache them all in memory and work from there or page at the database as the application scales?

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Is Page Output Cache Stored In.NET Cache Object?

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Aug 27, 2010

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Setting A Server Control Property From The Content Page?

Oct 27, 2010

I need to validate a textbox to ensure the submit date is older than Today. I wanted to use a CompareValidator to do that, but unfortunately the following code doesn't work:

<asp:CompareValidator ID="cvtbDateExpiration" ControlToValidate="tbDateExpiration"
Operator="GreaterThan" Type="Date" ValueToCompare="<%= DateTime.Today %>"
ErrorMessage="Card has expired" runat="server" />

The compiler tells me that ValueToCompare="<%= DateTime.Today %>" is wrong: "This is not scriptlet. Will be output as plain text."

Is there a simple way to achieve this (without setting it using the Code Behind)?

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Dec 20, 2010

On an administrative page with a long running process we're setting the following:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Server.ScriptTimeout = 300;
//other code

Is this enough that should prevent that page from timing out as it does what it needs to? I have no control over the process and how long it runs but we've found that 5 minutes is more than enough time, yet we're still getting intermittent errors of:

System.Web.HttpException: Request timed out.

We've tried upping the value to 600 with really no difference and in any testing we've done we can never get the actual process to run for that long. Is there elsewhere that we need to be setting timeout values that won't affect the entire application and only the specific page we need the longer timeout value on?

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IIS Configuration :: Setting Start Or Default Page In Server?

Feb 20, 2013

I have problem with default.aspx setting in global.asax file.When i am running dot net application from solution explorer i can set the default page as start page or when i am running the application the on IIS server i can set that default page as start page through the setting.This thing i want to do in programmatic way using the global.asax file

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C# - Access Master Page Public Method From User Control/class/page

Oct 25, 2010

I am to access a method on my master page. I have an error label which I want to update based on error messages I get from my site.

public string ErrorText
get { return this.infoLabel.Text; }
set { this.infoLabel.Text = value; }

How can I access this from my user control or classes that I set up?

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Web Forms :: To Access A Public Property In A Master Page From A  Nested Content Page

Apr 26, 2010

to whom it may concern,

I wish to access a public property in a master page from a nested content page

is there anyway to do that without using "master type"

i found this link


but i dont understand what "companywide" is

((CompanyWide)this.Master.Page.Master).HtmlTitle = "now it is working";

i dont want to use "MasterType" i would rather cast..

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Nov 9, 2010

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Now I want to set the value from content page .

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Public Static Variable Declared In Public Static Class MyGlobals In A 'Code File' Template?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a question about C Sharp ASP.NET:Is there a difference (in code speed, resources) between:public static variable declared in public static class MyGlobals in a 'Code File' template;and the variable declared in a normal 'Class File' template;I use this variable in 2 different Class Files and also in _Default Page codebehind cs file.In fact in my case I need about 20 global variables of type List<string>.

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Web Services - Does The Server Timeout Setting Affect The Client Timeout Setting

Oct 15, 2010

I'm working with ASP.Net web services and am having a problem with a long-running process that takes about 5 minutes to complete, and it's timing out. To fix this, I was able to set the executionTimeout on the server's web.config to 10 minutes, and then set the .Timeout property on the Web Service object to approximately 9 minutes. Now, I'm worried that this may possibly cause some other web service calls to sit there for 10 minutes before they time out rather than the previous 90-100 seconds. I know the default on the client side is 100 seconds, but wasn't sure if updating the server's timeout setting would affect this.

Bottom line is - Is it safe to update the server's timeout setting to a long amount like 10 minutes, and rely on the default timeout on the client, or could this end up causing some problems?

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Aug 25, 2010

Using the [Code].... for server cache Dependency, to get a list of the tables that are enabled, We use the line below:


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Refresh The Page, Clearing Public Array?

Sep 17, 2010

I have an ASCX.vb page that lets the user choose someone from a table. Once they do select someone, the page reloads with that persons information into another table below that one where they can submit an order for that person or remove that person.

Problem being is that i wanted to store the users ID that are selected but it seems that everytime the page reloads to show an update, it dim's my array again back to default.This is my code once they choose a user:

Namespace prog.Controls
Partial Public Class progReportGrid

So when the page loads and i choose a user, it tells me that strID = nothing and i know it at least should have 00007700000 in it?

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Architecture :: Want To Make Public Object On ,net Page

Aug 27, 2010

in asp.net can i make public objects on my page, for example

public Customer cust1 = new customer();

and use this object on my entire code?

what are the drawbacks of creating public objects??

a single object will be created for all users??? or each user will have a different object?

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Security :: Deny Access To A Public Page?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a folder called <mysite>/Pages. This folder is PUBLICIn this folder I have a aspx page called : MySecure.aspx I have on the default.aspx page a hyperlink to the "~/Pages/MySecure.aspx page".I want to limit access to the MySecure page to only those in a Admin role (so no members no guests or www users can see it. I dont want to move MySecure.aspx into a secure folder.This is what I did in the wedconfig

<location path="Pages/MySecure.aspx">


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VS 2008 Enabling Public Access To Local IIS Server's Website?

Nov 8, 2010

I can't figure this out. I have a simple ASP.NET application that I am hosting on my computer which all local computers can hit. The next thing I want to do is setup the website for public access. No matter what I can't seem to get it to work.

- I have allowed incoming connections to port 80 through the firewall.

- I have setup my router to port forward all HTTP requests (80) to my locally assigned IP (192.168.1.XXX).

- I have setup my server to use anonymous authentication, which is set to "Application pool identity".

- I have even shut off my firewall to try and see if it would work.

Can't figure this out. Read a bunch of information, and in my head this should work, but it seems like I am missing something simple. I realize this thread's subject matter applies to IIS7 more-so than ASP.NET, however since I am relatively new to ASP I figured maybe I missed an ASP setting or something.

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Configuration :: Uploading The Site In Public Server (using Filezila) It Gives Error?

Jul 9, 2010

my website works fine in my local server, but when Im uploading the site in public server (using filezila) its give me error .

what code do I need to add in my projct and wehre?.

the code is page .aspx, css and img without contact form.

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Web Forms :: Access Public Function In Master Page?

Sep 5, 2010

I need accessing the function in my masterpage.

I have a.master and b.aspx with the content page.

Now in the page load of my content page, I want to execute the an sql query which is in a function in my master page.

How can I access the function in my master page?

code in my master page:

public function info () as string
'SQL Query
end function

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