C# - Swap Two Panels In Web Application?

Feb 20, 2011

i have 2 panels & i want to swap those 2 panels. how can i do that in web application..?

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Web Forms :: How To Swap Times In DropDownlist

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I have one dropdownlist with 10 items and one button.(Item name starts from index 0). It i select one item in dropdownlist and click on Button. The selected item should come to first. How do i do that?

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Web Forms :: Swap Two DropDownList Values

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How to swap ddl's selected value on buton click.E.g User has Selected One from ddl1 and three from ddl2 then when the user clicks the Button the values should be swapped.

User Selected


One Three

After Swap button click

 DD1 DD2

Three One

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1" runat="server">


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Does anyone know if it is possible to swap the order of text and icon for a treeview in a c#-based asp.net project?

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Web Forms :: Imagebutton Mouseover Image Swap

Apr 20, 2012

I put this code to change my image button image when mouseover

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat = "server">
<script type = "text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
var img1 = '<%=ResolveUrl("~/Images/asc.gif") %>';

[Code] ....

But it change image slow is there any code that change image faster when mouse over the image button?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView And Swap The Datasource

Feb 10, 2010

I have a GridView and can swap the datasource just fine with code. However, The GridView also has a TemplateField with a dropdown connected to a different datasource. How can I swap that one with code too? I don't see how to drill down to find it. I've found stuff on line about accessing the TemplateFields with code, but it seemed to complex for the simple task I am trying to do.

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ASP.NET/JavaScript - I'm Trying To Get An ImageButton OnClick Event To Swap Images.

Jun 29, 2010

i have a navigation bar made up of ImageButtons that have their image swapped out on mouse over and back on mouse out. i used this code in the Page_Load handler to do this:

ImageButton1.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", "this.src='mouseover.gif'")
ImageButton1.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOut", "this.src='mouseout.gif'")

what i'm trying to do now is get the mouseover image to load when you click the button and are taken to the page. i tried this but it doesn't work:

ImageButton1.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "this.src='mouseover.gif'")

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Web Forms :: Displaying And Removing And Updating Items To Swap Using Listbox?

Mar 24, 2011

I need a program that lets me enter the name of an item to swap and adds it to an array list when a button Add is pressed.

Once the item is added to the array list a sub procedure should be called which displays the contents of the array list in a list box.

The system will also allow me to remove items from the array list and then the list box is updated.

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C# - Swap The Order Of Text And Icon For A Treeview In A C#-based Project?

Nov 13, 2010

Does anyone know if it is possible to swap the order of text and icon for a treeview in a c#-based asp.net project?

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Web Forms :: How To perform An Image Swap On Hover, Selected Styles For Menu

Sep 18, 2010

I am using the following code to create a static menu, but using images instead of text..


how to perform an image swap on hover and also an image swap on click so that it is clear which menu item has been selected?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using JQuery To Swap Rows In DataGrid And Postback To Server?

Mar 2, 2010

I need to swap around the rows and I do that with


Obviously I am using the tableDnD() function to do that, but after I swapped them, I am saving the datagrid in a DataTable as it is (altered). However this doesn't happen. I need the changes to be posted back to the server. I tried to __doPostBack() after the onDrop function with no luck.

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Trying To Import A CSV File/ How I Can Swap The Single Quotes Surrounding String For Double Quotes

Apr 14, 2010

im trying to import a CSV file, however a single quote has been used to enclose strings ie. 'aaaa','bbbbbb',ccccccc'

Im having problems because some strings contain commas or apostrophes ie... 'aaaa,aaa' , bbbbb'bbbb',

This is causing me trouble and i need to replace the enclosing character for all strings from a single quote to a double quote....

I dont have access to the source that the csv was generated from, I just have the CSV file..

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VS 2008 Panels In Tables?

Nov 22, 2010

I can't get it to recognize LunchPanel and AttendPanel in the VB code behind this page.

<asp:Repeater ID="StudentRepeater" runat="server">
<table border="1" rules="rows" frame="box">

When I move those panels from the table to outside the table they are seen in code - so I obviously can't put them in that spot.What is the preferred method to have optional columns in table/repeaters?

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Have Two Collapsible Panels On Page?

Nov 9, 2010

Have two collapsible panels on my page. When I open the top one (which has a panel and txtbox/label controls) it doesn't push down the other collapsible panel. It just covers it.

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C# - Make Box With 4 Inside Using Panels Asp / Css

Apr 3, 2011

im trying to make a box with 4 boxes inside the box using panels as the box and boxes.

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" CssClass="onthefly" runat="server" BackColor="#4A4A4A" Height="469px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel4" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly1" Height="210px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel5" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly" Height="210px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel6" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly1" Height="210px"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel7" runat="server" CssClass="onthefly" Height="210px"

css for panels:

display: inline;
float: right;
display: inline;
float: left;

Atm panel 6 isnt below panel 4, panels 4 - 5 - 7 are all in the correct place. not sure how to get panel six to sit under panel 4 and to the left of panel 7.

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C# - Search Using Update Panels

Mar 21, 2011

Is it possible to use an UpdatePanel that has like a few text boxes, and a search button, and then perhaps another UpdatePanel that has a gridview in it to return the results of what was searched. When the user clicks search it hides the boxes, and displays the gridview. Can I do this with UpdatePanels? I am using c# for my coding. Or should I be doing this another way?

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C# - How To Hide All The Panels In A Page

Sep 20, 2010

I am using asp.net 4.

I need set up for all Panels WebControl for a page their visibility to false like

uxTypesDisplayer.Visible = false;

I need to setup visibility for all this panel without mention the single ID for every single panel.

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Can't Get The Panels Within Panel To Center?

Jan 6, 2010

They all appear left aligned. I've tried setting the body tag to text-align:center, making divs around and in the main panel, but I can't get it to work. Here is my CSS code:

.MainPanel {


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Dynamically Make Visible Certain Panels?

Jan 11, 2010

How do I capture other events in an asp.net textbox on a webpage in more of a way in which a windows app does? For example, if I want to handle when someone just presses a key (keydown) on a textbox in a webpage?

The functionality that we want to create breaks down like this:

We want to create a "smart" search box at the top of our page. When the user starts typing, a little panel or some element should become visible and it will have some check boxes on it. They can search for one or many different types of searches: First Name, Last Name, Business Name, ZIP, Customer Number, and Contact Info. As they begin typing their search, we need it to execute some code that attempts to figure out exactly what they are searching. So if it can tell they are typing in alphabetic characters and not numbers, then we know to NOT check the Customer Number box, but we will want to check the First Name, Last Name, and Business Name boxes. If they start typing a number, we know that we can check the Customer Number box and leave the First Name and Last Name, etc boxes unchecked. If they type a number that is 5 digits, then we know to check the ZIP and Customer Numbers both. Any other length number characters and the ZIP will be unchecked. And any other rules like these that we might want to implement in the future. The idea here is we will almost always be able to tell what someone is searching, but the user can always check any box that they want to search for if they so choose. For example, if a business is named "123 Plumbing Company" and they just want to search the Business Name field for a number, they can over ride it and do that. Otherwise, they just can blindly type their search and hit enter and the program will usually know what kind of search they are trying to do.

I come from a strong windows app development background and have just recently tried to do some web development professionally. A quick few sentences on what philosophy I am missing out on as far as a more robust and "Windows App-like" webpage would be appreciated if anyone wants to coach me on that area and point me in the right direction!

Also, in my example we are using master pages. So if you can imagine a typical master page that has a logo top left and a search box and button top right, then you can picture what we have. Its simple looking. But with the content page being a separate aspx page, we are having trouble referencing it after a search is performed anyway. So what I mean by all this is The masterpage.master has a search textbox. They type something, hit enter. We then want a gridview that is on our default.aspx page to update with the results of the event that was fired from the masterpage.master.

My windows app background tells me to just point to it like I would from two different forms. Like if I had a form1 with a search box on it and I wanted it to show up the results on form2, I would just say Form2.Show: Form2.GridView = whatever.

Of course, with my confusion of what the scope of these asp.net pages is, I am having a difficult time just visualizing everything and how they are inter-related.

So I guess to recap here:

1) How do I tap into more events with textboxes or any other asp.net control. Is the answer AJAX? If so, can you elaborate just a little bit?

2) How would I use the keypress or keydown type of event to make a panel or some kind of content holder to become visible when the textbox gets focus from the cursor and go back to being invisible if it loses focus.

3) What about the scope in which asp.net pages behave?

View 29 Replies

Caching When Filling Panels With Content?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm creating a group of surveys that query Salesforce ([URL] CRM) to generate survey questions dynamically.

The survey layouts are determined by a record type that gets passed in the QueryString. The page queries Salesforce and aggregates the questions/fields it should be using. Then it creates questions and adds them to a panel.

When I open one survey, things look great, and they work as designed. But on opening a separate survey, of a different type, the questions from the first survey are still in the questions panel, as if they are cached somewhere.

To see what I mean, open "Survey 1". Then open "Survey 2" in a new tab. Now re-open "Survey 1", but this time do it in a new tab. Compare the first "Survey 1" to the second "Survey 1", and you'll see that the second "Survey 1" has the questions from "Survey 2" added into it.

Is there something - or a way that - I should be clearing variables, public variables, sessions, or page/panel caches on every page load?

I define the array where the fields/questions are aggregated like this:

ASP Code:

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private static ArrayList field_names_use = new ArrayList { };

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AJAX :: Collapsible Panels With Validation

Oct 22, 2010

Just setup the collapsible panels, there are different fields within the panels that are required. When i submit the page, i get my validation summary, but if the panels are closed, then i cant tell which fields are failing.. so i wou,ld have to open each panel up again to see where i missed something. Is there anyway to have the panels open up if there are any controls that failed validation?

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AJAX :: Collapsible Panels With Extender

Jul 6, 2010

I have 2 collapsible panel. The first panel is expanded by default and second panel is collapsed. When I insert a user control in the first panel (about 650px height) it displays it but the content overflows into second panel header. I have autosize to none and height to 0px in the cssclass.

The content section in panel is not expanding to fit. However if any place any amount of static text it works perfectly. Also when I collapse the first panel the rest of the panel is disappearing when an user control is used. Am I missing something. The same problem when I tried to used ajax accordion

ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender1" runat="server"
SuppressPostBack="True" >
ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender2" runat="server"
SuppressPostBack="True" >
THe header and content
<asp:Panel ID="PanelTitleMain" runat="server" CssClass="collapsePanelHeader">
Application Information
<asp:Panel ID="PanelContentMain" runat="server" CssClass="collapsePanel" >
<ucpers:ucpspers id="ucpspers1" runat="server" />
<asp:Panel ID="PanelTitleAddress" runat="server" CssClass="collapsePanelHeader">
Contact Address Information
<asp:Panel ID="PanelContentAddress" runat="server" CssClass="collapsePanel">
Contact Address
The css
background-color: #E7FBFB;
border: 1px double #2E4d7B;
font-size: 12px;
border: 1px solid #b85dc3;
cursor: pointer;

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MVC :: Hide Panels On Client Side?

Jun 24, 2010

I am using strong typed views in my MVC and have now manage to show all the editors for my register form as I like.

The problem is that I have a radiogroup containing 4 radiobotton, When selecting a radiobutton I neet to hide some of the editors that are bound to the strong typed propertie fields.

I could create a javascript function like this


The problem with this is that it will be a BIG function and Im not sure how the MVC Validation will handle it if a editor that is not valid are hidden? Will it still be possible to submit?

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