C# - Use Of Window Shell In Programme?

May 18, 2010

if there is any harm (to OS(Win Xp) if i programme using window shell in ASP.NET.

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How do i run a shell command in asp.net ?

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Shell Execution In Silent Mode

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How To Open File Through Interaction.Shell

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Configuration :: Error 1706:An Installation Package For The Product Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell(integrated?

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How To Pass A Parameter To The Child Window From Parent Window Using Window.open

Oct 18, 2010

i have an aspx page in which a link in the grid view opens a popup page . the data in the grid view would be dynamic and i need to send the id of the row of grid while calling the child window. i get the id using sender.id, but how would i send this using window .open()?

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Javascript - Passing Data Between A Parent Window And A Child Popup Window With JQuery

Dec 3, 2010

I have the following HTML

<td class="label" valign="top">
Affiliate Party
<td class="field">
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyId" id="AffiliatePartyId" />
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyName" type="text" id="AffiliatePartyName" class="PartyLookup" />

and the following Javascript/jQuery

$(".PartyLookup").after("<img src='Images/book_open.png' class='PartyLookupToggle' style='padding-left:4px;' />");
$(".PartyLookupToggle").click(function () {
window.open("PartySearch.aspx", "PartySearch", "width=400,height=50");
return false;

I need to be able to flag ANY PartyId input field with class="PartyLookup" so that it will modify the DOM and include the image next to the input field. The popup window returns data to populate both the hidden and text fields, but since the click() is generic I need to pass it the ID of the input field.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Links Opening In New Window Rather Than Parent Window?

Jan 28, 2010

i have following datalist in WhatsNews.aspx page.


when i open home page and click a link in whatsnew section, IE 8 opening the links in a new window.but firefox 3.5.7 opens in parant window, just like i want.how can i make IE 8 also open the links in parent window?

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Web Forms :: Return True Or False From Popup Window To Parent Window

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to return true or false from popup window to the parent window. Actually the parent window has a button control, which on click popup another window. The popup window holds some emailing data and a button "send". This "send" button onclick send email. Now I want to return true if the email is successfully sent otherwise false, to the parent window. Depending on returning value a label present on parent window displays a text message. But I am not able to implement it. Because it might happen that the popup window is blocked by web-browsers popup blocker or popup window is accidentally closed by user. So how can I confirm to parent window whether or not the email is successfully sent?

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Web Forms :: Call Parent Window Method From Model Popup Window?

Nov 17, 2010

i have a page Parent.aspx,, and this is responsible to open the window as a model dialog(model.apsx). model.apsx has OK button when we click on this button then server side method called to save the data. while saving the data it return the id of saved data. i need this id on my Parent.aspx.Cs file, so how can i get this id on my Parent.aspx.cs file?

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Web Forms :: Close Popup Window And Open Page In Parent Window?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a login page that is loaded in popup window (colorbox) and after user logs in it should be closed and parent window should be loaded with new page.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Do While reader.Read()
If Trim(reader("ZAP").ToString()) = Trim(textBoxZap.Text) Then
Session("A") = "1"
lblErr.Text = "incorect"
End If

So once the buton is clicked and user name and password is corect popup window should be closed and user redirected to default aspx.

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On Close Button Click On Child Window,parent Window Refreshes?

May 20, 2010

Refresh the Parent Window. I open the child window,I want that on close button click on child window,parent window refreshes



I searched all on the net & find the above soln,But its not refreshing.when i click on button1,then some Pop up appears see in Pic(with buttons Retry & Cancel). When i click on Retry again the child window loads Then again i click on button1,again popup appears & so on & on.

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Web Forms :: How To Pass A Session Variable From Child Window To Parent Window

Feb 22, 2011

I have a page (parent) that open up a popup window using window.open javascript. User will then work on the popup window and the result will be stored in a session variable. When the user close the popup window, how can I put the value of the session variable back to the server control textbox of the parent window?

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MochaUI Window Loading ASPX Page In Iframe And Communicating With Window

Dec 17, 2010

I am hoping someone has experience with this, but I am loading a window from a link on my main page. The window loads an ASPX page via the window's loadmethod of iFrame. The aspx page has its own update panel on it and I was wondering how I can call the window's "spinner" / process indicator while the page is processing. I have looked at the documentation on some online information about it but I am not sure how to implement it.

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Data Controls :: Passing Values From Gridview In Child Window To Textbox In Parent Window?

Jul 29, 2013

I have a page, which contains 2 textboxes. When i click on the first textbox, i have to open a child window (tool), that contains a gridview control with 2 columns (corresponding to the 2 textboxes). When the user clicks on any row in the gridview, it should send back the 2 column values back to the parent window to the corresponding 2 textboxes. how do i achieve this?

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Value From Popup Window Opened Using Window.open?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to open a popup window from main window using window.open() method. How to get back the value from the called popup window to the calling window in vb.net, basically i need to get back the value and populate in the text box available in the main window.

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Web Forms :: Passing Variables Between Parent Window And Popup Window

Apr 29, 2010

I have a page wich opens a popup window. I want to pass some variables, like some textbox.text and 2 dataTables from parent window to the popup window. And then I'll have to return some vars from popup window to parent window. So what is the best way to do this,

1) using Sessions("")


2)passing the variables as parameteres:

LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.open('popup.aspx?field1=" & value1 & "&field2=" & value2 & ......

I don't know if it's appropiated passing 8 or 10 variables as the option2 because the user will see a very long url with all the variables, but maybe is more efficient than using Sessions.... Anyway, could somebody clear me up?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Textbox In Parent Window From Popup Window

Feb 15, 2011

I am using a master page in my project. I opened a popup window from content page. What I want to do is, when I close the popup window, the data in the textbox available in popup should be assigned to a text box in parent form. But I dont want to refresh the parent window when I close the popup window. Can any one tell me how can I access textbox in a parent window from a popup window without refreshing the screens.

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Pass Control Value From Parent Window To Popup Window's Code Behind

Apr 16, 2010

I want to receive value from parent's control to popup window's code behind. for example

<asp:RadioButton ID="rdoRate" GroupName="CouponType" value="0" runat="server" checked/>Rate
<asp:RadioButton ID="rdoAmount" GroupName="CouponType" value="1" runat="server"/>dollar

and recive selected radiobutton's value from popup window's code behind. My Solution is make querystring and pass the value.

for example >
window.open(url + ?selectedRadioVal=" + $("#~~checkedradiovalue~~) .. blah balh)
and receive the value by Reqeust.Querystring.Get().

But I can't send very long string. (maybe the url length is limited, right? Is there any good way to solve?

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C# - Javascript:window.location.href Opens New Tab In Firefox And New Window In IE?

Apr 4, 2011

lstItems.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:window.location.href='" + Project2.Constants.MySiteURL + "myPage.aspx/" + ID + "';");


i found this solution on SO but dont know how to use it in my case :

window.open("http://asdf.com", "window_name","location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=no,width=650,height=650");

edit 2 :-

Any Javascript expert in here ?

edit3 :-

@Headshota:: Its still opening in new tab in firefox and as apop up window in IE :(

edit 4 :-

@ Craig :: What does this mean? "possibly got a misplace target="_blank" somewhere" How do i check for it?

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Web Forms :: Parent Window Refreshing When Opening A Child Window?

Oct 22, 2010

Im having the flowwing problem i have a gridview that i want to list many records when i click on a row iwant to be able to click on a button and go to the form of this record in order to update it. All the navigation works fine.I click on the button and then using javascript i window.open the page that has the form the problem is that when the new page loads the parent page (the page that has the gridview refreshes and because there are many records it is really annoying how can i use window open to pop up a child page without having the parent window to refresh.

Because im using all this in a dotnetnuke framework i have tried enabling and disabling partial rendering to the parent page page but always refreshes when i open the child window

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Web Forms :: Refresh Parent Window On Close Of Chlie Window

May 14, 2010

I have created an intranet application in ASP. From my main web page I am opening a web browser window and adding a record to database from that new window. Now on close of that window I want to refresh my main web page to reflect the database changes. My backend is "ms access" Also on the other hand I also want to disable the closing button of web browser.

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Javascript - Reporting Child Window's Events To Parent Window To Reset Timer Value Of User Timeout Code

Sep 2, 2010

I've got a Jquery function that I wrote which blacks out the screen after a certain amount of inactivity, creates a pop-up that allows the user to click a button to stay logged in, and logs them out (closing the application window) if they do not respond in time.

The environment is ASP.NET (VB). We don't technically use master pages, but we do have a parent page in which our header, footer and nav reside, and my Jquery code is called from that window, loaded via an IFrame.My problem is that if one is working in a child window, the parent window doesn't recognize that the system is in use, and will automatically engage at the allocated time.I've tried everything under the sun I can think of and nothing works properly. My event handler is working, and it does call the parent window function, but the timer is not being reset.

I have this function in the parent window:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function window.reportChildActivity() {
SESSION_ALIVE = true; [code]....

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