C# - Want To Get Clients Images In Web App And Store Them In Mysql Then Send These Images To Windows App Via Web Service

Jul 25, 2010

I want to write one program by visual studio 2008 (C# and ASP) that has web application and windows application.

I want to get clients images in web app(upload) and store them in DB (mysql) then send these images to windows app via web service (so i new web service, not web site). But i have 2 problems:

I have 2 ways to store images in mysql, first i should have BLOB field in DB -that it takes more space-, second i should save just name of each image in DB(so have image in one folder) -in this way i don't know how get image from clients and store them in that folder-. which one? Or what other? How (code) can i transfer image via web service(Byte[] or? ).

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Or should I just store the images on the hard disk? I am worried though about the space I would need if my site grows, as I want it scalable.

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Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click
Dim _image As Byte()
mage = FileUpload1.FileBytes
Dim conn As New SqlConnection

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Best Way To Store Images To Database Table For Web Pages?

Dec 7, 2010

1.store them in the file system of web server and put the url in the table?
2.store them as type "image"?
3.store them as varbinary(max) BLOB?
4.store them as filestream data?

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In Which Folder Can Store User Uploaded Images

Feb 10, 2011

I've a classified ads system on ASP.NET/c#/MS SQL, and I'm trying to figure out where to store the images that people upload when placing an ad. The ad itself is being stored in a SQL server database.

The images are now being stored in a subfolder of my webapp. It seems to work fine, however I only recently discovered a big problem. Everytime a user deletes an ad, the attached images are to be deleted as well including the folder they reside in. This leads to a restart of the asp.net application. I searched internet and found that restarting the web-app is actually intended behaviour when a subfolder is being deleted.

I can remove these images including the folders they are stored in?

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Upload Images To Website - Store Path On DB And Show Them?

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I'm using ASP.NET with C# and MySql. I'm trying to upload images to my website, to a folder called images, and to store the path on my MySql Database. And i want to show the images by using the path stored on the bank. Above is my code to insert images to the website.


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Store And Retrieve Images From File System Instead Of Database

Mar 17, 2010

I need a place to store images. My first thought was to use the database, but many seems to recommend using the filesystem. This seems to fit my case, but how do I implement it?

The filenames need to be unique, how to do that. Should I use a guid?

How to retrieve the files, should I go directly to the database using the filename, make a aspx page and passing either filename or primary key as a querystring and then read the file.

What about client side caching, is that enabled when using a page like image.aspx?id=123 ?

How do I delete the files, when the associated record is deleted?

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Web Forms :: Store And Retrieve Images From Database To Webpage?

Nov 23, 2012

i have a web page in asp.net.vb code and sql database.

the persons number is called PNUMB and i have stored all photos of persons in a folder with the persons number (PNUMB) as their file name. when i search for a PNUMB i want to display the photo of the persons whose dtata is displayed. how i sit possible

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Cache Images - Page Takes To Long Due To Images Not Caching?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been trying to get image caching working for the last 8 hours and I keep the same problem time and time again, I'm trying to cache Images at the moment and then when thats succesful, apply this to cache my js and css files. I have at the moment Sql Dependancy caching working on my dynamic pages but the page still takes to long due to images not caching.

What I have tried is going to IIS7 Management and adding HTTP Response Header for the images folder and setting various things for the cache control.i dont care how long it caches it on the client or on the proxy servers i just would like it to check when the file was modified and compare it with the one in the client or proxy cache and if they are different then fetch the new image which has been ftp up. i could solve this by changing the image name but the thing is the image name is generated when they are ftp'd to the site by an application and the name is a direct reference to the product so i cant change the name each time, as it would mean making a lot of otherpages accross the board.

so What i would like, is to set and expiry date of lets say 32 days or more on the images and then check to see if they have changed by date modified or some other way of checking(Etags maybe) I'm not sure, if they have changed on the server then redownload and recache them, I tried using post-check and pre-check together but that just permantly cached them, so when i change the image the only way it would display the new image is to just hit F5.

In Brief, how can i Cache images, on the client machine/ proxy cache and recache them when the modified date of the file has changed.

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Web Forms :: Retrieving Images From Database And Display As Thumbnail Images

Apr 29, 2010


i am using asp.net with c#, i have table images

shop nvarchar(50),
imgc image
imgo image

iam saving images in a database but while retreving it is showing blank images. i want to display as thumb nail images

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Referencing Images In App_themes / Images Folder After Combining Css Scripts?

Oct 31, 2010

I wanted to combine app_themes css files into one on the fly. I did so using Mads Cristensen technique. But now all elements that has background image defined through css (see picture) don't display image. I believe that is because css files are not relatively referenced anymore (../), but through axd file. I'm trying to fix this by changing reference to image files without success. I already tried background: url("~/App_Themes/44/images/myimage.gif") and this works for pages that combined css. But the problem is that there are other pages in this project that don't use this css combining and now they lost reference to background images.

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Mar 20, 2010

I know how to send mail. but i cant send a mail with images inside. also i need to display the repeater control's content inside my mail. Embedded image procedure not works for me. plz provide some sample code or links. i'm looking for C# code.

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Apr 6, 2010

How to Display the treeview control with multiple images(each link should be with one image) instead of + images in asp.net

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Data Controls :: How To Store Image Path In Database And Then Access Images

Jun 18, 2013

how to storethe image path in database and how to access image from database in asp web form

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