Web Forms :: Set Focus On Gridview To Turn Off Timer Control
Feb 18, 2011
I have a timer control on my gridview that refreshes it at a 3 minute interval, but when a user is updating the gridview it will mess us the update and then they have to start over again. How can i set some kind of focus event on the gridview to shut off the timer update that refreshes the gridview.
VS2010 ( Vb.net ).I have a masterpage that contains a gridview, giving stats and information on client files sent to us. This gridview is updated by means of a timer control every 10 seconds. In my grid I have an image field, to display either a tick .. if everything is ok or a cross for any problems.When the timer control timer event forces a gridview databind every 10 seconds.When the page first loads, i get the default red Cross in the gridview imagefield, however when the timer loops forces a 'databind' I lose the redCross and it is replaced with the default image control ( as if no url is set ) . Then I get a server 404 error.I am using the OnDataBound event to fire my vb sub. I have commented out evertything just to get a solid starting point but im still getting errors.
I have a Gridview and I allow fullscreen editing. I have some RequiredFieldValidators in my Gridview and this works fine. But if the user clicks on a dropdownlist in the Gridview and chooses "Rejected", I want to turn off validation. But I am not sure how to do this. Here is my code in the SelectedIndexChanged event for the ddl:
Protected Sub ddlPOACKCodes_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
But I get an error on this line: rfv = gvPODetail.SelectedRow.FindControl("rfv11"). the error is:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have an updatepanel in my content page with a timer which re-renders the updatepanel every 5 seconds.I also have a textbox outside of this updatepanel in my masterpage.Whenever the timer ticks, focus is lost from my textbox. What possible reasons are there for this happening?
i have three textboxes in a page and one datagird and 1 timer control, i have 2 update panels.
i placed (all textboxes) in one update panel and i placed (data gird and timer control) in an other update panel, because i want to reset or clear all fields when cancel button is clicked so that update panel should be updated,and where timer control tick event is fired i rebind the gird or refresh the gird, i have done this and it works properly but problem is that when i am going to write some text in any textbox or i want to focus on any text box it should lost focus when timer control tick event is fired so how can i maintain focus, or even how can i get focus of current control and after firing of timer control tick event i should reassing focus of such control
On the home page of my site I have an UpdatePanel with a Timer which ticks every couple of seconds. Un-related to that I have a user login forum (username / password) If you are typing your username into the textbox while the timer ticks, it takes focus off the textbox.
I have some code where I need two separate required field validators for one control, both in separate validation groups which are then validated by two separate buttons.This approach works well when the buttons are clicked but both validators show if I enter a value in the textbox and then remove it.
Is there a way to turn this"lost focus" validation off? I only need it to validate when the buttons are clicked.
EDIT,Unfortunately, if I set EnableClientScript=false then I dont have any client notifications. What I want is for the dynamic error message to show (effectivly in the OnClientClick event of the button) but not the "lost focus" of the textbox.Is there some way I can disable or "unhook" the lostfocus client event?
EDIT,A combination dDejan's answer and womp's answeer here sorted the problem perfectly.
My final code looks like this (for anyone else with a similar situation)...
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { [code]....
So, now there is no validation until a user clicks either the "Get Email Confirmation Code" button or the "Register" button. If they click the "Get Email Confirmation Code" button all of the controls validate apart from the textbox where the user is to input the email validation code and we only see one validator message.
If they click the "Register" Button then all of the controls validate and we only see one validation message.If either button is pressed, the user goes back, adds and then removes some text then we only see one validator. Before this change you used to see both messages saying the same thing.
I have a gridview with edit functionality and using the EditItemTemplate section. I am trying to set focus to a textbox when user selects the edit mode.
I want to apply timer in gridview which include start,stop n pause button empolyee start timing when start working n stop when he dont want to work on that or he can also pause how can i do this?
I have a Gridview with some cells in numbers while in some cell they could be null without numbers. I need to modify it such that the numbers in the Gridview are in these formats:-
(a) If it is 12345.333 becomes 12,345
(b) If it is blank, I wish the cells to display 0
This is the code I am using to achieve (a), but when it comes to blank, it returns error (I believe my code below failed to provide blank cases but I dunno how. So what should be the code to do (b) above ?
For i As Integer = 1 To N e.Row.Cells(i).Text = String.Format("{0:#,##0}", Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells(i).Text))Next
I am updating a gridview. Problem is that when I hide certain fields that I do not want the user to update, they lose their values ie. the data is wiped out in the field unless I show them on the grid and make them writeable. Is there a property I need to set for the field to retain the value when the grid is updated or is this in the sql statement?
I am using .net 3.5 and I make Windows Service Where my windows service is starting properly and stopping also properly. And I put timer control in that in which interval 1000. But the event is not getting raise what can be the problem OnStart I am makingit timer1.enabled=true and Onstop I am making timer1. enabled =false for debugging purpose I am writing Log Entry at beginning of timer_tick event.
Here upon loading the page there will be 4 panels having their own timer controls (having interval 1000) for incrementing a variable "a". But the problem is that, as I have used static variable that's why all the timer's are sharing the variable "a" and creating a problem like each panel's label showing a value incremented by 4 after every second. Can any body solve this problem..
i want to know how to apply timer control on asp.net web pages.in my web application i m having assessment pages, where i am retrieving question and answer from database.everything is working fine but i want some kind of restrictions, like Assessment Time(20 Minute) so user can attempt question for specified time only.there should be a time limit.
I have a web form with multiple button in asp.net with c# code. i want to change the setfocus and button color with the help of timer with 1000 interval. i am able to change the setfocus multiple button in asp.net web page with the help of timer.
ASP.net VB timer control: in the code behind, when I change a value of a textbox on other control. It does not change if not in panel. Anyway to change a value if not in teh panel.
Sub UpdateTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)Dim x As Integer DateStampLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() (L_ticks.Text= CInt(L_ticks.Text) + 1 If (cint(L_ticks.Text) = 10 Then L_start.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() ' reset value not in panel l_diff.Text = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, CDate(L_start.Text), CDate(DateStampLabel.Text)) End Sub
VWD 2008 Express. Visual Basic. I have a gridview that displays the grade records of students in a class. I am only able to select one row at a time to edit (using the "Edit" button for that row, followed by "Update" when I am finished. I would like to turn on edit for all rows at the same time or for a group of rows and then have one "Update" button to press when I am done with all editing, much as in a spreadsheet where you are not restricted to a single row before you press "Save."
I have seen a number of posts on this, but none that quite serve my needs. I have a GridView with template fields. I use postback because when a value is entered in one field a calculation is done to supply the value in another field. I simply loop through all the rows after each postback (there are not many so it is fast). I do not use a select command or button to select a row. After postback I do not know how to return the focus to the row that was being used. I can return the focus to the first row just by using gridview1.focus.
ERROR:Error 1 Cannot create an object of type 'System.Int32' from its string representation 'Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["RefreshInterval"])' for the 'Interval' property.