i've been learning MVC now for 2 days, but I still can't wrap my head around it. ASP.NET MVC feels like learning Mandrin Chinese. So, I understand Classic ASP.NET and using an N-Tier archetucture, but how would you apply that to MVC? I comprehend View (the UI), Controller (the pipeline to the Model and View), and the Model (where your code goes), but how would you apply an N-tier to MVC? Or, a replica of the DAL? Yeah, it might be a stupid question, but I am not understanding the Framework. Does anyone have an article(s) that cleared your understanding of MVC? Maybe I need to buy a book....
Im importing a simple data set using sql loader, below is the controll file im using...The field named 'CustName' imports all the records but surround them in the oracle table with single quotes ... eg 'Dave' .. not Dave.. how can i alter the control file to remove these sinngle quotes when the data is imported...The field named 'registered' contains data as 'true' or 'false' in the csv... i need to import this into oracle as 1 for true and 0 for false... how can i alter the control file to do this?
I am working on user controll.My user controll is loaded in .aspx page and that .aspx page is opened as Pop up window.I want to Pass control back to Parent page when i click on save button of user control which is in pop up window.
I have dropdown list I want to use the arror to click and control and select the value in the dropdown box , the first click select item1 .... How can I do that?
I've been strugelling to find a solutions to this, I've searched in the forum and none of the solutions worked for me , I need to highlight the slected item in the menu control which is in a master page. here is my code:the site is running under asp.net 4.0/.net 4.0
I have a Repeater control which contains asp:Button control in ItemTemplate. I want to handle Button's Click event, but when I'm clicking that Button the error is thrown: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page.
I have a listbox controll and i want to bind it with an SqlDataSource.SqlDataSource must be declared in the code behind but i don't know where declare it(page init,page load...)and how to add sql parameter dynamically (parameters are the selected values of listbox, so they are multiple).
I have applied rounded corners styles to my ASP.Net button & text box controls and also to fieldset and legend.
But these styles aren't working in Internet Explorer(8,7,6). Please let me know any solution so that all of these styles will apply on these elements(asp.net button & textbox, fieldset & legend) in IE too!
I am facing the situation in which i have to expose a dll (managed) through web services. Basically make everything from dll accessible to other applications through web services. The dll is a third party and i cannot give any other info on it , but my problem would not depend on this details.
I am looking for the latest best practices (latest tech) approach on how to start this. One thing i have been documented over was Web Service Software Factory, but i do not know how good would this approach be for my situation, and i would welcome some ideas based on experience ofc. The top things i liked and need in my project about the WS Factory were : SOAP faults handling , Entity Translator , Versioning (covering both forward and backward compatibility).
This works great, and it works how I want it to... But... I have lot's of methods that have this attribute. Is there a way I can wrap this some how so I can just say ([CustomBind] MyListObject theList)?I of course tried to extend it, but the class is sealed.
I am using asp.net 3.5 file upload control. I can browse the files when click the Browse button. Same time I can't browse the file when enter key is pressed while file upload control is in focus. I am using master page. I am in urgently need of this.I want to browse the files when enter key is pressed while upload file controll is in focus.
I have a datagrid include 10 columns,and the eighth column is the template column created by asp label .Now I would like to display long text string and wrap the text in this template column .I used the property " itemstyle-wrap=true" in my page ,but can not work .
I would like to know how I can create a class that consists of my database connection and then how I can call that class within my C# code. Consider simple database call as follows,
I'm working in a Repeater over blog posts and I'm displaying a ShareThis JavaScript piece at the bottom. The Title and URL of the post are being sent to JS. In one test case, the title of a post has a single quote, e.g. Mark's test post Since I need to preserve that single quote when being sent to ShareThis, I need to wrap that JavaScript string in double quotes, however the string is being bound via a Literal and I cannot wrap the literal in double quotes: This is want I want but DOES NOT WORK:
I am migrating a static web page written with ASP.net Web Forms to a more dynamic ajax page. I'm curious if there is a way to quickly wrap any links in my domain that don't cause postbacks to simply load inside of an UpdatePanel instead of reloading the page (maybe capturing in-domain clicks and causing a postback on the wrapping UpdatePanel?).
I've got a UserControl that is essentially just a TextBox with optional built-in validators to it. At the moment this is just a RequiredFieldValidator and RegexValidator. It's easy to just expose properties on the UserControl which get passed through to these validators and allow me to set the RegEx for example.
Now I'd like to add a CustomValidator and allow the user to add a server-side validation function... and this is causing me some trouble. What is the proper syntax for this? I tried just adding a ServerValidateEventHandler property, but when I try to use this I get a runtime error:
Cannot create an object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventHandler' from its string representation 'valState_ServerValidate' for the 'ServerValidate' property.
Do I need to expose a delegate in some other way? This should be easy... I'm missing one little key. I'm trying to add a CustomValidator to a page which uses the UserControl... I want the user to specify a handler for custom validation on the usercontrol itself. (yes, it's a bit of a Frankencontrol)
On my desktop the application when showing the gridview does not wrap cells. Now when I publish the application to the (internal) web server it wraps some of the cells. I have set the wrap attribute = false but does not seem to work. Running IE8.