Can Change All Requests Address

Oct 23, 2010

i am planning to host my all images from another domain which is cookiless but i dont want to alter my all image locations can i do this without changing image locations ?

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See my code snippet.


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<add key="Host" value=""/>
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>
<add key="UserName" value=""/>
<add key="Password" value="xxxxxxxxxxx"/>
<add key="Port" value="587"/>

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I can't work out what's going wrong

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Change email address:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtPassword" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
<asp:Button ID="changemailbtn" runat="server" Text="Button" />
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WCF / ASMX :: Exposing MEX Endpoint Address - WCF Test Page Shows The WSDL Address Wrongly

Apr 15, 2010

I have managed to expose the MEX endpoint of my WCF service and I can access it with the address like [URL] (example) and get the WDSL. So no problem there.

However, my WCF test page shows the address wrongly by using the server's name instead of the DNS name. And if I click on the link on the test page it won't work (can't get WSDL).

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MyService Service

You have created a service.

To test this service, you will need to create a client and use it to call the service.


The WCF service is hosted in IIS6. I would like to have a test page with the correct WSDL address so users can see the WSDL quickly in the browser just by clicking on the WSDL address.

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May 26, 2010

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I am receiving the following error: Cannot find either column "Request" or the user-defined function or aggregate "Request.UserHostAddress.ToString", or the name is ambiguous.

Is it possible to do this? Should I try to access this information another way?

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Jan 31, 2011

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Capturing The HTTP Requests For A Particular URL?

Mar 21, 2011

How can I capture all the http requests for a particular URL in .NET?

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.net - Requests Limit In IIS 7.5 (Windows 7)

Mar 3, 2011

I have experienced some troubles when using the IIS server at my workstation with Windows 7. This is a development machine and I don't need to use it as a production server or anything, but for some tests it's quite usefull to see what happens when a lot of requests comes concurrently (in this case even in the same session).

I have learned that with my edition of Windows 7, the limit of requests is 10, but I thought it only means the limit of requests that can be served at any point of time. What I am experiencing instead, is that after firing 10 requests one by one, if the first one didn't complete before the last one was fired, it never completes. The whole IIS is dead, no further requests are put in the worker process queue (there are already 10 requests there hanging so it kinda makes sense) and the only way to go on is to restart.

Is this a standard behavior that cannot be changed on Windows 7 and does firing 10 requests really have to kill IIS (or at least the current worker process) ? Is there some way to change the configuration to fix it (without compromising the setup by creating bunch of worker processes etc.) ?

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How Parallel Requests Are Processed?

Oct 21, 2010

Let's imaging there are 2 pages on the web site: quick and slow. Requests to slow page are executed for a 1 minute, request to quick 5 seconds.Whole my development career I thought that if 1st started request is slow: he will do a (synchronous) call to DB... wait answer... If during this time request to quick page will be done, this request will be processed while system is waiting for response from DB.[URL] One instance of the HttpApplication class is used to process many requests in its lifetime. However, it can process only one request at a time. Thus, member variables can be used to store per-request data.Does it mean that my original thoughts are wrong?Could you please clarify what they mean? I am pretty sure that thing are as I expect...

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Page Requests Itself (twice) As An Image?

Jul 26, 2010

When I open my page in Chrome and use the Resource Tracker, at the bottom of the list of requests, there are two GET requests to the aspx file. They take about 2 seconds each. Each request also causes a warning:

Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type text/html.

why a page may be requesting itself, and why it is trying to use it as an image?

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WCF / ASMX :: Concurrent Requests WCF + Net.tcp?

Nov 18, 2010

we are using the WCF service and hosted using a console application, now we are using LoadRunner and hitting it concurrently

Where giving 50 hits at a time few requests (26) gets completed successfully and remaining gives error TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

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Can Combine WebResource.axd CSS Requests

Sep 15, 2010

I have developed some ASP.NET server controls which include their own javascript and css files. A lot of these controls use jQuery extensions which, as you know, often include their own css files.

I'm using Telerik's RadScript manager which combines the javascript like a boss. However, I'm using the AjaxToolkit's ClientCssResource attribute to include the css files in my server controls, and I have noticed that the CSS files are not getting combined at all. My pages have 10-15 WebResource.axd requests for css files for my server controls.

Everything I find only is about combining javascript, and nothing tells me how I can combine the CSS files. Does anyone know if there is a way to combine the CSS dynamically (I don't want to manually combine as each page might use a different subset of the server controls)?

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Queues Up All Requests That Use The Same Session ID

Nov 30, 2010

It seems to me that queues up all requests that use the same Session ID. Let's say you've got 3 pages. Default.aspx

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["asdf"] = "LOLZ";

Hitting this page would obviously create a new session if one doesn't exist.

X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=ibjphuv0aiafqi453tyze345; path=/; HttpOnly

Then you hit Hang.aspx

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

And immediately after you hit any other page that this session ID would be passed to, doesn't matter if it does anything, let's call it Test.aspx. The sequence for loading is like so.

Request Timeline
"GET /" |*|
"GET /Hang.aspx" |******************************************|
"GET /Test.aspx" |**************************************|

I guess my question is how do I disable this feature. I understand it's useful to have so that session state can be more predictable, however in my case a long running reports page load is killing users' ability to multitask.

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WCF / ASMX :: Duplicate Requests Sent?

Sep 23, 2010

I am calling a web service in my aspx page. the web service (written in java) is acting as a middleware between my system and another system (Siebel) to which I send services and get response for these services. some requests are synchronous. Sometimes when invoking a method the response takes a long time to respond, so a time out exception is thrown.

The problem is that the web service is receiving the same request many times despite I am calling it only once.In my log file and database entries it is clear that the request is called only once. but in the middleware and Siebel side they are receving four or five requests for the same request sent by me.

Is this a bug in is it possible that the server where my application is deployed is sending the request many times when not getting the response.Note: iam using Visual studion 2005. the application is deployed to windows server 2003.Iam not discussing the problem of time out. iam asking about the duplicate issue.

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Requests Go Through Application_BeginRequest In Global?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to create a 404 handling page but I am now stuck with the page only working for .aspx files, which isn't really what I need.I am running on IIS6.The site has a wildcard mapping,for extensionless URLs.All requests go through Application_BeginRequest in Global.asax but not all errors go through Application_Error.Is there a way where I can get the Application_Error to raise for non .aspx files?

This is the code inside the Application_Error

HttpException serverError = (HttpException)Server.GetLastError();

if (serverError != null) {


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WCF / ASMX :: How To Get Raw Http Requests

Jan 20, 2011

I m invoking a web service and i would like to know if i get the raw http request?

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